View Full Version : ABC: The Rookie

10-09-2022, 10:03 AM
I recently discovered the ABC series 'The Rookie'. Disgusting! Loads of niggers in it, of course all high rank officers, the chief, are blacks. Even worse, all the time they blame white people, and the police to be racist towards blacks, and most of the criminals depicted are of course white people. Blacks are universally portrayed as the innocent, good decent persons, while whites are the evil, racist ones. I am really annoyed, it's so biased!

10-09-2022, 05:36 PM
First of all: It' s niggers! Not blacks, not africans, just niggers (alternatively rape-apes, shitbeasts...)
The rookie: You are right, it's an absolutely disgusting anti-White atrocity! The usual woke hollywood nonsense.

10-09-2022, 11:12 PM
I recently discovered the ABC series 'The Rookie'. Disgusting! Loads of niggers in it, of course all high rank officers, the chief, are blacks. Even worse, all the time they blame white people, and the police to be racist towards blacks, and most of the criminals depicted are of course white people. Blacks are universally portrayed as the innocent, good decent persons, while whites are the evil, racist ones. I am really annoyed, it's so biased!

Do you happen to notice the recurring theme of 'racist police'? How the street officers are racist towards blacks, but the black chief that allows these heinous racist street officers to remain employed somehow ISN'T racist?

Blue Gum
10-10-2022, 05:34 AM
What else would you expect out of Niggerwood?

10-10-2022, 08:39 AM
when the whites have gone, the remaining humans will not be tolerant like the stupid white man is. They'll treat those niggers with the disdain and contempt that they deserve. Only the foolish and brainless white man has ever given the nigger so much. I truly hate whites more than niggers.

10-10-2022, 06:13 PM
ABC is Disney right? There you go. And besides all mass media is complicit or guilty of this shit.