View Full Version : FBI crime statistics 2021: 12/60

10-09-2022, 06:30 AM
Well, who would have thought that:

The FBI finally got around to reporting its Uniform Crime Reporting statistics for 2021. For complicated bureaucratic methodological reasons there was a huge decline in cooperation by local police departments, from the mid 80 percents in 2020 to agencies covering 64 percent of the population in 2021. Among the police departments not submitting data under the new, more complicated format are the NYPD and the LAPD.

Thing is: They count Hispanics as Whites, and of course they can only count the known offenders. What's the clear-up rate for homicide in nigger run cities, 10%? So the 60% is absolutely unrealistic, it's probably more like 80%-90%.

Defund Welfare
10-09-2022, 04:38 PM
Even if Whites only committed 1% of the total crimes all the nigger lovers would still say “but whites commit crimes too” or just blame police, accusing of racism.
Then again whose to say they don’t? Most of the White crime I see isn’t necessarily overly violent, or of a different collar type. As crimes get more and more brutal and destructive, niggers stand out more. They belong in Africa dancing around the bonfire muhdikkin their sprogs.

10-09-2022, 05:47 PM
Even if Whites only committed 1% of the total crimes all the nigger lovers would still say “but whites commit crimes too” or just blame police, accusing of racism.
Then again whose to say they don’t? Most of the White crime I see isn’t necessarily overly violent, or of a different collar type. As crimes get more and more brutal and destructive, niggers stand out more. They belong in Africa dancing around the bonfire muhdikkin their sprogs.

Exactly! And that by the way is the reason why the punishments/sentences all over the world are so different (chop off hands/feet, blinding people, stoning, etc. vs. the western variant. Or compare the US - with traditionally 13% niggers - to European countries.).
Niggers and sand-niggers laugh about the kind of punishments in the west, because that kind of stuff only works in the western world, with humans! In the UK the police in the past didn't even carry guns, and in Japan police can shout at people with a megaphone over a 10 lane road and the people comply.

10-10-2022, 06:00 AM
The bigger irony to me is the transition to the National Incident Based Reporting System (N.I.B.R.S) or (Help for Niggers) away from Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). The new system is so complex that its implementation and usage baffle even to most collegiate of crime reporters. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a realist. The very real Un usability of that system seems ripe for manipulation of numbers.

Jim Crow
10-10-2022, 06:28 AM
They claim 30% of the crimes were committed by black/hispanics. and how many of those Hispanics were spiggers? So if you really added it up correctly,nigger crime is at least in the 80% bracket. all I know is that in New York and Connecticut niggers commit at least 90% of the street crime.