View Full Version : Hayshee invader nogs be suffering in Florida.

10-01-2022, 11:11 AM
They're not getting taken care of and helped properly. Never mind all the poor and/or elderly humans who have worked and paid taxes all their lives. Illegal aliens who broke and continue to break the law deserve special consideration.

Nezahualcoyotl “Neza” Xiuhtecutli (WTF?)executive director of the Farmworker Association of Florida, was particularly worried about the scores of migrant farmworkers who live and work in Hurricane Ian's destructive path (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/09/29/hurricane-ian-live-updates-damage-forecast-florida/10457271002/). Undocumented workers, many of whom work the area's citrus, strawberry and sugarcane fields, are particularly vulnerable during natural disasters and in their aftermath, he said.

There are an estimated 700,000 farm workers in Florida, about half of them undocumented.

"My biggest fear is they don’t have access to food, don’t have power and don’t have information that helps them stay safe," Xiuhtecutli said. "They're vulnerable."

Since when are illegal aliens a top priority? Maybe they should have stayed home, since they are being treated so badly in the US.

Scores of Haitian and Indigenous workers in the area may not understand the offers for assistance from state or federal workers, even if in Spanish, he said.

Well, I guess all government handout agencies better learn to speak French so as to better accommodate filthy, parasitic Hayshees slithering in by the boatload.


10-01-2022, 05:37 PM
Nobody asked you to come here, niggers. I'd rather save all the cats and dogs affected by Ian. They are worth saving.

Jim Crow
10-01-2022, 08:11 PM
Hayshees are one of the bottom two nigger types along w/somalies! I remember when I lived in Miami, if you had Haitians in the area, you’d have to keep your cat inside or they would eat it!
I say send the wothless pieces of nigger crap back to hayshee where they belong!

10-02-2022, 01:57 AM
Thanks to the garbage in the Whitehouse, we can expect more and more of these shitburgers coming here

10-02-2022, 08:49 AM
Nobody asked you to come here, niggers. I'd rather save all the cats and dogs affected by Ian. They are worth saving.

My sentiments, exactly! First and foremost, the humans who live there legally (Honestly, it's hard to find the right words nowadays: First I wanted to say "US - citizens", but I assume illegals get citizenship in no time. "Natives" could be misinterpreted as well.) should get help!
Of course every cat / dog more worth than a nigger! They catch rodents, protect their humans, cuddle with their humans etc. Niggers on the other hand...

10-02-2022, 09:42 AM
The vast majority of Hurricane Ian's victims are White, but it always has to be about niggers all the time. Some form of nigger, whether N'Awlins Katrina niggers, Hayshee illegal alien niggers, or Hurricane Maria island niggers. Whitey can never be a victim, only the po' uh-pressed nigger mud ape.

There are a lot of people on the front lines doing sincere color-blind work rescuing Hurricane Ian victims, just doing their best to help anyone they can, pushing aside any racial or political crap because that's what normal humans do, but the far-left woketurds (none of whom are doing anything to help) always have to butt in with their divisive, hateful, racist, niggers-only crap. It's the ultra far left that always has to make everything political and race-based.

10-02-2022, 01:15 PM
They're not getting taken care of and helped properly. Never mind all the poor and/or elderly humans who have worked and paid taxes all their lives. Illegal aliens who broke and continue to break the law deserve special consideration.

Since when are illegal aliens a top priority? Maybe they should have stayed home, since they are being treated so badly in the US.

Well, I guess all government handout agencies better learn to speak French so as to better accommodate filthy, parasitic Hayshees slithering in by the boatload.


I am SO glad that I now live in N. Florida RATHER THAN S. Florida!! S. Florida is TOTALLY fuxated with these retarded primates!!

10-02-2022, 01:38 PM
The niggers are screaming "Raycisms" with the MSM adding fuel to the fire.

Of course, it's a Grandmammy with the crotchfruits of her breeder sow daughter. As usual, all over the world, niggers sit on their lazy asses and wait to get fed and rescued.


Fort Myers resident Marie Fleurette Radius and her grandchildren cool off outside after the power remains out following Hurricane Ian on Sept. 30, 2022.

Hayshees! Where's the mammy and pappy of the niglets? Oh, probably out helping save people and clearing out the mess. Yeah, sure. :lol

So I guess had I been in Haiti during a hurricane or earthquake, I could expect special treatment from the niggers, right? Probably, but not the kind I would want.

Yahoo again made the mistake of allowing comments on a niggerwhine story.

I didn’t know there was a Get 0 in Ft Myers. Must be a total cesspool.

Lol! The black and brown people are sitting back on their porches, drinking lemonade, waiting to be helped. Meanwhile, white people are out working in their neighborhoods, cleaning up debris, and clearing streets so service providers have better access.


10-02-2022, 02:50 PM
The vast majority of Hurricane Ian's victims are White, but it always has to be about niggers all the time. Some form of nigger, whether N'Awlins Katrina niggers, Hayshee illegal alien niggers, or Hurricane Maria island niggers. Whitey can never be a victim, only the po' uh-pressed nigger mud ape.

There are a lot of people on the front lines doing sincere color-blind work rescuing Hurricane Ian victims, just doing their best to help anyone they can, pushing aside any racial or political crap because that's what normal humans do, but the far-left woketurds (none of whom are doing anything to help) always have to butt in with their divisive, hateful, racist, niggers-only crap. It's the ultra far left that always has to make everything political and race-based.

Could not have said it better.

10-02-2022, 09:57 PM
(((They))) have to spin the narrative because their beloved Saint Joseph of Biden is in the White House. They always use the "federal gov'mint ain't doin nuff to help" line whenever there's a Republican president, but they have to protect their senile saint, so now it's the rescuers lower down in the chain of command who are rayciss and not doing enough to help the poor, lazy niggers sitting on their black asses on their porches like the literal porch monkeys they are.

10-02-2022, 11:45 PM
Here's a bit of a hurricane-related funny. If they run out of regular hurricane names, there's a supplemental list of names to use. On the list are "Deshawn" and "Tayshaun."


"Hurricane Deshawn be comin, yo! Category 5 looting forecasted!"