View Full Version : Some parts of Europe still have balls: Italians beat the crap out of sex offending chimper before it gets arrested

09-28-2022, 06:59 PM
Piece of shit tried molesting an 11-year old girl. Bystanders and patrons chase it down, catch up, and give him a beatdown. It's not said where the "migrant" is from, but the fact that one of the Italians said 'Negro di merda' (Shitty black) explains a lot.


The post in Italian if you can understand. The google translation is hilarious and very colorful:


Defund Welfare
09-28-2022, 09:12 PM
I love how the corrupt media spins everything to defend the poor cuddly innocent nigger.
He called me a nigger! He called me a b***k motherfucker! Waaah! This is a quasi lynching! Racist racist racist racist!

Before my time, rapists became tree ornaments; And it seemed to work quite well. No sympathy for rapists.

09-28-2022, 09:16 PM
I love how the corrupt media spins everything to defend the poor cuddly innocent nigger.
He called me a nigger! He called me a b***k motherfucker! Waaah! This is a quasi lynching! Racist racist racist racist!

Before my time, rapists became tree ornaments; And it seemed to work quite well. No sympathy for rapists.

Rapists, horse thieves, and other outlaws in the past were given swift justice, aka rope, regardless of color. It stopped when we got more sophisticated and extrajudicial enforcement was ended. If this was reinstated today, that may deter niggers from raping. If not, we'd need more manila hemp.

09-28-2022, 10:43 PM
Piece of shit tried molesting an 11-year old girl. Bystanders and patrons chase it down, catch up, and give him a beatdown. It's not said where the "migrant" is from, but the fact that one of the Italians said 'Negro di merda' (Shitty black) explains a lot.


The post in Italian if you can understand. The google translation is hilarious and very colorful:


I wonder if the rightfully outraged people who tried to beat the black off the rapey Africoon will be found and arrested. What choice do people have? Their own governments refuse to protect them from savage niggers and muzzies. Someone has to do something.

If you scroll down that page, there's a bunch of articles outlining the vibrant diversity being enjoyed in several European countries.

Arab immigrant sexually assaults woman in middle of street just 2 months after arriving in France

Germany: Syrian migrant who severely injured police officer is already released

(a little good news at least)

Knife-wielding African 16-year-old shot dead by police in Dortmund

‘He rammed the knife right into her head’ – Afghan national arrested for brutally stabbing young woman in Hamburg

]Somali migrant who screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while stabbing 3 German women to death will avoid prison

...and on and on it goes.


09-29-2022, 04:59 AM
I just came here in my lunch break to post that story because it's heartwarming (mostly), but as I see you already know:D. It's absolutely wonderful, just sad the police arrived way too early. And, of course, probably the nigger will face less problems than the natives (I just say Matteo Salvini).

09-29-2022, 05:06 AM
I wonder if the rightfully outraged people who tried to beat the black off the rapey Africoon will be found and arrested. What choice do people have? Their own governments refuse to protect them from savage niggers and muzzies. Someone has to do something.
Exactly! It's absolutely outrageous!

If you scroll down that page, there's a bunch of articles outlining the vibrant diversity being enjoyed in several European countries.

(a little good news at least)
To keep you updated: Two of the police officers who shot the knife wielding nigger in Dortmund are probably going to jail for manslaughter (they got already suspended / fired, and the politicians & media shriek racissss for weeks now). The sand-nigger who killed the police officer (he died in hospital) got probation - and still lives in Germany. UNBELIEVABLE! And the people there (except for Turks / illegals) aren't allowed to own guns.

Jim Crow
09-29-2022, 07:07 AM
Italy was so liberal for all these years,that they made me ashamed. But lately, they are starting to smarten up. They’re starting to vote conservative. And theyre starting to acknowledge that niggs are muzzies are a fucking plague that needs to be avoided! beating down a rape-ape is a start. Rapists are the lowest form of life in general. It should have been issued a set of bat wings.

09-29-2022, 07:48 AM
Italy was so liberal for all these years,that they made me ashamed. But lately, they are starting to smarten up. They’re starting to vote conservative. And theyre starting to acknowledge that niggs are muzzies are a fucking plague that needs to be avoided! beating down a rape-ape is a start. Rapists are the lowest form of life in general. It should have been issued a set of bat wings.

Brexit was the start of the Euro-reset. Good and honest decent folk want their simple lives back, living among people of of their own ilk. Niggers will be exported back to their shit holes of origin. It's inevitable now. The ball has started to roll......

09-29-2022, 09:58 AM
I love how the corrupt media spins everything to defend the poor cuddly innocent nigger.
He called me a nigger! He called me a b***k motherfucker! Waaah! This is a quasi lynching! Racist racist racist racist!

Before my time, rapists became tree ornaments; And it seemed to work quite well. No sympathy for rapists.

And niggers of all criminal stripes were regular tree ornaments as well here in the US... Such immediately promulgated punishments were something they could understand. Their reduced prefrontal cortex does not allow them to understand the impact of current behaviors on future outcomes... HOWEVER.... Take a thieving, raping or simply uppity nigger and hang it's sorry ass 5 feet off the ground and do so within minutes of the offence - now that's something even the most feral nigger can fully process...

MuhDikk... Lynch....

Steal... Lynch....

Uppity.... LYNCH....

It's said that justice delayed is justice denied. With niggers, there can be no learning from such delayed punishment. The physiology of it's brain does not allow for it. It's like disciplining a dog in the afternoon for a mess it made in the morning... they just don't get it... What nigger beasts DO understand is gratuitous violence applied immediately after an offence. Plantation owners of yore instinctively knew this. Take a lazy, sleeping nigger asleep in the fields when it should be working and whip it until bone is exposed - and do so with all the other slaves in attendance.... Now THAT niggers understand...

Yet more wisdom from our fore-fathers that we've forgotten... Humans are much worse for it.

Liberals have the same problem.... Be 'nice' now.. and exterminate your entire race later... liberals, like niggers, have no ability to assess current behaviors on future outcomes..


Jim Crow
09-29-2022, 10:01 AM
Brexit was the start of the Euro-reset. Good and honest decent folk want their simple lives back, living among people of of their own ilk. Niggers will be exported back to their shit holes of origin. It's inevitable now. The ball has started to roll......

Sounds great! But here in America, we have a lot left to go. Liberals love their nigger pets and will do anything to protect the worthless beasts!

09-29-2022, 10:20 AM
Piece of shit tried molesting an 11-year old girl. Bystanders and patrons chase it down, catch up, and give him a beatdown. It's not said where the "migrant" is from, but the fact that one of the Italians said 'Negro di merda' (Shitty black) explains a lot.


The post in Italian if you can understand. The google translation is hilarious and very colorful:


I was in Italy a few months ago. The Italian people were wonderful and they HATE mulignans!!

09-29-2022, 11:01 AM
I wonder if the rightfully outraged people who tried to beat the black off the rapey Africoon will be found and arrested. What choice do people have? Their own governments refuse to protect them from savage niggers and muzzies. Someone has to do something.

If you scroll down that page, there's a bunch of articles outlining the vibrant diversity being enjoyed in several European countries.

(a little good news at least)

]Somali migrant who screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while stabbing 3 German women to death will avoid prison

...and on and on it goes.


I counter with this......


what this pic does not show is the very real chance the rape-ape will murder her after MuhDikk

09-29-2022, 12:20 PM
Brexit was the start of the Euro-reset. Good and honest decent folk want their simple lives back, living among people of of their own ilk. Niggers will be exported back to their shit holes of origin. It's inevitable now. The ball has started to roll......

I really, really hope you are right! I have to admit that I am way more pessimistic though. In most towns natives are already a minority, and the (sand) niggers shoot out shitlets faster than rabbits.

10-02-2022, 11:15 AM
Italy just elected a new conservative prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. The woketurds are already melting down and comparing her to Mussolini (I WISH - he'd have put niggers exactly where they belong).

Still, Meloni's nationalist-lite statements of Italy for the Italians and her criticism of the, ahem, "financial speculators," as she put it, has got the, ahem, financial speculators worried, and they're ordering the woke mobs on social media to start a jihad against her.

10-02-2022, 02:52 PM
Italy just elected a new conservative prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. The woketurds are already melting down and comparing her to Mussolini (I WISH - he'd have put niggers exactly where they belong).

Still, Meloni's nationalist-lite statements of Italy for the Italians and her criticism of the, ahem, "financial speculators," as she put it, has got the, ahem, financial speculators worried, and they're ordering the woke mobs on social media to start a jihad against her.

That is why I LIKE her so much!! Victor Orban is AWESOME as well!!

10-02-2022, 04:10 PM
Italy just elected a new conservative prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. The woketurds are already melting down and comparing her to Mussolini (I WISH - he'd have put niggers exactly where they belong).
Yes, it's absolutely gorgeous! The left runs completely havoc at the moment! The ultra-stupid, ultra-criminal, undemocratic (she was never voted for, as the whole EU commission), EU president Ursula Von Der Leyen already tried to threaten the Italian voters before the election. Crazy! Luckily that probably made even more people vote for Fratelli d’Italia.

Still, Meloni's nationalist-lite statements of Italy for the Italians and her criticism of the, ahem, "financial speculators," as she put it, has got the, ahem, financial speculators worried, and they're ordering the woke mobs on social media to start a jihad against her.
You are right, and while she might have a point there, I so hope she concentrates on the important things instead! Because Italy is notorious for short lived governments and political parties (and there are a few rally crazy people in Fratelli d'Italia as well), that things could go into the wrong way very fast. I really hope she'll be able to team up with Hungary and concentrates on banning illegals and throwing niggers out first and foremost!

10-02-2022, 10:05 PM
Yes, it's absolutely gorgeous! The left runs completely havoc at the moment! The ultra-stupid, ultra-criminal, undemocratic (she was never voted for, as the whole EU commission), EU president Ursula Von Der Leyen already tried to threaten the Italian voters before the election. Crazy! Luckily that probably made even more people vote for Fratelli d’Italia.

You are right, and while she might have a point there, I so hope she concentrates on the important things instead! Because Italy is notorious for short lived governments and political parties (and there are a few rally crazy people in Fratelli d'Italia as well), that things could go into the wrong way very fast. I really hope she'll be able to team up with Hungary and concentrates on banning illegals and throwing niggers out first and foremost!

With the code words she uses, she knows the score about who's really causing the problems in Europe. Just like illegal immigrants in America, those boat niggers aren't making it to Europe from Africa on their own. There are very powerful, very wealthy people helping them get there, using those African invader niggers as a biological weapon, as foot soldiers in their war against White Europe. The nigger that puts its black ape-feet on the shores of Europe is merely the last and the most visible stage of a cycle that begins very far away and very high up. The traitors and cucks are the biggest problem. If they were gone, all the niggers would be back in Africa where they belong.

Tucker Carlson knows the score too; I've watched enough of his shows to know that he knows. Obviously he can't say it out loud on TV, but he knows.

10-03-2022, 06:06 AM
With the code words she uses, she knows the score about who's really causing the problems in Europe You are right, she knows that! But - just as an example, there are many more similar things - she (and many others of her party) in the past e.g. wanted to get rid of the German and Ladin minorities population in the very north of Italy (Suedtirol), for whatever reason.

Just like illegal immigrants in America, those boat niggers aren't making it to Europe from Africa on their own. There are very powerful, very wealthy people helping them get there, using those African invader niggers as a biological weapon, as foot soldiers in their war against White Europe.
EXACTLY!! And that's all I wanted to say with my original post: I hope she will be able to stick to the main problem. Because, as you said, there are very powerful people in the background, that have far more money & influence than single countries. Hence it could be easily possible that she can be forced/blackmailed to stay calm on the illegal immigration front, and then cover that with fights at the unimportant nonsense topics to calm down her voters/party. It wouldn't be the first time, especially not in Italy with their "long lasting" :) political parties. (Austria's Sebastian Kurz, Italy's Matteo Salvini, Friedrich Merz in Germany etc. they all "suddenly" became immigrant friendly).
I learned to become pessimistic. I really hope this time I'll be wrong, because with Hungary & France's Le Penn she now has potential big allies.

The nigger that puts its black ape-feet on the shores of Europe is merely the last and the most visible stage of a cycle that begins very far away and very high up. The traitors and cucks are the biggest problem. If they were gone, all the niggers would be back in Africa where they belong.
You are so right! And obviously more aware than most people!

Tucker Carlson knows the score too; I've watched enough of his shows to know that he knows. Obviously he can't say it out loud on TV, but he knows.
That's true, he's one of the very few top journalists that know and (mostly) tell the truth. Yet I am sure, if he goes to far, he' ll disappear (either they' ll be able to cancel him somehow, or he has an 'accident'). They know though that they need at least one person on the other side. First to be able to point at him as soon as somebody claims that media is biased, or that there is no free speech. And second as an enemy for their own infantry (antifa etc.).