View Full Version : Savage Nigger Murders White "Friend" with a Hammer & Attacks his Family in their Chesterfield, Michigan Home

09-27-2022, 03:23 PM
Arthur Levan Williamson is the suspect accused in the fatal murder of Michigan radio anchor Jim Matthews.

Williamson is also accused of attacking three other members of Matthews’ family at their Chesterfield Township home, although they survived the attack. Police said in a news conference that Matthews died of “blunt-force trauma.”

The other victims were Matthews’ girlfriend and his two children. The crime was horrific; the mother was found stabbed in a driveway, the radio anchor was bludgeoned with a hammer; and a child was bound in a closet.

Matthews was an anchor on the radio station WWJ-AM (950). The motive remains unclear.

Here’s what you need to know:
Williamson Was Initially Welcomed Into the Home But Attacked Matthews With a Hammer, Police Say
Police say Williamson “also stabbed and beat the newsman’s girlfriend and their two children numerous times,” the news site reported, describing Williamson as a “family friend.”. That is why I don't have any nigger friends.

Michigan Man on Supervised Release Charged with Murdering Detroit Radio News Anchor and Attacking the Victim’s Girlfriend and Children

09-27-2022, 05:50 PM
The motive remains unclear.

As does the motive for why Roy's tiger decided to rip him to shreds one day. The tiger "went tiger" and the nigger will ALWAYS go nigger. Tigers should be left in the wild, as should niggers. Neither of these are pets.

You do not have nigger friends, boy/girlfriends, business partners, baby daddies, roommates, or tenants. They will attack you. The only question is "when". If you think calling them friends or associates will protect you, better think again.

Williamson Was Initially Welcomed Into the Home But Attacked Matthews With a Hammer

Well... yeah.

Jim Crow
09-27-2022, 05:55 PM
As does the motive for why Roy's tiger decided to rip him to shreds one day. The tiger "went tiger" and the nigger will ALWAYS go nigger. Tigers should be left in the wild, as should niggers. Neither of these are pets.

You do not have nigger friends, boy/girlfriends, business partners, baby daddies, roommates, or tenants. They will attack you. The only question is "when". If you think calling them friends or associates will protect you, better think again.

Well... yeah.
Exactly! A nigger should never be trusted under any circumstance! And when around a nigger,always be pepared!

09-27-2022, 06:06 PM
Exactly! A nigger should never be trusted under any circumstance! And when around a nigger,always be pepared!

And NEVER bring one into your home! I wonder if the shyster lawyers will come up with a "motive" for the groid slaughtering children? Maybe they said something rayciss.

I had houseguests here last week. Not once did they try to kill me with a hammer or even with a knife.

Cozy up to groids and they will kill you.

"I'm not rayciss. I'm so liberal I bring home my niggroe friends who are just like us. MY niggers are different and - OH NO!"


09-27-2022, 08:15 PM

Michigan Man on Supervised Release Charged with Murdering Detroit Radio News Anchor and Attacking the Victim’s Girlfriend and Children

I'm going to agree that this is a horrendous one... Yep.. Awful. The fact that the human girlfriend and kids were involved is what really sets this one apart... It's for them that I have sympathy. As for a member of the MSM getting beaten to death with a hammer .... Well... I'm not sure I'm that upset. The MSM, which this guy is clearly a part, runs cover for these nigger beasts day in and day out. They outright lie for the nigger animals and when they are not lying about nigger outrages, they simply fail to report the truth.... How many THOUSANDS of humans have been raped, robbed and murdered by the nigger-beast that this guy ran cover for?? Nope... YOU NEVER HEAR A DAMN THING ABOUT THEM... This guy was the enemy. A fifth columnist running cover for the enemy of all things decent... N I G G E R S............

Let this be a message to the socialist traitor MSM... Your pet apes can and do bite. And when they do, you can expect to have your family see your brains decorating the living room walls....

09-27-2022, 08:24 PM
Court records show Williamson, who was arraigned on his 55th birthday Monday, has a criminal history that dates back at least 30 years. Since 1993, Williamson has racked up convictions for assault, assault with intent to commit murder, kidnapping, illegal weapons possession, drugs and violations for assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer, according to the Michigan Department of Corrections.

I can see why the groid was running around loose. Keeping a murderous savage locked up would be RAYCISS.

The "victim" had something seriously wrong with him, inviting a violent criminigger into the home with his children. Unbelievable.


09-27-2022, 09:06 PM
I can see why the groid was running around loose. Keeping a murderous savage locked up would be RAYCISS.

The "victim" had something seriously wrong with him, inviting a violent criminigger into the home with his children. Unbelievable.


You know... You repeat a lie often enough, even the teller begins to believe it. My bet is this 'journalist' has run cover for the nigger beast for years and years... You keep ignoring stories, you fail to report crime data, you keep pulling the pictures of niggers out of the stories you do report on, and I bet you begin to believe your own lies - that niggers really are victims and not perpetrators....

Maybe that's what happened to this guy. He believed his own rhetoric. Yep... White man evil, Black man simply a misunderstood victim of all that supremacy.

I wonder what he was thinking as that hammer crashed down on his lilly assed skull... I wonder if, even for one second, he questioned the lies he had spread to all his listeners over all those years....

Maybe this guy got exactly what he had coming to him....

Jim Crow
09-28-2022, 05:38 AM
And NEVER bring one into your home! I wonder if the shyster lawyers will come up with a "motive" for the groid slaughtering children? Maybe they said something rayciss.

I had houseguests here last week. Not once did they try to kill me with a hammer or even with a knife.

Cozy up to groids and they will kill you.

"I'm not rayciss. I'm so liberal I bring home my niggroe friends who are just like us. MY niggers are different and - OH NO!"


As a rule,I never take anyone to my home. I have a very small handful of friends who even know where I live. And my wife is worse than me when it comes to that. I allowed an old white customer who I’ve known for several years to come by and pick up a box of tile.It was obvious that the guy was harmless, my wife was pissed at me because of that for close to a week! I never argued because I agree with her.
I’ve had a couple workers(att,septic tank guy amazon) that were niggs here because I had no control over it.As a rule,”no nigger is safe”. If nigger won’t rob you, it will tell its friends and they will!

09-28-2022, 12:42 PM
You know... You repeat a lie often enough, even the teller begins to believe it. My bet is this 'journalist' has run cover for the nigger beast for years and years... You keep ignoring stories, you fail to report crime data, you keep pulling the pictures of niggers out of the stories you do report on, and I bet you begin to believe your own lies - that niggers really are victims and not perpetrators....

Maybe that's what happened to this guy. He believed his own rhetoric. Yep... White man evil, Black man simply a misunderstood victim of all that supremacy.

I wonder what he was thinking as that hammer crashed down on his lilly assed skull... I wonder if, even for one second, he questioned the lies he had spread to all his listeners over all those years....

Maybe this guy got exactly what he had coming to him....

Maybe, but the children didn't.

There is more to this story than meets the eye. I could be dead wrong but I find something very suspicious here:

Williamson arrived at some point in the middle of the night and was welcomed into the home, and Matthews arrived at 6 a.m.

The nigger shows up in the middle of the night, and the wife just lets him in even though her husband wasn't home? Why?

According to Daily Mail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11255167/Suspected-killer-Michigan-news-anchor-visit-house-four-times-week.html), neighbors said Williamson was “known to visit the household up to four times a week while Matthews slept after returning from his overnight shifts.”

Why was he there with the wife so often? Was this some kind of ghastly human/sub-simian triangle with nigger jealousy resulting in the usual murder and mayhem?

How many husbands would say to their wives, "If our nigger comes knuckling around at 2 a.m. just let him in, and spend lots of time with him while I sleep. Be nice to him. He's a good boi!"?

Their nigger-loving, in whichever sicko way they did it, ended in a little boy with a daved-in skull.

09-28-2022, 02:57 PM
Maybe, but the children didn't.

There is more to this story than meets the eye. I could be dead wrong but I find something very suspicious here:

The nigger shows up in the middle of the night, and the wife just lets him in even though her husband wasn't home? Why?

Why was he there with the wife so often? Was this some kind of ghastly human/sub-simian triangle with nigger jealousy resulting in the usual murder and mayhem?

How many husbands would say to their wives, "If our nigger comes knuckling around at 2 a.m. just let him in, and spend lots of time with him while I sleep. Be nice to him. He's a good boi!"?

Their nigger-loving, in whichever sicko way they did it, ended in a little boy with a daved-in skull.

Now THAT is an interesting interpretation... The man was a cuck.... Looking on, even helping, while his wife committed the most godless of sins. GREAT research you your part... WOW. Absolutely amazing how we have to go to British news outlets to get that information....

To be sure, the guy was old... well over 50 at least. I'd like to know the age of the wife. Spend your life talking shit into a microphone foisting socialist poison on an unsuspecting public and you can bet your Johnson will not keep pace. Maybe he was such a liberal DOUCHE, he believed his wife was better off with some filthy radiator hose. I put NOTHING past liberals.... Nothing at all......

Here's a pic of the douche... And wife and kids. She is clearly younger than he is


09-28-2022, 03:18 PM
Now THAT is an interesting interpretation... The man was a cuck.... Looking on, even helping, while his wife committed the most godless of sins. GREAT research you your part... WOW. Absolutely amazing how we have to go to British news outlets to get that information....

To be sure, the guy was old... well over 50 at least. I'd like to know the age of the wife. Spend your life talking shit into a microphone foisting socialist poison on an unsuspecting public and you can bet your Johnson will not keep pace. Maybe he was such a liberal DOUCHE, he believed his wife was better off with some filthy radiator hose. I put NOTHING past liberals.... Nothing at all......

Here's a pic of the douche... And wife and kids. She is clearly younger than he is


Actually, she was just his "on-off" girlfriend and not his wife.

The victim's brother is worried his girlfriend, Nicole, pictured, was manipulated by Williamson and called the woman 'very naïve'

Does "naivety" really explain why this woman let that savage-looking, violent, career criminal groid into her house in the middle of the night? Not to me.

While the relationship between Williamson and Matthews, who worked for WWJ NewsRadio 950, remains unclear

Something kinky afoot here. I wonder if we'll ever find out what it was. Maybe, since niggers murdering fairly well-known people gets a tiny bit more attention than niggers murdering randos.

Jim Crow
09-28-2022, 04:32 PM
Actually, she was just his "on-off" girlfriend and not his wife.

Does "naivety" really explain why this woman let that savage-looking, violent, career criminal groid into her house in the middle of the night? Not to me.

Something kinky afoot here. I wonder if we'll ever find out what it was. Maybe, since niggers murdering fairly well-known people gets a tiny bit more attention than niggers murdering randos.

To the average person,it may look like naivety on the girlfriends part.But,a Major in niggerology and myself can see right through it.
The girlfriend was probably a mudshark giving that nigger signals.
And we all know that a nigger’s muh dick is the most powerful instict that they possess!A nigger’s libido can easily trigger the beast’s violent,murderous side.And yes folks,this is exactly what happened!

09-28-2022, 05:50 PM
To the average person,it may look like naivety on the girlfriends part.But,a Major in niggerology and myself can see right through it.
The girlfriend was probably a mudshark giving that nigger signals.
And we all know that a nigger’s muh dick is the most powerful instict that they possess!A nigger’s libido can easily trigger the beast’s violent,murderous side.And yes folks,this is exactly what happened!

I came to that conclusion after reading the hints between the lines. Maybe cucky little Libtard b/f got up from his nap or came home and found his girlfriend rutting with the buck or engaged in some other sick-making activity I'd rather not speculate on. Cuck got outraged/ girlfriend claimed buck was raping her/Cuck wanted to watch the rutting/Nigger says Dindunuffin'/ cuck and/or mudshark threatens to call the poe-leece/nigger goes into full Cat5 mode and bingo?

I've always felt that consenting adults should do whatever freaky things they wish to do. If that includes kinky sex with niggroes who have criminal records going back 30 years and someone ends up decapitated or with a skull smashed by a hammer-wielding nigger, go for it.

Putting little human children in harm's way like this? The cuck and his girlfriend deserve what they got. I hope the "naive" nigger-loving bitch croaks. Those children (if the boy survives) deserve a decent home. :fume