View Full Version : New James Bond might be a black African buck

Lip Plate
09-26-2022, 10:13 AM
Las Vegas gives it near 50-50 odds which means the world is getting some kind of brillo head. RIP bond franchise...can wait for the dialog, 'i'm gonna mess up his honkey ass' and 'shaken not stirred and sheeeeeeit'.

09-26-2022, 10:44 PM
Odds that low? The Hollytards have been waiting for years to do this. They tried to set up a she-nig 007 in the last movie.

09-26-2022, 11:33 PM
James Bond now a nigger sow. Utterly moronic and will spell the end of the brand. Dr No-job will be the first failure movie. I want a remake of roots with a white slave. Your name is Kuntakinte....fuck off, it's Toby yer cunt ! :lol

09-27-2022, 02:44 AM
Duh name be Bond, aunt Jemima Bond. Sheeete! Bang! Dang, missed again!


Jim Crow
09-27-2022, 06:39 AM
I stopped watching James bond movies after Roger Moore retired.A nigger James Bond would be disgraceful.But,like niggers,liberals ruin everything!

09-27-2022, 09:22 AM
Odds that low? The Hollytards have been waiting for years to do this. They tried to set up a she-nig 007 in the last movie.

Didn't hollyweird do a remake of the "Equakizer" with that muncher-cruncher she boon queen latifah? It was BAD enough when they made a movie with nigzell washington playing the equalizer!!

09-27-2022, 01:23 PM
Just my preference...nothing ruins my cinematic experience worse than a loud nigger.

09-27-2022, 11:04 PM
Just my preference...nothing ruins my cinematic experience worse than a loud nigger.

exactly why I haven't turned on my TV in 3 years. Niggers, niggers and more niggers ! Going to the cinema and watching huge, giant projected spooks in front of me would be a nightmare of the highest order !

09-28-2022, 11:12 PM
A James Bond nigger is fail on the face of it . Just not believable that a nigger could have the brainpower of a British master spy. Keep trying coons, and keep failing.

If you changed the name to "James Bong" then I could see it making a few bucks off the cucks and nigger lovers,
and of course relatable to the weed wacked nog crowd.

10-01-2022, 01:03 AM
I have refused to watch a Bond movie since Pierce Brosnan was cast as an oil driller. Yeah, because a top British spy is going to team up with and bang some diseased monkey he finds on a beach ( or wherever the fuck, I don't remember ) Makes me fucking sick. MacGyver gets a nigger, the little Mermaid turns rockfish, every fucking remake has to have some coon in it. I swear, Hollywood remakes shit just to have an excuse to cast a fucking nigger or two. What's next? A gone with the wind remake where Captain Von Trapp hires a nigger bitch to look after his kids, does a bit of oil drilling and ends up creating a half breed niglet? I'd be cheering for the Germans!
Fuck I hate niggers.

Blue Gum
10-01-2022, 05:37 AM
What can you Say? I've stated recently, niggers create NOTHING Positve; name one thing niggers have contributed to society that has made a lasting and acceptable difference, niggers bring nothing but pestilence and violence all the while society has to enable the nigger which ONLY makes it worst.

10-01-2022, 07:59 AM
The nigger who was favorite for the Bond role has pulled out - doubtless aware that he would be the one on whose watch the franchise bombed. Smart nigger.

They have now niggered-up Doctor Who, though.

A White actor had already filmed his first scenes, when the faggot show-runner found a queer nigger on his casting couch, and gave it the job.


10-04-2022, 08:19 AM
What can you Say? I've stated recently, niggers create NOTHING Positve; name one thing niggers have contributed to society that has made a lasting and acceptable difference, niggers bring nothing but pestilence and violence all the while society has to enable the nigger which ONLY makes it worst.

But it's worse.
No nigger or group of niggers could take over our culture on their own.
It's because there are human traitors, allowing and encouraging niggers into every cultural role possible that this is happening.

Blue Gum
10-04-2022, 03:18 PM
But it's worse.
No nigger or group of niggers could take over our culture on their own.
It's because there are human traitors, allowing and encouraging niggers into every cultural role possible that this is happening.

Yea...it's really the democrapic left wing Libs that have enabled the nigger animal for so long....LBJ and his democraps are responsible for the nigger civil rights bill in the 60's, then Ted " the Killer" Kennedy spear-headed an amnesty bill in the Reagan Era that gave citizenship to roughly 3-5 million Illegal aliens, Then you had that senile pos Carter, he was DIRECTLY responsible for the Mariel boat lift that was responsible for +/- 120,000 just walking or floating in to South Florida, same old movie now, you have a traitor in the WH who copied the democrapic play of opening up the border to demographically change the voting landscape, the SAME PLOY with dismissing all that student debt, the democrapic dementia prez like so many democraps before him do it to Buy votes....

10-04-2022, 03:55 PM
It's because there are human traitors, allowing and encouraging niggers into every cultural role possible that this is happening.

It would be nice if more niggers would be more like American Democrats and they aborted more of their children.

I was raised as a Roman Catholic, but I used to think it was weird how they used to discourage birth control of any kind in Africa while providing them with missionaries and various forms of support. I mean, what could their goals have been except to create millions of retarded, expendable soldiers for a possible future war? I served in the military, and even I think that is despicable. Mostly because if the nig nogs aren't used in war, there is an increased likelihood of them ending up in human nations.

Then again, with the way things are going in the USA, it may just be a matter of time before we start enacting a military draft like Ukraine and Russia, so we can fight wars. But if that happens, I hope they send the niggers to the front lines first. They are mentally retarded and expendable.

(As a side note, I don't understand why women aren't required to sign up for the selective service, even though they can enlist and/or get commissions. Is this Biden's way of saying that women are inferior to even niggers?)

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-04-2022, 11:16 PM
Didn't hollyweird do a remake of the "Equakizer" with that muncher-cruncher she boon queen latifah? It was BAD enough when they made a movie with nigzell washington playing the equalizer!!
I did love the preview I saw of that. A 50 yr old, fat sheboon running around kicking ass. Who the fuck would watch that garbage?

10-05-2022, 02:59 AM
I quit watching the bond movies after Quantum of Solace. Too PC and just CGI action flicks. I highly recommend everybody unwind with the Audio versions of Ian Flemming's Bond novels. They're a real escape. Sexist, chauvinistic, imperialist and racist all in a Savile Row suited, Bentley driving, English gentlemen's club ambience. Wonderful 'theatre of the mind' .

10-05-2022, 09:01 AM
I did love the preview I saw of that. A 50 yr old, fat sheboon running around kicking ass. Who the fuck would watch that garbage?

More "woke" Bull Shit!!

10-06-2022, 01:30 AM
Coons, lacking a desirable culture of their own, try to steal others’ culture. In other news, water is wet.

10-07-2022, 04:32 PM
I highly recommend everybody unwind with the Audio versions of Ian Flemming's Bond novels. They're a real escape. Sexist, chauvinistic, imperialist and racist all in a Savile Row suited, Bentley driving, English gentlemen's club ambience. Wonderful 'theatre of the mind' .

To be fair, that was the original intent of the novels. Escapism.

Bond in real life would probably be the worst intelligence agent and/or spy. In some of the movies, it seems to be heavily implied that he was captured, tortured, and killed, and the rest is pure fantasy.

I mean, for starters, is James Bond his real name, and if it is, why does he give out that name on all of his missions? The internet may not have existed during the time periods when the books/movies were made, but it's not unrealistic for state sponsored terrorists to compare notes, even with ancient technology like snail mail, telephones, and couriers.