View Full Version : Florida "Man" tries to behead victim with a pair of scissors in a convenience store

Whitey Ford
09-24-2022, 09:42 AM
Florida man tried to behead man in convenience store with scissors


A Florida man stabbed an acquaintance 40 times with a pair of scissors in an attempted beheading inside a convenience store, officials said.

According to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Edmund Clarke, 36, entered the location with the son of an elderly man he serves as a caretaker for.

Video of the Monday incident shows Clarke suddenly grabbing a pair of scissors he spotted inside the store and lunging at the victim as the bloody attack unfolds.

Deputies said Clarke allegedly hacked away at the man in an attempt to behead him — and grabbed other knives he found inside the store during the incident.

Clarke’s alleged assault lasted several minutes before cops arrived. The victim was rushed to a local hospital with severe wounds to his head, neck and torso.


09-24-2022, 09:48 AM
Fucking brutal sub-animals.

09-24-2022, 12:41 PM
According to a witness, Clarke began experiencing hallucinations

So it's not his fault, right? Put him in a hospital where doctors can try to figure out what's troubling the lad.

"Attempted murder" gets a lesser sentence because for some bizarre reason screwing up and leaving a victim still breathing isn't a very serious crime and if you're a nigger it seems to be not a crime at all. The political correctness movement keeps bearing fruit.

That life-sized nigger pic made me recoil in my chair!!

09-25-2022, 07:26 AM
So it's not his fault, right?
Of course not! "Fault" is something that is exists only for White people! Everything bad anywhere in the world is per definition their fault, even if there is no White person to be found within a 1000 mile radius. Niggers on the other hand are always the victims of evil yt! You know, how could the nigger have known the drugs it guzzled would cause hallucinations? It couldn't, hence it clearly and undoubtedly is Whiteys fault!

09-26-2022, 11:57 PM
Niggers and their libturd enablers used to love to fap about how it's wite privillage to get called insane after a vicious attack like this