View Full Version : Mega-turd Crap-beast "son of Barry Ohomo" on Florida Crime Spree

Chimp Detester
09-23-2022, 12:19 PM
I say three cheers for this valiant sheriff and the humans of Florida! And zero cheers for the nigger-coddling lib-tard media "reporters". May they soon come face to face with the reality they now defend...

https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffb.watch%2FfJANKz7NUS%2F%3Ff bclid%3DIwAR0lemHhJch0tMxfIsO9E8ad58m1qObGgPCaaDPL KnCcvQPcJhJ5V_xmE-Q&h=AT03mRiVigo-1LVxJZosZdfATi0guiKClqhXVoQjia4iyAJ3VDmJ24q7i5oZUi yqzHq84wQ239NMlgsOAF_kaoKtTNNVZk5U69P0RSUfj0HVqYVi kq_aUxMDArDHKAihGJKOlrhts8Y

Chimp Detester
09-23-2022, 12:27 PM
Another version of this hideous sub-cockroach ape's story.




09-23-2022, 01:08 PM
I say three cheers for this valiant sheriff and the humans of Florida! And zero cheers for the nigger-coddling lib-tard media "reporters". May they soon come face to face with the reality they now defend...

https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffb.watch%2FfJANKz7NUS%2F%3Ff bclid%3DIwAR0lemHhJch0tMxfIsO9E8ad58m1qObGgPCaaDPL KnCcvQPcJhJ5V_xmE-Q&h=AT03mRiVigo-1LVxJZosZdfATi0guiKClqhXVoQjia4iyAJ3VDmJ24q7i5oZUi yqzHq84wQ239NMlgsOAF_kaoKtTNNVZk5U69P0RSUfj0HVqYVi kq_aUxMDArDHKAihGJKOlrhts8Y

This sheriff is AWESOME!! He makes me PROUD to be a Floridian!!

09-23-2022, 04:30 PM
This sheriff is AWESOME!! He makes me PROUD to be a Floridian!!

True! I especially like that he does not take the nonsense from journalists! I really enjoyed to read how the people of Florida reacted to the shitbeast as well: A lady sprayed the nigger with gasoline, and the next guy pulled a gun :D. I bet that nigger wished he'd been in Commiefornia.

Jim Crow
09-23-2022, 04:54 PM
Should’ve thrown a match at the nigger son of a bitch after she sprayed it with gas

09-23-2022, 06:40 PM
They kept the violent criminigger locked up for eight whole years?


I aint bin dun did dat!
09-23-2022, 11:46 PM
I say three cheers for this valiant sheriff and the humans of Florida! And zero cheers for the nigger-coddling lib-tard media "reporters". May they soon come face to face with the reality they now defend...

https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffb.watch%2FfJANKz7NUS%2F%3Ff bclid%3DIwAR0lemHhJch0tMxfIsO9E8ad58m1qObGgPCaaDPL KnCcvQPcJhJ5V_xmE-Q&h=AT03mRiVigo-1LVxJZosZdfATi0guiKClqhXVoQjia4iyAJ3VDmJ24q7i5oZUi yqzHq84wQ239NMlgsOAF_kaoKtTNNVZk5U69P0RSUfj0HVqYVi kq_aUxMDArDHKAihGJKOlrhts8Y

Then there’s stupid liberals in the comments saying the same shit the reporter says. Ugh, liberals are a disease. “Just because he tried to carjack 4 people and caused two wrecks doesn’t justify deadly force!” Fuck you liberals! I wish they would sentence this nigger to live with its liberal coddlers. How fucking awesome would that be? Just move this nigger in with these upper class liberals a d he gets free reign of their property.