View Full Version : Berlin (Germany): remove 'mirgrant' from crime statistics

09-23-2022, 07:43 AM
In Berlin (ruled by the left for more than 30 years now), 80 percent of the "Germans" (that is: German citizenship) offenders for serious crimes (murder, rape, manslaughter, armed robbery) have been people with "Migrationshintergrund" (roughly translates to "migration background", simply means their parents are not German).
Until now, that "Migrationshintergrund" was recorded in the crime statistics, now the government of the state of Berlin abolished that practice because it is "not relevant".
By the way, the "German" part of the crime statistics is the minority anyway, 70% of the crimes are committed by colonialists. The statistics they changed now are just for the 80% of the remaining 30%, that's how bad it really is now!
