View Full Version : So, the new Little Mermaid isnt a maiden anymore, but a Little Shitbitch instead, huh? What a surprise...

09-22-2022, 05:42 PM
Is the new Little Mermaid movie set in Somalia seas or in a septic tank, or why have they changed the main character to be a swimming shit?

Nice loathing of Northern Europe culture and a Danish tale again here, thanks Disney for brainwashing kids more again and destroying cultural things we have.

09-22-2022, 08:55 PM
In the words of the infamous Gomer Pyle, "Surprise Surprise Surprise!"

Tar Remover
09-23-2022, 04:51 AM
A Mermape?!

09-23-2022, 07:12 AM
A Mermape?!

Or a Tarmaid :D

09-23-2022, 08:13 AM
Or a Tarmaid :D

Tru Dat!!

Rev. Dick
09-23-2022, 09:13 AM
Sea monkey.

Tar Remover
09-23-2022, 09:29 PM
Or a Tarmaid :D

Or a merspook!:lol

09-23-2022, 10:16 PM
I feel bad for the niggers that will watch this movie and think that they can swim. Just imagine all the rockfish.

All those poor, good niglets, dead because they wanted to be little mermaids.

Someone should sue Disney for killing all those nigger larva. Those evil racist nazi communists are trying to murder millions of negro babies. Walt Disney is literally Chairman Mao (China owns Disney, right?) and he will probably try to convince little kids to get gender confirmation surgeries. This is just wrong. Walt will probably also give everyone that visits Disney theme parks the aerosolized Xi variant of COVID-19.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-24-2022, 12:17 AM
I feel bad for the niggers that will watch this movie and think that they can swim. Just imagine all the rockfish.

All those poor, good niglets, dead because they wanted to be little mermaids.

Someone should sue Disney for killing all those nigger larva. Those evil racist nazi communists are trying to murder millions of negro babies. Walt Disney is literally Chairman Mao (China owns Disney, right?) and he will probably try to convince little kids to get gender confirmation surgeries. This is just wrong. Walt will probably also give everyone that visits Disney theme parks the aerosolized Xi variant of COVID-19.
There is actually an incredibly strong possibility Disney will get sued by niggers for this. Let’s all hope it comes to pass as we all know that no good deed goes unpunished when it comes to niggers.

09-24-2022, 03:13 AM
Rockfish, Mudmaid, Mermoolie, Sea Monkey.... Plenty of good titles to choose from.

Fucked if my kids will ever watch it. I will not have them brainwashed by this kind of shit. If I get one sniff of any abo coddling or indigenous fuckery going on at the school they stay home.

Blue Gum
09-25-2022, 08:27 AM
The nigger animal contributes Nothing good or positive, the only thing niggers contribute is death and violence. The niggers pattern is to take usually an icon of Americana and niggerize it.

I've thought before, IF the stinking nigger was a Dangerous 4-legged animal, the country would open up a National Policy to shoot them on site because of ALL the destruction, death, and permanent scaring of victims, NOT including the vast amount of tax dollars to deal with niggers, incarceration, government hand outs,corporate handouts,...the nigger animal costs this country So much, in innocent lives and dollars..

It's really Disgusting when you have 13% of the population of a country Responsible for an Overwhelming amount of Violence, and anyone that can see can easily come to the conclusion that niggers are NO good, the Best thing to do is try to avoid them.

What makes me wanna Puke, is the way that the liberal nigger-loving ScumOcrats coddle niggers.

Jim Crow
11-13-2022, 09:03 PM
It won’t sell many tickets. But I guarantee the liberals will make sure that it ends up at the Academy awards with some kind of nomination.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-14-2022, 12:34 AM
It won’t sell many tickets. But I guarantee the liberals will make sure that it ends up at the Academy awards with some kind of nomination.
Liberals will buy out theaters to show us how successful it is.

11-19-2022, 06:15 PM
I just did a quick search on google for "the little mermaid" and every single link on the first page references the 1989 movie.

Did they cancel the niggerfied movie or what?