View Full Version : Byron Allen going for nigger lotto, because McDonalds refused to advertise to niggers

09-22-2022, 12:31 AM
You didn't read that wrong. Now it's racist to not advertise to niggers, even when McD features commercials with plenty of niggers and even mudsharking.

Reuters) - McDonald's Corp has been ordered by a U.S. judge to defend against media entrepreneur Byron Allen's $10 billion lawsuit accusing the fast-food chain of "racial stereotyping" by not advertising with Black-owned media.

In a decision on Friday, U.S. District Judge Fernando Olguin in Los Angeles said Allen could try to prove that McDonald's violated federal and California civil rights laws by deeming his networks ineligible for the "vast majority" of its advertising dollars.

Allen accused McDonald's of relegating his Entertainment Studios Networks Inc and Weather Group LLC, which owns the Weather Channel, to an "African American tier" with a separate ad agency and much smaller ad budget, depriving them of tens of millions of dollars of annual revenue.

While not ruling on the merits, Olguin cited allegations that Entertainment Studios had since its 2009 founding tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to obtain a contract from McDonald's, whose "racist" corporate culture harmed Allen.


09-22-2022, 03:24 AM
lololol McDonald's (McNigger's) is one of the biggest nigger-loving corporations out there. It even has a 365Nigger website because it thinks one munf isn't enough for nigger history and wants nigger mythstory munf to be 365 days of the year.

The apparent lesson corporations will take from this law-soo is that no matter how much you pander to the nigger, no matter how much money you give them, no matter how completely you bow down to them and agree to all of their demands, it will never be enough for those greedy, ungrateful niggers, so you may as well pursue anti-nigger policies. Jesse Jakscoon has filed law-soos against corporations that GAVE IN to all of his shakedown demands. At least when the mafia shakes you down, they leave you alone if you pay up. But then, the mafia has rules and morals because it's WHITE.

"African American tier" lol. Those uppity, ungrateful niggers should be thankful that the white man has given them a place in the civilization that WE built and they could NEVER build. If it was up to me, the only "African tier" for those un-American niggers would be a free boat ride back to Africa.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-23-2022, 12:32 AM
lololol McDonald's (McNigger's) is one of the biggest nigger-loving corporations out there. It even has a 365Nigger website because it thinks one munf isn't enough for nigger history and wants nigger mythstory munf to be 365 days of the year.

The apparent lesson corporations will take from this law-soo is that no matter how much you pander to the nigger, no matter how much money you give them, no matter how completely you bow down to them and agree to all of their demands, it will never be enough for those greedy, ungrateful niggers, so you may as well pursue anti-nigger policies. Jesse Jakscoon has filed law-soos against corporations that GAVE IN to all of his shakedown demands. At least when the mafia shakes you down, they leave you alone if you pay up. But then, the mafia has rules and morals because it's WHITE.

"African American tier" lol. Those uppity, ungrateful niggers should be thankful that the white man has given them a place in the civilization that WE built and they could NEVER build. If it was up to me, the only "African tier" for those un-American niggers would be a free boat ride back to Africa.
Somebody ought to hire the mafia to do what they do and stop dees hera law-soos. Sheeeeeit, ah bes a crapper.
I see a new and more ridiculous nigger lawsuit every day. Saw one recently where a nigger batwinged another nigger at school. The fambly of the batwinged one sues the school for not having a crystal ball, predicting the future and stopping it from ever happening in the first place. We must have really fucked up at some point to be cursed and have to deal with this species.

10-12-2022, 02:52 AM
I can't stand this nigger rich "billionaire". It's been flaunting how rich it is buying expensive real estate all over the country. This jig was an incompetent comedian. How it got to where it is - I assure everyone, it's through nigger illegality. Aside from this lawsuit, I've seen it file lawsuits left and right just because the justice system listens to frivolous nigger lotto suits. It's also been sued many times.

Don't have anything to do with The Weather Channel. This ape owns it.

10-12-2022, 04:26 AM
I can't stand this nigger rich "billionaire". It's been flaunting how rich it is buying expensive real estate all over the country. This jig was an incompetent comedian. How it got to where it is - I assure everyone, it's through nigger illegality. Aside from this lawsuit, I've seen it file lawsuits left and right just because the justice system listens to frivolous nigger lotto suits. It's also been sued many times.

Don't have anything to do with The Weather Channel. This ape owns it.

Mostly left!

10-12-2022, 05:37 AM
Jeez, you deny the niggers for advertisement just once and they loose their damn minds. Every shitty commercial these days has a nigger in it or a coal burning "couple" or down low niggers. Would it be too much to ask to have at least just ONE fucking normal commercial without those dusty jigaboo's in it?

Jim Crow
10-12-2022, 07:26 AM
I hope McNigger’s gets sued to bankruptcy.They suck!Theyre food sucks! are that’s what they get for their nigger lovin ways.