View Full Version : Sheboon in Japan struggles with dating

09-20-2022, 09:08 PM
This post strays a little bit and is not about chimp violence, but I came across something and needed to vent a little.

Since I watch Youtube vids about Japan once in a while, one came up on my suggestions. I couldn't finish watching, honestly, as she was your typical arrogant, loudmouth sheboon with overblown entitled confidence. Her name is "Sundai" LOL, and is interviewed by a "British" fellow sheboon. I'm sure you guys don't want to bother watching, but two things she said that stood out to me:

Japanese men are too reserved for her, and said that if for example her order is wrong, she needs a man to speak up for her (Japanese don't really make a fuss in public), BUT.....
She later says that she can't behave the way Japanese men like and that she's an "independent black woman"

So, what is it, Sundai? You want your man to speak up for you? Or are you an independent black woman?

Long story short, she doesn't want to bother with Japanese men; they're too reserved, shy, and polite, and she clearly prefers the loud, chest thumping hight T homo erectus behavior from Quantavious. Good riddance for the Japanese that she's not interested in them, because they're not missing anything! Why should they shitstain their gene pool? Japanese women behave like civilized human beings, so why should any self respecting Japanese man bother with a low IQ, greasy, nappy sheboon that'll probably be obese by middle age and give him dumb, violent offspring? I understand that in Japan there's an issue of adult virgin men that never marry, but seriously, a guy is better off alone than deal with a sheboon.

For those interested in the stupidity, just type in on YouTube: Girl Chat with Sundai Love: Black in Japan,Dating in Japan and Life in Japan!

09-20-2022, 09:34 PM
This post strays a little bit and is not about chimp violence, but I came across something and needed to vent a little.

Since I watch Youtube vids about Japan once in a while, one came up on my suggestions. I couldn't finish watching, honestly, as she was your typical arrogant, loudmouth sheboon with overblown entitled confidence. Her name is "Sundai" LOL, and is interviewed by a "British" fellow sheboon. I'm sure you guys don't want to bother watching, but two things she said that stood out to me:

Japanese men are too reserved for her, and said that if for example her order is wrong, she needs a man to speak up for her (Japanese don't really make a fuss in public), BUT.....
She later says that she can't behave the way Japanese men like and that she's an "independent black woman"

So, what is it, Sundai? You want your man to speak up for you? Or are you an independent black woman?

Long story short, she doesn't want to bother with Japanese men; they're too reserved, shy, and polite, and she clearly prefers the loud, chest thumping hight T homo erectus behavior from Quantavious. Good riddance for the Japanese that she's not interested in them, because they're not missing anything! Why should they shitstain their gene pool? Japanese women behave like civilized human beings, so why should any self respecting Japanese man bother with a low IQ, greasy, nappy sheboon that'll probably be obese by middle age and give him dumb, violent offspring? I understand that in Japan there's an issue of adult virgin men that never marry, but seriously, a guy is better off alone than deal with a sheboon.

For those interested in the stupidity, just type in on YouTube: Girl Chat with Sundai Love: Black in Japan,Dating in Japan and Life in Japan!

Japanese DON'T commit bestiality!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-21-2022, 12:10 AM
This post strays a little bit and is not about chimp violence, but I came across something and needed to vent a little.

Since I watch Youtube vids about Japan once in a while, one came up on my suggestions. I couldn't finish watching, honestly, as she was your typical arrogant, loudmouth sheboon with overblown entitled confidence. Her name is "Sundai" LOL, and is interviewed by a "British" fellow sheboon. I'm sure you guys don't want to bother watching, but two things she said that stood out to me:

Japanese men are too reserved for her, and said that if for example her order is wrong, she needs a man to speak up for her (Japanese don't really make a fuss in public), BUT.....
She later says that she can't behave the way Japanese men like and that she's an "independent black woman"

So, what is it, Sundai? You want your man to speak up for you? Or are you an independent black woman?

Long story short, she doesn't want to bother with Japanese men; they're too reserved, shy, and polite, and she clearly prefers the loud, chest thumping hight T homo erectus behavior from Quantavious. Good riddance for the Japanese that she's not interested in them, because they're not missing anything! Why should they shitstain their gene pool? Japanese women behave like civilized human beings, so why should any self respecting Japanese man bother with a low IQ, greasy, nappy sheboon that'll probably be obese by middle age and give him dumb, violent offspring? I understand that in Japan there's an issue of adult virgin men that never marry, but seriously, a guy is better off alone than deal with a sheboon.

For those interested in the stupidity, just type in on YouTube: Girl Chat with Sundai Love: Black in Japan,Dating in Japan and Life in Japan!
It would be a shame if she slipped and punctured her face on a samurai sword.

09-21-2022, 01:39 AM
The population in Japan is on the decline. They're not too much into making Japanese people these days. Partly, it's due to apathy, and just being content with what they have. They'd rather die out than import niggers, border niggers, and sandniggers. Can't blame them. More honorable to not exist than yo have your progeny burn coal.

Sheboon has more of a chance with a zoo baboon than any Japanese guy. In that way, there's no beastiality.

09-21-2022, 09:11 AM
What's it doing in Japan?
Go back to africa.

09-22-2022, 03:33 PM
Is there a link?

09-22-2022, 04:17 PM
Is there a link?

He said:

This post strays a little bit and is not about


For those interested in the stupidity, just type in on YouTube: Girl Chat with Sundai Love: Black in Japan,Dating in Japan and Life in Japan!

09-23-2022, 06:36 AM
Niggers always go where they're not wanted and then whine that the locals don't like the divershitty (chimpouts, demanding gibs, and committing crimes) that they bring to all those places where they don't belong.

Tar Remover
09-24-2022, 01:43 PM
Thank you, Anastasia! On my way to go troll the fuck out of it right now!

09-24-2022, 03:04 PM
So, what is it, Sundai? You want your man to speak up for you? Or are you an independent black woman?
That is probably not shitsow related, the beast learned that from socialists / feminists (e.g. Judith Butler).

I didn't watch the whole video, the sow is just too evil. But kudos to the Japanese men, I completely agree with Ignatow! Better die out than let in (or mate) with niggers. That's just bestiality, and every sane person knows. Japan luckily refused to go woke so far.

09-24-2022, 05:23 PM
This post strays a little bit and is not about chimp violence, but I came across something and needed to vent a little.

Since I watch Youtube vids about Japan once in a while, one came up on my suggestions. I couldn't finish watching, honestly, as she was your typical arrogant, loudmouth sheboon with overblown entitled confidence. Her name is "Sundai" LOL, and is interviewed by a "British" fellow sheboon. I'm sure you guys don't want to bother watching, but two things she said that stood out to me:

Japanese men are too reserved for her, and said that if for example her order is wrong, she needs a man to speak up for her (Japanese don't really make a fuss in public), BUT.....
She later says that she can't behave the way Japanese men like and that she's an "independent black woman"

So, what is it, Sundai? You want your man to speak up for you? Or are you an independent black woman?

Long story short, she doesn't want to bother with Japanese men; they're too reserved, shy, and polite, and she clearly prefers the loud, chest thumping hight T homo erectus behavior from Quantavious. Good riddance for the Japanese that she's not interested in them, because they're not missing anything! Why should they shitstain their gene pool? Japanese women behave like civilized human beings, so why should any self respecting Japanese man bother with a low IQ, greasy, nappy sheboon that'll probably be obese by middle age and give him dumb, violent offspring? I understand that in Japan there's an issue of adult virgin men that never marry, but seriously, a guy is better off alone than deal with a sheboon.

For those interested in the stupidity, just type in on YouTube: Girl Chat with Sundai Love: Black in Japan,Dating in Japan and Life in Japan!

They'll certainly live longer without a rachet, hypersexual, vicious sheboon who might cut them up, throw boiling liquids on them, or set their house on fire.

I watched about 20 seconds of those niggroe whores blabbing and flipping their wigs around and could take no more. They expect to be treated like royalty, the way they are in California? Who invited them anyway? Why do niggers just love squatting their black asses in places they aren't wanted? Oh right - they are not wanted anywhere on the planet.

All the fawning comments are more proof of the major brainwashing going on.

Why don't these nigger sluts go to Nigeria? They'd get more muh dik there for sure, which is all sows really care about.

Chimp Detester
09-24-2022, 10:09 PM
What a surprising story! Why wouldn't any intelligent, educated, self-respecting Japanese male be willing to date and mate with a gorgeous black female such as this one??


Oh wait...

And is Japan Airlines now accepting EBT or Wail Fare for tickets? Can the despicable filthy sheboon sowrilla pay its way over there by muhcoochie? (Perhaps that is the real reason it koon-plains!)

Whitey Ford
09-25-2022, 07:33 AM
The population in Japan is on the decline. They're not too much into making Japanese people these days. Partly, it's due to apathy, and just being content with what they have. They'd rather die out than import niggers, border niggers, and sandniggers. Can't blame them. More honorable to not exist than yo have your progeny burn coal.

Sheboon has more of a chance with a zoo baboon than any Japanese guy. In that way, there's no beastiality.

It's because the economy went to shit.
The Japanese do not breed well in poverty. There could could be a famine, drought and war and niggers will still breed very enthusiastically, not so with the high I.Q. Japanese. The Japanese economy has been in a slump for a long time now. And Japanese fathers are very reluctant to marry their daughters off to men without good, solid careers. This generation of Japanese men without jobs, spouses, careers or futures became known as the Hikikomori (https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/c05008/japan%E2%80%99s-hikikomori-population-could-top-10-million.html). This video explains pretty well why the Japanese aren't making babies. And, frankly, it is sad. :(


Whitey Ford
09-25-2022, 07:37 AM
What a surprising story! Why wouldn't any intelligent, educated, self-respecting Japanese male be willing to date and mate with a gorgeous black female such as this one??

The Japanese know better. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't.

09-25-2022, 01:56 PM
The Japanese know better. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't.

Damn maing, where'd you find something so abhorrent?

The Chinese, I think, are sacrificing some of their people to be friends with the natives, until they are able to dominate the whole continent and strip it of it's natural wealth. A high price to pay; but they really want world domination. As long as we have more aircraft carriers, we're ok.

This idiot for sure is just so happy he has muh-dikk all the time. He really must be into beastiality, but I don't think there's something in Confucianism that says no beastiality.

09-25-2022, 05:35 PM
The Japanese know better. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't.

Why is he in some nigger hellhole? Why is he touching those dirty stinking sows? Is this like some challenge to subdue the savages? Is it done for a bet, proving he can withstand the stench (which you know has to be ferocious)of these foul beasts?

He knows those sows will do anything for a few yen? It is like these grinning morons taking selfies next a to bison or other dangerous, wild animals? WTF is going on here???? I need to know.

Really? These sows?


Jim Crow
09-26-2022, 07:00 AM
Sheboons are very disgusting and undesirable.It needs a liberal cuckboy.Obviosly,there are none of those in Japan!

Whitey Ford
09-27-2022, 09:26 AM
Why is he in some nigger hellhole?

The Chinese have been colonizing africa for a long time now. Mostly just to pillage and plunder their natural resources.

Why is he touching those dirty stinking sows? Is this like some challenge to subdue the savages? Is it done for a bet, proving he can withstand the stench (which you know has to be ferocious)of these foul beasts?

There is a lack of females in China due to the the longstanding one child policy. Female babies would get aborted because Chinese fathers wanted sons. Now, their is a gender imbalance and many Chinese men cannot find wives. Then they go to apefrica and mate with she boons, unfortunately.

WTF is going on here???? I need to know.


09-27-2022, 10:10 AM
The Chinese have been colonizing africa for a long time now. Mostly just to pillage and plunder their natural resources.

There is a lack of females in China due to the the longstanding one child policy. Female babies would get aborted because Chinese fathers wanted sons. Now, their is a gender imbalance and many Chinese men cannot find wives. Then they go to apefrica and mate with she boons, unfortunately.

I didn't realize the one-child policy was still in effect. Still - wild, dirty, smelly, diseased sheboons? That's some level of desperation!

Whitey Ford
09-27-2022, 10:27 AM
I didn't realize the one-child policy was still in effect. Still - wild, dirty, smelly, diseased sheboons? That's some level of desperation!

I think that it has been repealed at this point due to the fact that their birth rates have declined like much of the rest of the world.

But yes, some Chinese men have resorted to getting their muh dik on with the she boons.
Uganda women abandoned by China workers, left with babies (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/12/uganda-women-abandoned-china-workers-left-babies/)

Babies: Unwanted seeds sown in African women by fleeting Chinese workers (https://face2faceafrica.com/article/babies-unwanted-seeds-sown-in-african-women-by-fleeting-chinese-workers)

You can only imagine what kind of genetic abominations will emerge from the 'Dark Continent' in the near future.


09-27-2022, 02:46 PM
I think that it has been repealed at this point due to the fact that their birth rates have declined like much of the rest of the world.

But yes, some Chinese men have resorted to getting their muh dik on with the she boons.
Uganda women abandoned by China workers, left with babies (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/12/uganda-women-abandoned-china-workers-left-babies/)

Babies: Unwanted seeds sown in African women by fleeting Chinese workers (https://face2faceafrica.com/article/babies-unwanted-seeds-sown-in-african-women-by-fleeting-chinese-workers)

You can only imagine what kind of genetic abominations will emerge from the 'Dark Continent' in the near future.

Why is it that breeding with niggers always produces abominations like that Osaka mutt?


09-28-2022, 07:57 AM
Why is he in some nigger hellhole? Why is he touching those dirty stinking sows? Is this like some challenge to subdue the savages? Is it done for a bet, proving he can withstand the stench (which you know has to be ferocious)of these foul beasts?

He knows those sows will do anything for a few yen? It is like these grinning morons taking selfies next a to bison or other dangerous, wild animals? WTF is going on here???? I need to know.

Really? These sows?


Yep, it's absolutely incomprehensible, right? I think the guy is Chinese, though (doesn't make it any better, though).

09-28-2022, 08:00 AM
I didn't realize the one-child policy was still in effect. Still - wild, dirty, smelly, diseased sheboons? That's some level of desperation!
As far as I know the one-child policy isn't in effect any more. But Chinese don get many babies any more as well - just like any other developed country.

09-28-2022, 10:39 AM
Breed a human with a nigger and you get a nigger.

Breed a nigger with a gorilla and you get a dumb gorilla.

09-28-2022, 11:03 AM
I have been to both China and Japan several times. They have two VERY different cultures.

Japan - Are one of two different attitudes with white people. Either extremely friendly or so disinterested, they will cross the street to avoid you. There is no middle ground. And don't even get me started on the fun game of Kancho, which Japanese kids love to play with one another (Or on unsuspecting white people). The fact that it's just socially acceptable, to sneak up behind a stranger and attempt to stick your fingers in their butt, just baffles me.

China - Every single time, no matter where, the Chinese people want to try to speak to you, in a very limited English vocabulary. Our last trip, this older Chinese man, spoke to us, in a full New Jersey accent. I guess he had bootlegged copies of Soprano's and other Jersey mobster movies and watched them constantly. It was absolutely hilarious. But as I said, every single person, wants to practice their English with you.

09-28-2022, 06:53 PM
I didn't realize the one-child policy was still in effect. Still - wild, dirty, smelly, diseased sheboons? That's some level of desperation!

It's not anymore, but the one-child policy left a gender imbalance that'll probably last for decades. Now you have desperate Chinese men that take advantage of the fact that Chinese mining companies are doing business in Sub-Saharan shitholes