View Full Version : Niggergerian wants muh dik at Queen's funeral

09-16-2022, 01:56 PM
I guess a peaceful migrant, welcomed with open arms, had a mental health crisis. Nah, just a randy nigger savage taking advantage. No picture, of course.

Two women were allegedly sexually assaulted by a man who exposed himself in the queue to attend the Queen’s lying in state, a court has heard.

Adio Adeshine, 19, allegedly exposed himself and pushed into the mourners from behind as they waited in line at Victoria Tower Gardens on Wednesday evening after Westminster Hall opened its doors to the public.

He is said to have gone into the River Thames in an attempt to evade police officers before coming out and being arrested.

I can't believe it didn't batwing.

Whitey Ford
09-17-2022, 01:26 AM
Almost had a rockfish here.

Adeshine is said to have jumped into the River Thames in an attempt to evade police officers before coming out and being arrested.

And the Prosecutor on this case is a nigger, too.

Outlining the allegations, prosecutor Alex Adowale said: “The defendant was part of the queue to see the resting in state of Queen Elizabeth II.”

Jim Crow
09-17-2022, 07:28 AM
When will liberals learn?
Never trust a nigger!Niggers are unpredictable savage beasts that act on their carnal instincts.And without warning!

09-17-2022, 09:01 AM
I guess a peaceful migrant, welcomed with open arms, had a mental health crisis. Nah, just a randy nigger savage taking advantage. No picture, of course.

I can't believe it didn't batwing.

I was HOPING that the niggergerian would become a rock fish myself!!

09-18-2022, 06:44 PM
I'm amazed he didn't :rockfish too

Whitey Ford
09-19-2022, 08:39 AM
I guess a peaceful migrant, welcomed with open arms, had a mental health crisis. Nah, just a randy nigger savage taking advantage. No picture, of course.

And an asslifter tried to attack the Queen's body, too. This vibrant cultural enrichment sh*t is definitely out of hand. :mad:
Man charged with public order offence after ‘disturbance’ by Queen’s coffin in Westminster Hall

A man arrested at the ancient hall where Queen Elizabeth II is lying in state has been charged with a public order offence.

Muhammad Khan, 28, of Barleycorn Way, Tower Hamlets was charged on Saturday with an offence under Section 4A of the Public Order Act for behaviour indenting to cause alarm, harassment or distress in Westminster Hall.


09-19-2022, 12:25 PM
And an asslifter tried to attack the Queen's body, too. This vibrant cultural enrichment sh*t is definitely out of hand. :mad:
Man charged with public order offence after ‘disturbance’ by Queen’s coffin in Westminster Hall


“Muhammad Khan, 28, of Barleycorn Way,

Muhammad and Adio - oh, those naughty British lads! Does no one see any connection here between acts of savagery and the proliferation of welcomed migrants? I guess not. They might be fined a few dollars - or not - and sent on their merry ways.

All kinds of hijinks going on there. Of course, the niggers are whining about the raycisms:

Africoon leaders pictured squished on minibus at funeral as Biden drives around in Beast (https://www.indy100.com/queen-elizabeth-ii-funeral-leaders)

Later, the baboon world leaders were photographed arriving at the Abbey and it seems nearly every one was forced to take the bus unlike the US President and First Lady.

So? It's not like they had to sit at the back of the buses. Niggers will always find something to ook about and make everything about THEM.

In other news:

Viewers of the Queen's funeral stunned after spotting a spider on the coffin (https://www.indy100.com/viral/viewers-of-the-queens-funeral-stunned-after-spotting-a-spider-on-the-coffin)

"Stunned" - by a spider! More stunned than they were by a stinking Africoon committing muh dik assaults on humans, it seems. Imagine.

09-19-2022, 11:38 PM
And an asslifter tried to attack the Queen's body, too. This vibrant cultural enrichment sh*t is definitely out of hand. :mad:
Man charged with public order offence after ‘disturbance’ by Queen’s coffin in Westminster Hall

Now we know why it was hardly talked about by the Lame Stream Media, and the channels that did are pretending it never happened.

I'm going to have to make a second version of what I made once.