View Full Version : Nigger Professor fired for saying "kill all whites" sues U that fired him for gibs

09-16-2022, 09:29 AM
AA Hire Mark "kill all white people" McPhail (pronounced Mc FAIL)
The ugly stupid nigger is now sueing for gibs also after being rightfully fired and shit canned.
You might remember this ugly nigger from a year ago or so.


Some libtard traitors in Portland even gave him a job after that, disgraceful, but the nigger is not satisfied, when it should be kissing our feet.

Meanwhile a white actor says N-word one time there career is ruined FOREVER...

(stupid facking bullshit nigger coddling article)
"criticizing his administration and discussing racism" yeah right.


another coddling article, that sucks negro dick.

Let me just type out what this NIGGER said.
"The solution to racism is to kill all white people"
And now it expects to sue and win and want's it's fucking job back? Nigger you are lucky to still be breathing out of your god damn ape nostrils!

That is one ugly facking nigger.
Needs to be cleaning toilets at a homeless camp for nickels, while he gives BJ's for Crack with those big nigger lips.
Maybe he can go back to facking Africa and die.