View Full Version : Niggers misbehaving on the boat home

Big evil coon
09-16-2022, 08:19 AM
Wicked niggers enjoying their freedoms…

Tar Remover
09-16-2022, 10:06 AM
The ONLY possible scenario when you stuff a cruise ship full of niggers. Personally, I think those ships should have much fewer passengers and higher prices. That should keep the niggers down to a minimum and make a more pleasant vacation for humans.

09-18-2022, 11:44 AM
Wicked niggers enjoying their freedoms…

To bad they DIDN'T become rockfish!!

09-18-2022, 01:01 PM
black...the color of chaos. I stopped the video before the nigger tit and weave got launched. Once you've seen one monkey upset, you've pretty much seen them all. Stay from niggers. They are black for a reason and this is to help identify giving them a wide berth.

Jim Crow
09-19-2022, 07:39 AM
We noticed that there were far too many niggers when we went on the casino boat a few years back,which turned us off!I Me and Mrs Crow won’t ever be going on a cruise.When I take a vacation,I don’t want to see niggers!Niggers ruin everything!

09-19-2022, 12:46 PM
no nigger should be allowed on any boat with a round trip ticket in paw !

Lip Plate
09-20-2022, 12:43 AM
It could be a late welfare check, fight over the last drumstick, a simple case of disrespec, or in this case a fight over a seat.

I saw a video of a fight at a black high school basketball game consisting of a wild brawl on the court, throwing chairs, mammies screaming and niglets running for cover.

09-20-2022, 01:22 AM
It could be a late welfare check, fight over the last drumstick, a simple case of disrespec, or in this case a fight over a seat.

I saw a video of a fight at a black high school basketball game consisting of a wild brawl on the court, throwing chairs, mammies screaming and niglets running for cover.

Niggers do throw niggery tantrums at the smallest inconvenience to their mindless black skulls. A full display of lack of intellect, like a Peacock flaunting its feathers.

09-20-2022, 12:10 PM
Niggers take the jungle or the ghetto with them wherever they go.

I love how DailyMail.uk carefully chooses when to "moderate" comments. It's inevitably nigger violence reports, to ensure no one is permitted to make any disapproving remarks. You can bet had a group of humans behaved so savagely comments would be wide open.

animal mother
09-20-2022, 03:44 PM
The ONLY possible scenario when you stuff a cruise ship full of niggers. Personally, I think those ships should have much fewer passengers and higher prices. That should keep the niggers down to a minimum and make a more pleasant vacation for humans.

Agree. Carnival is the niggiest of the cruise lines as is Disney. I have never had a desire to go on a cruise but friends have recommended Royal Caribbean, Holland American or any of the more upscale venues. The price keeps most of the nogs away and the few who can afford it will tend to behave, unlike their ghetto cousins.

09-20-2022, 09:07 PM
We noticed that there were far too many niggers when we went on the casino boat a few years back,which turned us off!I Me and Mrs Crow won’t ever be going on a cruise.When I take a vacation,I don’t want to see niggers!Niggers ruin everything!

Exactly, I do not want to see a single nigger while I am on vacation.