View Full Version : Coney Island Beach Buffarilla Rockfishes Chilluns, Batwings Three

Ray Cizzums
09-12-2022, 11:06 AM
A "Despondent" Brooklyn jungle bat mammy was taken into custody, after her baby-diddy
reported she threatened to harm her hell-spawn. She was found, carrying on, and nigger
babbling, about "Muh babahs", near their lifeless bodies on Coney Island beach. I've seen
this exact scenario play out before, with a 300 pound porker named Leatrice Brewer. The
cucks will twist this from a 1st degree murder case, work the "She krazy" angle, and somehow
blame the city agencies who handled the fambly's gibs-muhs-dats. Expect the following quotes
to appear in the news : "The fambly begged authorities for help", and "Why didn't they do something".
An "undisclosed sum" will be paid to the diddy's and their shyster, and the mammy "Will get the
help she so desperately needs", instead of being incinerated in the electric chair like she deserves.


animal mother
09-12-2022, 11:43 AM
Stupid sow bat winged three perfectly “good “ welfare tickets. A happy ending with three future felons deleted and momma sow off to NU.

09-12-2022, 11:50 AM
A "Despondent" Brooklyn jungle bat mammy was taken into custody, after her baby-diddy
reported she threatened to harm her hell-spawn. She was found, carrying on, and nigger
babbling, about "Muh babahs", near their lifeless bodies on Coney Island beach. I've seen
this exact scenario play out before, with a 300 pound porker named Leatrice Brewer. The
cucks will twist this from a 1st degree murder case, work the "She krazy" angle, and somehow
blame the city agencies who handled the fambly's gibs-muhs-dats. Expect the following quotes
to appear in the news : "The fambly begged authorities for help", and "Why didn't they do something".
An "undisclosed sum" will be paid to the diddy's and their shyster, and the mammy "Will get the
help she so desperately needs", instead of being incinerated in the electric chair like she deserves.

...police are now investigating whether their mother drowned them. The kids – a 3-and-a-half-month-old girl, 4-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy...

I kind of doubt the 4-month-old niglet took off at 4am and headed for the water so yeah - the mammy done drownded 'em. Hardly unusual. Bucks and sows regularly batwing their crotch fruits.

But the news isn't all bad. Mammy managed to keep her sailphome safe! Damn, but sows are ugly, hulking, manly critters.


09-12-2022, 12:35 PM
Mammy of the year award, guess I have say thanks for its contributions to civil society for deleting its budding crimininggers !

Too bad we'll still have to pay for it to stuff its fat face with hot dogs for the next 30 years.

Ray Cizzums
09-12-2022, 02:04 PM
I kind of doubt the 4-month-old niglet took off at 4am and headed for the water so yeah - the mammy done drownded 'em. Hardly unusual. Bucks and sows regularly batwing their crotch fruits.

But the news isn't all bad. Mammy managed to keep her sailphome safe! Damn, but sows are ugly, hulking, manly critters.
:bugeye Here's a pic of the mammy buffarilla - yeeech !
She's really putting on an Oscar-worthy performance, for the cameras.
It just tugs at your heart strings, am I right ?

20920 20922

09-12-2022, 07:48 PM
I know Coney Island was known for the carnival at one time It sounds like it is dangerous now.

09-12-2022, 08:50 PM
The 'buck-or-sow' did future tax payers a favor.
Now, give her a bucket of KFC as final meal so she can go to the chair.

09-16-2022, 12:44 AM
Mammy really lubbed her buttnuggets.
:rockfish :rockfish :rockfish

09-16-2022, 03:32 AM
Niggers were brought here as beasts of burden, to work. That's a major fail on our ancestors. Not only did niggers do no work, they
only worked when whipped. It made sense that big negresses were also imported, and like animals were cross bred.

Animals though know their place. They're more loyal than any nigger could be. Big fat mammies belong in NU so there's one less gorilla we have to look at.

Jim Crow
09-16-2022, 07:05 AM
The proper punishment is to make the sheboon murderess sleep with the fishes!

09-16-2022, 09:03 AM
A "Despondent" Brooklyn jungle bat mammy was taken into custody, after her baby-diddy
reported she threatened to harm her hell-spawn. She was found, carrying on, and nigger
babbling, about "Muh babahs", near their lifeless bodies on Coney Island beach. I've seen
this exact scenario play out before, with a 300 pound porker named Leatrice Brewer. The
cucks will twist this from a 1st degree murder case, work the "She krazy" angle, and somehow
blame the city agencies who handled the fambly's gibs-muhs-dats. Expect the following quotes
to appear in the news : "The fambly begged authorities for help", and "Why didn't they do something".
An "undisclosed sum" will be paid to the diddy's and their shyster, and the mammy "Will get the
help she so desperately needs", instead of being incinerated in the electric chair like she deserves.
