View Full Version : Teen cRapper haid shot up so bad a shovel was needed for clean up.

09-11-2022, 11:25 PM
A teen rapper is rumored to have been shot over 20 times with a switch(semi-automatic) possibly 10 times in the head near Kenwood Academy.

Reportedly the aftermath was soo bad that CPD was shoveling up his remains and he died on top of his school bag.

Well, considering the tiny brains of these sub-simians, no one had to work too hard to shovel them up.


Very rayciss comments, e.g.

Do you know how to prevent Rappers from getting shot? Abort them.


Whitey Ford
09-11-2022, 11:59 PM
Kanye Perkins suffered a gunshot wound to his head and was pronounced dead at the University of Chicago Medical Center, authorities said.

Damn. The Bat Fairy must be working double shifts in Chimpcago.

Whitey Ford
09-12-2022, 12:12 AM
Very rayciss comments, e.g.

I have a Disqus account, too. :lol

09-12-2022, 02:41 AM
Day is just getting started, and it's already a GOOD-ified day !

Thanks dear batfairy, another useless (c)rapper down the crapper !!

I hope no humans had a slip and fall on the brain stains. Ah well they can sue Beetlejuice Lightfeets for that !

09-12-2022, 09:44 AM
Never heard of this vidmax, but it sure is racist!!

Tar Remover
09-12-2022, 05:04 PM

Tar Remover
09-12-2022, 05:06 PM
I have a Disqus account, too. :lol

Well spoken! John Cougar FEMAcamp....:lol

Nig Zero
09-12-2022, 07:20 PM
"Good" Niggers bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart! :lol