View Full Version : Mayor Beetlejuice issues warnings to niggers what will happen if they don't vote for her. I don't think she has anything to worry about

09-11-2022, 03:37 PM
Mayor Lightfoot says the ‘destiny’ of Black Chicagoans is at stake in the 2023 election.... Posted 2022-09-11, Marietta Daily Journal At a South Side diner one recent morning, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot served up a cautionary tale about what might happen if Black voters don’t unite behind her reelection bid.
MayorLightfoot says the ‘destiny’ of Black Chicagoansis at stak…

(https://article.wn.com/view/2022/09/11/Mayor_Lightfoot_says_the_destiny_of_Black_Chicagoa ns_is_at_s_m/#:~:text=Mayor%20Lightfoot%20says%20the%20%E2%80%9 8destiny%E2%80%99%20of%20Black%20Chicagoans,Black% 20voters%20don%E2%80%99t%20unite%20behind%20her%20 reelection%20bid.)

http://www.chimpout.org/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABUAAAAVCAYAAAC pF6WWAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAADsIAAA7CARUoSoAAAAG3SURBVDhPYxgFQxMwQjEIILN BAF0OCv4jq6EtANtkYGDgaWRkdAWIF nr60cD6SNAvBMorqWvb6ptZKh/St/Yolut7FiyRv72peoFO301CnbN1yzYsU4xb4842CRswNDQcBkQz 4KypwLxSRDbwsKC09BAZ5amlb tesnBXdqlB36qFWwPYwjp5dQq3X9Ro3D3BJA6rEEBdKEZ0KCjU HagsbHxO3V1dV4gW1vf0LANJK6RvzVOo3DnQ42C7ZIgPtDFuzQ Ldq4BsRkY6pkgNBJQUVFhB3r5pI6OjgnQ8Fgg/gX0fgiQDtY3Mo0GqdHM25asWbjzqUruNhkQH2jBfo2CnStAbGw uBQsADWgD4i1Aw5KBdBcQrwK6tE1e314AJK WtzMGaAjcpRr5O3dr5u9cCmJjMxTsdKABDkDX/gfS2VpaWhLAIPgP5DeDVQCBZtHOMq2yA98U8rerg/haJQfOahbtOQCWRElqSEBGRoYTaMhCPT09HRAf6NKlenpG5iC2 ctZGFZB3NQt3nQWGY4da0a5MIPsYMDjOqhXtCACpoWu6BQFk29 BtBvKRXQNmo6sZBYMfMDAAALpwhY5x/92OAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

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09-12-2022, 05:08 AM
Mayor Lightfoot says the ‘destiny’ of Black Chicagoans is at stake in the 2023 election.... Posted 2022-09-11, Marietta Daily Journal At a South Side diner one recent morning, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot served up a cautionary tale about what might happen if Black voters don’t unite behind her reelection bid.
MayorLightfoot says the ‘destiny’ of Black Chicagoansis at stak…
(https://article.wn.com/view/2022/09/11/Mayor_Lightfoot_says_the_destiny_of_Black_Chicagoa ns_is_at_s_m/#:~:text=Mayor%20Lightfoot%20says%20the%20%E2%80%9 8destiny%E2%80%99%20of%20Black%20Chicagoans,Black% 20voters%20don%E2%80%99t%20unite%20behind%20her%20 reelection%20bid.)
http://www.chimpout.org/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABUAAAAVCAYAAAC pF6WWAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAADsIAAA7CARUoSoAAAAG3SURBVDhPYxgFQxMwQjEIILN BAF0OCv4jq6EtANtkYGDgaWRkdAWIF nr60cD6SNAvBMorqWvb6ptZKh/St/Yolut7FiyRv72peoFO301CnbN1yzYsU4xb4842CRswNDQcBkQz 4KypwLxSRDbwsKC09BAZ5amlb tesnBXdqlB36qFWwPYwjp5dQq3X9Ro3D3BJA6rEEBdKEZ0KCjU HagsbHxO3V1dV4gW1vf0LANJK6RvzVOo3DnQ42C7ZIgPtDFuzQ Ldq4BsRkY6pkgNBJQUVFhB3r5pI6OjgnQ8Fgg/gX0fgiQDtY3Mo0GqdHM25asWbjzqUruNhkQH2jBfo2CnStAbGw uBQsADWgD4i1Aw5KBdBcQrwK6tE1e314AJK WtzMGaAjcpRr5O3dr5u9cCmJjMxTsdKABDkDX/gfS2VpaWhLAIPgP5DeDVQCBZtHOMq2yA98U8rerg/haJQfOahbtOQCWRElqSEBGRoYTaMhCPT09HRAf6NKlenpG5iC2 ctZGFZB3NQt3nQWGY4da0a5MIPsYMDjOqhXtCACpoWu6BQFk29 BtBvKRXQNmo6sZBYMfMDAAALpwhY5x/92OAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

Hit the paywall. Can you paraphrase or paste the highlights?

09-12-2022, 07:43 PM
Hit the paywall. Can you paraphrase or paste the highlights?
I copied and pasted the first few paragraphs. Basically she is telling the niggers if they don't vote for her whitey will take control.

She told the mostly Black crowd at Huddle House on Stony Island Avenue that the city’s first African American mayor, Harold Washington, spent years feuding with a “racist mob in City Council.” When he died in office in 1987, they voted to replace him with Ald. Eugene Sawyer, who they “thought they could control,” but two years later they “dropped him like a bad habit” and “went all in for (Richard M.) Daley,” she said.

The result? Daley’s long tenure at City Hall and “30 years of people struggling,” Lightfoot said.

“Not having the resources and the control of the city government left Black and brown Chicago the worse for it,” Lightfoot said. “So when you think about what’s up on the ballot, in February of next year, our destiny is on the ballot.”

Lightfoot’s comments during a petition kickoff event led to criticism from some who said she had distorted history and disrespected the memory of Sawyer, whose son is running against her. But it also underscored the mayor’s strategy in the 2023 mayoral campaign as her political base of support has shifted from the lakefront to the South and West sides, creating a unique dynamic for Lightfoot as she seeks a second term.

09-12-2022, 08:47 PM
Basically she is telling the niggers if they don't vote for her whitey will take control.

That Sleestak looking lesbo freak show knows damn well that YT will not take control because they don't want it back. The ones that are still there are the last holdouts and are only there because the are forced to be there for their jobs. How the hell could they take over if they only account for 33% of the population? YT has been leaving in droves for years. The ones that must stay in the area for work try to move to the white flight suburbs like Glenview, Niles etc. but even there, niggers are bleeding in.

On a hilariously hypocritical side note, Lightfoot has been blasting Tx. Gov. Abbot for weeks due to his busing Mexican illegals to other states, calling both him and the whole state of Texans racist. These invaders were being voluntarily bused to DC and NY at the time. Texas was footing the bill to charter the buses and asking them if any wanted to go to these cities voluntarily and free of charge. After Lightfoot badmouthed Texas and Abbot, he offered up Chicago last week. After all, Shitcago has declared itself a sanctuary city so why not, right? When they showed up in Chicago, she forced them back onto the buses and did exactly what she excoriated Gov. Abbot for doing. She deported them out of Chicago and into the White suburbs. The difference being she didn't ask them where they wanted to go. She had the cops force them out.

It would seem that Shitcloggedhole's Mayor is the real racist and hates Mexicans. What is she afraid of? Is she scared they might mow the grass and drive the property values up?