View Full Version : Queen Elizabeth II dies. Niggress Professor at Carnegie Mellon and Black Twitter have opinions

09-10-2022, 10:15 PM
Queen Elizabeth II died at 96. A pretty good run by any standard. Of course, liberals and niggers gave their opinion on the passing of this 'evil, racist imperialist' etc., notably a Professor of Linguistics, Uju Anya, at Carnegie Mellon. Her bio is Tier One Liberal Bullshit.

My primary fields of inquiry are critical applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies examining race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in new language learning through the multilingual journeys of African American students. I also have expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion in instructional practices and curriculum design, language study abroad, applied linguistics as a practice of social justice, intercultural communication, and service-learning in secondary and university-level language programs.

My book "Racialized identities in second language learning: Speaking blackness in Brazil" examines how students shape and negotiate different identities in multilingual contexts, and it proposes how a multilingual approach (e.g. translanguaging, plurilingual practice) can be utilized for effective language pedagogy.


The irony seems to be lost on this niggress originally from Nigeria that she is living and working in the primary offshoot of the British Empire, the United States. Black twitter is 'on fire' over her passing.


Niggers celebrating her passing for some reason reminded me of the movie Empire of Dust, a documentary about the Chinese trying to do business in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly the Belgian Congo. Another name could be Niggers: The Movie. Of course, it is total shitshow. Niggers stealing gasoline and mirrors, being lazy, spending their entire paycheck the moment they get it etc. 'It's all so tiresome', the Chinese guy says to the Mandarin speaking local called Eddy. (I'll give Eddy a great deal of credit: he speaks his native tongue, English, French, and Mandarin, and even he knows the Chinese guy is 100% correct. He seems to believe in his people but the Chinese guy simply tells him the truth, and his optimism fades as the movie progresses).

The most damning quote from one of the Chinese really sums up Africa.

'You were governed by a European country for so long. You should’ve learned how things worked. It wasn’t that long ago. . . You went backwards instead of forwards. Look at your railways. High technology from the 1930s. We didn’t even have it in China back then. Look at the railroads in the mines. The cable lines are fucked up. I can’t bear to see that. You neglected the things others had left you. What’s more, you completely destroyed them'.

The British, the French, and to a lesser extent the Belgians, Germans, Italians, Portuguese, and the Spanish gave Africa modern buildings, electricity, paved roads, ports, sanitation, a legal system etc. When independence came to Africa, everything was in place for them to succeed, but the niggers fucked it up in ways only niggers can. There were reasons why the Europeans threw in the towel, and I'm certain the Chinese will too. Even a country on the rise with few scruples will soon see Africa as more trouble than it's worth despite having all that natural wealth for development.

The same with Haiti, the crown jewel of the French Empire and the most prosperous colony in the New World. But then the niggers killed off the whites, and Haiti became the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The US has tried three times to fix the mess, but nothing has fundamentally changed.

The same must be said for Detroit, a city which had at one point the highest standard of living for a major city in the world. But the niggers took over, and we know what happened. I have been to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, and Seoul, and I can personally attest that atomic bombs and heavy conventional bombing - which made Tokyo and Seoul as good as nuked - aren't as bad as niggers.

In Africa, niggers were given ready-made countries, gifts from the white colonizers. Indeed, they didn't need to figure it out as the whites had figured it out for them. But every single time niggers have proven they can't be trusted govern themselves, and the results were disastrous. So they fled to the white colonial homelands, called their hosts 'racists' as they turn their host countries into the same shitholes which they fled.

Colonies and former colonies in the former Soviet Union, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Ireland, Iceland, South America - especially Chile - have done well once their colonizers left. Even the former colonies in North Africa have managed to do okay. It probably has something to do with the fact that they aren't niggers.

Niggers are simply a lost cause. You would have thought that somewhere, some of them would have got it right. But to no avail. And the ones celebrating the loudest about her death are the ones who benefitted the most from colonization yet have fucked it up the most since the colonizers left.

Good to be back, Chimpers!

09-10-2022, 11:13 PM
Welcome back!:)

Maybe Uju should worry more about the murderous, torturing, thieving, raping, scamming, malignant, parasitic population of violent niggers in her own country who live and wallow in filth and spread disgusting diseases. Oops. Not supposed to mention that.

Uju is just another nasty, fat-ass muh poosay sow who thinks she's hot stuff.


Odin's balls
09-13-2022, 01:16 PM
Nobody in England gives a dead Rat's cock what that nigger thinks. We're a little busy with important stuff right now.

09-13-2022, 10:25 PM
Welcome back!:)

Maybe Uju should worry more about the murderous, torturing, thieving, raping, scamming, malignant, parasitic population of violent niggers in her own country who live and wallow in filth and spread disgusting diseases. Oops. Not supposed to mention that.

Uju is just another nasty, fat-ass muh poosay sow who thinks she's hot stuff.


She's UGLIER than a baboon!!

09-14-2022, 04:43 AM
There is NO grateful nigger, ever!

09-14-2022, 05:27 AM
There is NO grateful nigger, ever!

No matter what we left them in da muddaland to allow them to govern themselves, and that we let them into our countries, they resent us. They simply can't function without the white man yet destroy what the white man provided, back in da muddaland or in their new countries. They can't create, so they just destroy.

Jim Crow
09-14-2022, 06:49 AM
Consider the source.A low IQ nigger!