View Full Version : Helpful advice for niggers

09-09-2022, 12:31 PM
I was thinking earlier about all the problems that niggers seem to have, and I was also thinking that maybe, as Humans, we should do more to help them out, so I decided to make this thread, where we can offer helpful advice and guidance for moon crickets (NOT Humans).

When crossing the skreet (jaywalking) through heavy traffic, never look to the left or right for incoming traffic.

If you see an attractive buck or sow, tell it "Bitch, much dik won't suck itself," and if they get upset, punch them as hard as you can, then say "Bitch, you be ugly ANYWAYS."

So you just found out you are pregnant. Go straight to Planned Parenthood and abort your niglet.

When interacting with police officers, always maintain an aggressive and combative attitude towards them. Always run away even if you are innocent and never be afraid to point a Hi Point at them. Cops will always back down when you point guns at them, and shooting a cop or two will make sure they never bother you again.

Stop paying rent and your utilitiy bills. Wypipo owe you reparations and they can start by giving you everything for free.

Because Black Lives Matter, you should Burn down your own cities, Loot stores, and Murder people. So the black people running BLM can get filthy rich while you get nothing. It's like a communist revolution, with the same end results.

If a human makes a point of avoiding you after you have sneered at them, threatened them, or tried to bite them, accuse them of racism, because that's the only reason they would want to avoid something that is acting like a psychotic pitbull.

Don't have any clean water to drink or use for anything else? Just use urine instead. It's sterile and is basically just water.

If you run out of food, you can eat someone else's poop. It's basically just predigested nutrients. Flavor it with Lawry's seasoned salt to make it taste better. Alternatively, you can put a niglet in a boiling pot of water and eat it. This delicacy is known as the Ghetto Lobster.

Never pay child support. It probably isn't your niglet anyway. You know how those nigger sheboons are. They will fuck anything, even you.

Do not forget to use your melanin magic. All that darkness inside of you can be used to give yourself superpowers and you can do magic spells.

Have as much unprotected gay sex as possible. Infecting yourself with AIDS, syphilis, monkeypox, gonorrhea, and ebola, and then giving that stuff to your wife, other gay niggers, and your children when you eventually molest them will help make things better for Black people.

Always remember that the reason people won't call you a nigger to your face is because they respect you, not because they think you are a savage beast that will chimp the fuck out and destroy everything it touches just because it has no self control and has the intellect of a 4 month old Human child while having an adult body.

09-09-2022, 05:32 PM
They could always move back to that heavenly place called Africa.

Tar Remover
09-09-2022, 06:14 PM
- And NEVER wear rubber gloves while stealing copper wire. They are sweaty and uncomfortable and they don't work anyway (Hmm. Kinda like niggers, huh....).

I'm Tar Remover and I approve this message.


Tar Remover
09-09-2022, 06:15 PM
They could always move back to that heavenly place called Africa.

Or hell......

09-09-2022, 06:27 PM
Or hell......

I hear the devil got sick of BLM niggers so he is currently rejecting them.

09-10-2022, 03:47 AM
It's also highly advisable for niggers to use copious amounts of illicit drugs. Any and all drugs are good. They can either speed you up or slow you down when you need it. Drugs stop any pain you might be experiencing, both physical and emotional. Drugs can also make you creative, have wild exciting dreams and make you loose any inhibitions you might have that are holding you back from getting what you want. The more drugs a nigger uses, the better.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-10-2022, 07:44 AM
Fermented jenkum is aim potion that makes you shoot more accurately at your rival crappers.

Robitussin cures muh dikk diseases. Just inject into the tip.

Fried niglets taste just like fried chicken.

Yo mudshark is actin up. Go gibs her a pair of mudshark sunglasses.

Grapes + Water = grape drank!

Spend every penny you steal on “jury”. Nothing is cooler than a nigger with a giant, ridiculous looking gold chain or ten. We are all so impressed.

Every one of you is royalty! Kangs and Quainz abound! Kang of crime rates. Quain of fatherless, felonious niglets. Royal niggers for us all.

09-10-2022, 08:19 AM


gonna use that

09-20-2022, 10:33 AM
Remember niggers, white people owe YOU. DEMAND what you are ENTITLED to as a productive and functional citizen but watch out for 'education' because it was made up by wypipo and all wypipo be racis n shit. This means that math, science, philosophy, and all that shit be RACIS! Don't study any of these things in school so you can join the labor force and complain about how little you are paid.

When you go to the corner store for wraps, make sure to buy a couple lottery tickets. Each one you buy increases YOUR chance of being the BIG WINNER. Alternatively, look into day trading. Make your money work for you! There are plenty of people just like you who have gone from RAGS to BITCHES just by starting with ten dolla and smart investing. You are now a businessman so it's time to dress like one too. Everyone respects a man in a suit. Make sure to not shower and make sure to try on as many suits as possible. When you try one on practice your 40 yard dash out of the store to show everyone you can hustle, literally.

Finally, even though your life expectancy is short, other people can't expect you to be on time or work hard, ever, so you have all the time in the world! As you walk or ride your bike from the liqua sto' to the bus stop please take the time to SLOW DOWN and take in your urban surroundings. A great way to ensure you will be as slow as possible is to drag your feet along the pavement, creating a shuffling walk similar to an undead zombie. If it does not take too much concentration to speak while walking upright, talk loudly on your cell phone anywhere you go. People have the right and are interested to know that Lakeisha is a lying-ass ho' and that you don't take no disrespec. Now that you know these things please make us all proud and know that we are doing our best to keep up with your progress.

Non N-Person
11-18-2022, 02:02 PM
Here's a helpful bit of advice for niggers: FUCK CLEAR OFF BACK TO APEFRICA (at your earliest coonvenience, of course). Your worthless, savage asses will feel so much happier there, as will all humans who had to pay for yo' Seckshun Ape cribz, niglet mammy whalefurr, Nigger U. Master's degrees and all the other gibs muhs, like grillz, hooptie rimz and those fucking ridiculous baggy pants that hang half way down your asses.

11-23-2022, 09:57 AM
It's also highly advisable for niggers to use copious amounts of illicit drugs. Any and all drugs are good. They can either speed you up or slow you down when you need it. Drugs stop any pain you might be experiencing, both physical and emotional. Drugs can also make you creative, have wild exciting dreams and make you loose any inhibitions you might have that are holding you back from getting what you want. The more drugs a nigger uses, the better.

Fentanyl is BEST for a nigger!!