View Full Version : Eliza Fletcher

09-04-2022, 09:14 AM
[Moderator note by Sandy: I merged a couple of threads and made this sticky.]


Okay, amateur detectives of the C.O. Police Academy...this one is pretty easy...
White human out jogging. Smelly piece of shit with a stupid nigger name wants to muh-dik so he kidnaps an innocent human mother. You need no more clues to figure out what happened next.

This fucking scum needs the jenkum injection immediately. No trial. No fanfare. Just chemicals squirted into black veins in copious amounts until life no longer exists...

If you haven't figured it out by now, I HATE niggers. Truly HATE them. They are nothing but a curse on this planet. Am I a racist? Whatever. I am more of a realist. Niggers represent approximately 13% of the population yet they represent approximately 52% of incarcerations. Their crimes are legendary for their cruelty and brazenness. It is only getting worse. I hate what the nigger has done to this country. They represent NOTHING good.

09-04-2022, 11:11 AM
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police have arrested a suspect in the kidnapping case of missing Memphis teacher Eliza Fletcher.
Boot-lipped niggroe, Cleotha Abston, 38, has been charged with especially aggravated kidnapping and tampering with evidence, Memphis Police announced early Sunday.

According to records, Abston refused to provide investigators with information regarding Fletcher’s location. Records also state that the abduction, which was caught on camera, was violent in nature and may have resulted in serious bodily injury.

Cleotha “Pookie” Abston, who has spent most of his life in prison.


Big deal. The nigger will go to NU for maybe a few years, then be right back on the street.



09-04-2022, 12:20 PM
Just saw this one too, that nigger's mammy sure knows how to name a nog.... Pookie Abston will be getting a full scholarship to NU when they find the body,

and his filthy coon juice will be found upon her person. For a white woman in a jogging outfit you just know that's an invitation to murderous "muh dikk" for a feral nigger.



09-04-2022, 01:26 PM
Another Pookie. Yeah he decides to clean his hooptie for no reason.

Eliza Fletcher abduction: Suspect allegedly cleaned 'vehicle of interest' prior to arrest, police say
The man who was charged in relation to the abduction of the Memphis mother of two was allegedly seen "cleaning the interior" of a GMC Terrain, which police said is a "vehicle of interest" in the case.

An affidavit for Cleotha Abston's arrest released by the Memphis Police Department on Sunday also stated that two witnesses saw the suspect "washing his clothes in the sink of the house."
You can comment there.

09-04-2022, 01:37 PM
I was wondering if there was any chance that the husband hired the coon to do this? I am only saying this because a number of years ago a prominent attorney in Atlanta hired one of his nasty coon clients (he was a defense attorney) to kill his wife and make it look like a random nigger crime. Both cities (Atlanta and Memphis) are nigger fuxated and have been for years. I just say this because of the inheritance aspect.

09-04-2022, 03:03 PM

Okay, amateur detectives of the C.O. Police Academy...this one is pretty easy...
White human out jogging. Smelly piece of shit with a stupid nigger name wants to muh-dik so he kidnaps an innocent human mother. You need no more clues to figure out what happened next.

This fucking scum needs the jenkum injection immediately. No trial. No fanfare. Just chemicals squirted into black veins in copious amounts until life no longer exists...

If you haven't figured it out by now, I HATE niggers. Truly HATE them. They are nothing but a curse on this planet. Am I a racist? Whatever. I am more of a realist. Niggers represent approximately 13% of the population yet they represent approximately 52% of incarcerations. Their crimes are legendary for their cruelty and brazenness. It is only getting worse. I hate what the nigger has done to this country. They represent NOTHING good.

They also commit 54% of murders!! They are a WORTHLESS sub-species!!

09-04-2022, 04:35 PM
They also commit 54% of murders!! They are a WORTHLESS sub-species!!

TRU DAT homie !!

09-04-2022, 05:00 PM
Just saw this one too, that nigger's mammy sure knows how to name a nog.... Pookie Abston will be getting a full scholarship to NU when they find the body,

and his filthy coon juice will be found upon her person. For a white woman in a jogging outfit you just know that's an invitation to murderous "muh dikk" for a feral nigger.


I'm wondering if this might not be hushed and instantly swept under the rug the way it usually is when a nigger slaughters human beings. The victim's family business has made them billionaires so maybe they'll have more influence than the families of poor regular humans murdered for no reason by some feral piece of shit.

The fact that several sites have posted pics of the vile sub-simian groid is in itself unusual, when normally it's nearly impossible to find pics of criminiggers. The more heinous the crime, more difficult to find the nigger.

09-04-2022, 05:29 PM
I'm wondering if this might not be hushed and instantly swept under the rug the way it usually is when a nigger slaughters human beings. The victim's family business has made them billionaires so maybe they'll have more influence than the families of poor regular humans murdered for no reason by some feral piece of shit.

The fact that several sites have posted pics of the vile sub-simian groid is in itself unusual, when normally it's nearly impossible to find pics of criminiggers. The more heinous the crime, more difficult to find the nigger.

Yeah those are some anomalies. And why is a white billionaire's daughter running anywhere alone where a vicious savannah animal can even get its paws on her.. ?
She would have been in a gated community, or if running through nigger territory she'd have an armed escort. Sad , but fishy.

Then again her status at this point is "kidnapped" and Cletus Shitbeastus ain't saying anything.

09-04-2022, 06:06 PM
Yeah those are some anomalies. And why is a white billionaire's daughter running anywhere alone where a vicious savannah animal can even get its paws on her.. ?
She would have been in a gated community, or if running through nigger territory she'd have an armed escort. Sad , but fishy.

Then again her status at this point is "kidnapped" and Cletus Shitbeastus ain't saying anything.

Most women (like me) can't live in gated communities or have armed escorts. Should they stay off public streets in broad daylight, out of parks, parking lots, mall washrooms, and school campuses for fear of being kidnapped, raped and murdered by niggers? I guess so.

09-04-2022, 06:20 PM
Most women (like me) can't live in gated communities or have armed escorts. Should they stay off public streets in broad daylight, out of parks, parking lots, mall washrooms, and school campuses for fear of being kidnapped, raped and murdered by niggers? I guess so.

I'd suggest a derringer (at least) somewhere discreet, if at all possible, legal or not !!
Libtards want to unleash the murderous beasts upon us, we have a natural right to self defense no matter what the local woketard flunky politicians legislate.

Anytime I go out for exercise I'm packing a weapon of some sort these days, niggers are feeling confident to do whatever they want, so I am gonna have something for them if they come.

09-04-2022, 07:31 PM
I'm wondering if this might not be hushed and instantly swept under the rug the way it usually is when a nigger slaughters human beings. The victim's family business has made them billionaires so maybe they'll have more influence than the families of poor regular humans murdered for no reason by some feral piece of shit.

The fact that several sites have posted pics of the vile sub-simian groid is in itself unusual, when normally it's nearly impossible to find pics of criminiggers. The more heinous the crime, more difficult to find the nigger.You never know these days.

09-04-2022, 08:52 PM
On my conservative facebook group they are ragging on the husband saying he had dui arrests. I told them they made an arrest and the guy is not talking. I said guy because I cant say nigger on facebook. If I said it was a black man I'd get the usual "What difference does it make? Why are you pointing out race? White men do it too you know. Evil comes in all colors. Why did you specifically have to point out it was a black man?" I'd get that response. And all these people are supposedly conservative whites. Even those conservatives would ban me for saying that. Morons. I swear. So I just said man. I told them the guy was cleaning his car and washing bloody clothes. I cannot mention the race. TThey will ban me from the group just for saying it was a black man. These are supposedly Trump supporting NRA types.

09-04-2022, 10:15 PM
I cannot mention the race. TThey will ban me from the group just for saying it was a black man. These are supposedly Trump supporting NRA types.

Ahh herein lies the rub, it's on FAKEBOOK, they are merely kowtowing to Chairman Mark, because his little gestapo would shut them down eventually ( canceled ) if they even let out a whiff
of anti-coon sentiment. That's why I never TOUCH any Mother Zuckerberg-ing products !

09-05-2022, 06:02 AM
They also commit 54% of murders!! They are a WORTHLESS sub-species!!

It's even worse. Because that's only the number where the offender was caught and convicted. I don't know the exact detection rate for murder in the US, but I assume that it is low in nigger areas where most of the murder happens. Hence it seems fair to assume they commit more than 80% of the murders.

09-05-2022, 07:24 AM
As usual, it was a nigger.


They found the coon's DNA.
Obviously, this was the usual case of muhdikkery murder.

09-05-2022, 08:17 AM
You can go to the news story Isa posted above.... At the bottom of that page, there is a link for you to provide comments to the reporter... I used the following: GO THERE AND DO THE SAME

"A factual issue with the story.... Use this language: "Murderous nigger piece of shit and serial felon abducted, repeatedly raped and then murdered a beautiful, blond human who was a true contributor to society...."
When will you MSM pieces of shit start dealing with the reality of nigger crime??? WHEN WILL YOU DO THAT??? When will acknowledge these feral beasts commit violent and property crime at a rate well in excess of 5 times that of humans???? (FBI Table 43, which, BTW, does not include data from Chicago, LA, New York and many other major cities)

By not reporting the truth, you are enabling these rampaging apes.. AND THAT MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY."

In reality, this report is better than most. It provided a picture of the feral beast - something almost unheard of these days. As others have mentioned, the level of coverage this story is getting is due to the status of the billionaire family this woman came from. As Isa rightly points out, if it were one of us, it would be quickly swept under the rug - if it were reported at all.

09-05-2022, 08:51 AM

Okay, amateur detectives of the C.O. Police Academy...this one is pretty easy...
White human out jogging. Smelly piece of shit with a stupid nigger name wants to muh-dik so he kidnaps an innocent human mother. You need no more clues to figure out what happened next.

This fucking scum needs the jenkum injection immediately. No trial. No fanfare. Just chemicals squirted into black veins in copious amounts until life no longer exists...

If you haven't figured it out by now, I HATE niggers. Truly HATE them. They are nothing but a curse on this planet. Am I a racist? Whatever. I am more of a realist. Niggers represent approximately 13% of the population yet they represent approximately 52% of incarcerations. Their crimes are legendary for their cruelty and brazenness. It is only getting worse. I hate what the nigger has done to this country. They represent NOTHING good.

Exactly. I'm a realist too. Even conservative republicans are too afraid of being called racist. It's really bad out there.

09-05-2022, 11:03 AM
Mario Abston, 36, Cleotha Abston’s brother, was also arrested, but he is not believed to be connected to Fletcher’s abduction, authorities said. He was charged with drug and firearms offenses, police tweeted (https://twitter.com/MEM_PoliceDept/status/1566345350130065408).

Hot damn, at least the Memphis Police are taking some of his monkey troop off "da skreet" too , the whole Abston coon clan probably has bench warrants.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-05-2022, 03:45 PM
You can go to the news story Isa posted above.... At the bottom of that page, there is a link for you to provide comments to the reporter... I used the following: GO THERE AND DO THE SAME

"A factual issue with the story.... Use this language: "Murderous nigger piece of shit and serial felon abducted, repeatedly raped and then murdered a beautiful, blond human who was a true contributor to society...."
When will you MSM pieces of shit start dealing with the reality of nigger crime??? WHEN WILL YOU DO THAT??? When will acknowledge these feral beasts commit violent and property crime at a rate well in excess of 5 times that of humans???? (FBI Table 43, which, BTW, does not include data from Chicago, LA, New York and many other major cities)

By not reporting the truth, you are enabling these rampaging apes.. AND THAT MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY."

In reality, this report is better than most. It provided a picture of the feral beast - something almost unheard of these days. As others have mentioned, the level of coverage this story is getting is due to the status of the billionaire family this woman came from. As Isa rightly points out, if it were one of us, it would be quickly swept under the rug - if it were reported at all.

I saw a nigger using that crime table to show how many crimes whitey commits the other day not realizing that table proves how violent they are. They’re incapable of doing simple math/statistics. If you try to point out 13% of the population….etc they just chimp out and likely throw shit at their monitors. Fuck I hate niggers.

09-06-2022, 06:15 AM
I saw a nigger using that crime table to show how many crimes whitey commits the other day not realizing that table proves how violent they are. They’re incapable of doing simple math/statistics. If you try to point out 13% of the population….etc they just chimp out and likely throw shit at their monitors. Fuck I hate niggers.

In the steaming hot jungle, niggers can only understand one hand, second hand, few, many. That's how stupid they are.

09-06-2022, 06:26 AM
Here's one account.


09-06-2022, 06:38 AM
They found her.....body.
As I said: it was muhdickery murder.
Even someone with an IQ of 55 can figure it out.


09-06-2022, 08:48 AM
I saw a nigger using that crime table to show how many crimes whitey commits the other day not realizing that table proves how violent they are. They’re incapable of doing simple math/statistics. If you try to point out 13% of the population….etc they just chimp out and likely throw shit at their monitors. Fuck I hate niggers.

I have seen the EXACT SAME THING!!! Stupid niggers saying: "look... Dem Whities kill'n and beat'n more than us blacks"... You just have to shake your head and say 'Stupid. Fucking. Niggers.'... The amazing thing is that there are whites who nod their head in sage agreement... Yep... It's Cultural Relativism... If niggers are as stupid as a box of rocks, white people must be just as dumb.

For those of you not following along... Niggers highlight that, in some crime categories, whites, in the aggregate, commit more crime than blacks.. but it's only by a very small amount. What they fail to take into account is that niggers represent only 13 percent of the population while Whites make up close to 70 percent of the population (For crime statistics, the FBI combines both hispanic and White crime - they don't want the niggers to look too bad). That translates, per capita, that niggers commit violent and property crime at a rate in excess as SIX TIMES MORE OFTEN THAN WHITES....

I've seen this very same argument made on a news show and the reporter did not call the nigger beast out on it..... I expect stupidity out of niggers. Not so with reporters who DO know better.... Just protecting their pet apes.....

09-06-2022, 09:13 AM
They found her.....body.
As I said: it was muhdickery murder.
Even someone with an IQ of 55 can figure it out.


Thanks for the update. Confirmation of what we all here already knew... That pathetic, monkey piece of shit MuhDikked and murdered this blond, beautiful, White contributor to our nation.......

Expect the MSM to both run cover for the filthy niggers by screaming about missing sows, and then bury this story like they've done with the Waukegan Massacre that killed 6 and injured 55... There is nothing the MSM won't do to cover for their pet apes.....

Imagine, if you will, if some white guy beat, raped and then murdered some Magic Nigger sow..... Whole cities would be burnt to the ground and the MSM would say Whites deserved it.

09-06-2022, 10:58 AM
They found her.....body.
As I said: it was muhdickery murder.
Even someone with an IQ of 55 can figure it out.


I was praying they'd find her alive somewhere, maybe tied up in a basement and without food or water for a few days, and muh dikked half to death, but still alive. And notice how little the news is talking about this now, one of the most infamous crimes of the year? The Lame Stream Media wouldn't shut up about the Duke lacrosse players until charges were dropped, they never shut up about any white man suspected of killing a nigger, and they'd keep talking about a white man who "got away" after being suspected of kidnapping and killing a niggeress.


We know that nigger is guilty. We already knew from the start. It's still time to make it confess. I will emphasize that we can still stay within forum rules, but it's time to make that nigger confess in a worldwide TV broadcast. God in heaven, what more will it take before we realize we can't allow any niggers in our civilization? That other woman and her kid were abducted and made to withdraw money (probably both muh dikked but the news won't report that).

It's time to build slave ships by the thousands and send them all back, to where niggers say they'd be much happier anyway, right?


09-06-2022, 12:10 PM
...and they'd keep talking about a white man who "got away" after being suspected of kidnapping and killing a niggeress.


It's time to build slave ships by the thousands and send them all back, to where niggers say they'd be much happier anyway, right?


To your point 1, above... I've NEVER heard of a white raping a sow nigger, much less bat-winging one.... If you've got a link, I'd love to see it. I try to track crime trends and I've never seen one of those.....

As for the slave ships.. Consider garbage scows with retractable bottoms... let's just say it'll make off-loading easier and the voyage a lot shorter...

I do hate these apes and abjectly despise the MSM/BigTech filth that works so tirelessly running cover for their outrageous crimes

As if guns are the problem... As if whites are inherently violent..... It's all a grand lie


09-06-2022, 12:48 PM
It's even worse. Because that's only the number where the offender was caught and convicted. I don't know the exact detection rate for murder in the US, but I assume that it is low in nigger areas where most of the murder happens. Hence it seems fair to assume they commit more than 80% of the murders.

I believe the last statisic I saw stated the 13% commit more than 85% of all violent crimes.

09-06-2022, 03:16 PM
I believe the last statisic I saw stated the 13% commit more than 85% of all violent crimes.

I offer this respectfully... And know I enjoy your posts very much and read each of them... The fact is we here, the clear thinking, are always under attack... To the elite in power, the filthy libs/progressives/demonRATS, we are the embodiment of evil. Accordingly, if we are going to use numbers to describe the incredible dysfunction and criminality of the nigger beast, we better be able to defend our numbers...

I can agree with the 85 percent number although I use one slightly lower. This is how I derive my number.

First look up the total number of murders 2018 (why this year, I'll tell you at the end) This is from the FBI but not the racial data base


In 2018, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,214.

NOW This is important ... Google FBI table 43 for 2018 - which breaks down crimes by race....The number of all murders presented there is 8,957... THE DIFFERENCE between the 'Overview' number and Table 43 IS THAT MANY JURISDICTIONS DID NOT REPORT ON THE RACE OF THE PERP.. ALMOST HALF OF ALL MURDERS DID NOT HAVE RACE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM WHEN REPORTED TO THE FBI

Now that we understand that important distinction, let's look at the information presented where the race of the perp is know. (FBI Table 43) Of that 8,957 murders, niggers committed 4,778 of them - THAT IS 53.3 PERCENT OF THE MURDERS COMMITTED BY FILTHY NIGGERS WHO REPRESENT ONLY 13 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.... This is a HUGE NUMBER.... That means, using weighted averages, Niggers are over 4.8 times more likely to murder than Whites...

Now.. what do we do with the other data... THAT HUGE NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE COWARD, LYING LIBERALS REFUSED TO PROVIDE RACE DATA TO THE FBI... Let me stop right here and say we cannot come up with exact numbers. The raw data is simply not available. But, we can make some educated assumptions BASED ON THE COMMUNITIES THAT DID NOT REPORT ON RACE... These include Nig York, LA, ChimpCongo, Apelanta.. Philly, Washington DC... and other nigger-fuxated communities were we can reasonably assume niggers commit, say, 85 percent of the murders... This is reasonable given everything that's available in the media and what we see in the news.

So, 85 percent of the number of murders where race is unknown .85 * 7,257 is 6,168. Take that number and add it to the TOTAL number of nigger murders given on table 43..n 6,168 + 4,778 = 10,089 murders out of a total of 16,214 = ~68 percent of all murders carried out by the 13 percent of the population that are NIGGERS... That's the math and the number I use... Roughly 70 percent.. For me it's defensible. NOTE THAT THE ONLY NUMBER 'GUESSTIMATED' IS THE 85 PERCENT OF MURDERS ATTRIBUTED TO NIGGERS OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE WE DO NOT KNOW THE RACE.. All other numbers are 'Hard'.... And, to my knowledge, it's the best we can do.

Unless I fuxated the math... and I don't think I have.... God knows I've certainly done worse.

It's also intuitively correct... We know about 55 percent of half of all murders are done by niggers - that is hard data straight from the FBI. We're assuming that 85 percent of the murders where race is unknown were committed by niggers.... The rough average of the two percentages is 68-70 percent...

NOW, WHY HAVE I USED 2018 DATA... Because the FBI no longer puts out data by race as they have in the past.... The liberals stopped them from doing so.

09-06-2022, 04:00 PM
To your point 1, above... I've NEVER heard of a white raping a nigger, much less bat-winging one.... If you've got a link, I'd love to see it. I try to track crime trends and I've never seen one of those.....

As for the slave ships.. Consider garbage scows with retractable bottoms... let's just say it'll make off-loading easier and the voyage a lot shorter...

I do hate these apes and abjectly despise the MSM/BigTech filth that works so tirelessly running cover for their outrageous crimes

As if guns are the problem... As if whites are inherently violent..... It's all a grand lie


I just read this:


I aint bin dun did dat!
09-06-2022, 05:31 PM
I have seen the EXACT SAME THING!!! Stupid niggers saying: "look... Dem Whities kill'n and beat'n more than us blacks"... You just have to shake your head and say 'Stupid. Fucking. Niggers.'... The amazing thing is that there are whites who nod their head in sage agreement... Yep... It's Cultural Relativism... If niggers are as stupid as a box of rocks, white people must be just as dumb.

For those of you not following along... Niggers highlight that, in some crime categories, whites, in the aggregate, commit more crime than blacks.. but it's only by a very small amount. What they fail to take into account is that niggers represent only 13 percent of the population while Whites make up close to 70 percent of the population (For crime statistics, the FBI combines both hispanic and White crime - they don't want the niggers to look too bad). That translates, per capita, that niggers commit violent and property crime at a rate in excess as SIX TIMES MORE OFTEN THAN WHITES....

I've seen this very same argument made on a news show and the reporter did not call the nigger beast out on it..... I expect stupidity out of niggers. Not so with reporters who DO know better.... Just protecting their pet apes.....
Plus they still commit more murders than the 70%. Imagine niggers being 70% of the population here. You wouldn’t be able to sit in your home without hearing gunshots popping off and dead nigger bodies laying everywhere in the streets. When I see some low Iq monkey using that chart, it always cracks me up. It doesn’t take Albert Einstein to figure out that chart doesn’t paint them in a good light. I have tried explaining to niggers and liberals alike. I just end up being called a racist. If I have 70 white people and ten niggers, the niggers commit 5 murders and whitey commits 7, they believe that proves whitey is more prone to violence. This is the stupidity of our enemies.

09-06-2022, 05:43 PM
I just read this:


I just read through much of it... Long.. .But I read enough to know it's a paradise. They converted a frozen desert to a thriving, happy community. Imagine what the US would be if our Forefathers were smart enough to have shipped every shitstained bastard right back to Wakanda.... Wow... Think of what we would have accomplished.



09-06-2022, 05:58 PM
Plus they still commit more murders than the 70%. Imagine niggers being 70% of the population here. You wouldn’t be able to sit in your home without hearing gunshots popping off and dead nigger bodies laying everywhere in the streets. When I see some low Iq monkey using that chart, it always cracks me up. It doesn’t take Albert Einstein to figure out that chart doesn’t paint them in a good light. I have tried explaining to niggers and liberals alike. I just end up being called a racist. If I have 70 white people and ten niggers, the niggers commit 5 murders and whitey commits 7, they believe that proves whitey is more prone to violence. This is the stupidity of our enemies.

Actually, using 2018 unadulterated FBI data, niggers committed more murders than even Whites did See FBI Table 43:


Here is the raw data for that year... Niggers committed 4,778 and Whites committed 3,963...

So the liberals can't even win using absolute numbers vs. murders per capita...

Consider this...(from above)

First look up the total number of murders 2018 (why this year, I'll tell you at the end) This is from the FBI but not the racial data base


In 2018, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,214.

NOW This is important ... Google FBI table 43 for 2018 - which breaks down crimes by race....The number of all murders presented there is 8,957... THE DIFFERENCE between the 'Overview' number and Table 43 IS THAT MANY JURISDICTIONS DID NOT REPORT ON THE RACE OF THE PERP.. ALMOST HALF OF ALL MURDERS DID NOT HAVE RACE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM WHEN REPORTED TO THE FBI

Now that we understand that important distinction, let's look at the information presented where the race of the perp is know. (FBI Table 43) Of that 8,957 murders, niggers committed 4,778 of them - THAT IS 53.3 PERCENT OF THE MURDERS COMMITTED BY FILTHY NIGGERS WHO REPRESENT ONLY 13 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.... This is a HUGE NUMBER.... That means, using weighted averages, Niggers are over 4.8 times more likely to murder than Whites...

Now.. what do we do with the other data... THAT HUGE NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE COWARD, LYING LIBERALS REFUSED TO PROVIDE RACE DATA TO THE FBI... Let me stop right here and say we cannot come up with exact numbers. The raw data is simply not available. But, we can make some educated assumptions BASED ON THE COMMUNITIES THAT DID NOT REPORT ON RACE... These include Nig York, LA, ChimpCongo, Apelanta.. Philly, Washington DC... and other nigger-fuxated communities were we can reasonably assume niggers commit, say, 85 percent of the murders... This is reasonable given everything that's available in the media and what we see in the news.

So, 85 percent of the number of murders where race is unknown .85 * 7,257 is 6,168. Take that number and add it to the TOTAL number of nigger murders given on table 43..n 6,168 + 4,778 = 10,089 murders out of a total of 16,214 = ~68 percent of all murders carried out by the 13 percent of the population that are NIGGERS... That's the math and the number I use... Roughly 70 percent.. For me it's defensible. NOTE THAT THE ONLY NUMBER 'GUESSTIMATED' IS THE 85 PERCENT OF MURDERS ATTRIBUTED TO NIGGERS OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE WE DO NOT KNOW THE RACE.. All other numbers are 'Hard'.... And, to my knowledge, it's the best we can do.

Unless I fuxated the math... and I don't think I have.... God knows I've certainly done worse.

It's also intuitively correct... We know about 55 percent of half of all murders are done by niggers. We're assuming that 85 percent of the murders where race is unknown was committed by niggers.... The rough average of the two percents is 68-70 percent...

NOW, WHY HAVE I USED 2018 DATA... Because the FBI no longer puts out data by race as they have in the past.... The liberals stopped them from doing so.

09-06-2022, 07:39 PM
This one really pisses me off. A serial nigger felon, raped and murdered a beautiful woman. I think most people are missing the boat on this, Eliza was a billionaire heiress. She could have sat in her ivory tower, counting her money, but instead she took a job teaching children. She made impacts on people's lives, she was not beyond anyone. And some limp dick liberal judge, let another feral nigger out of prison, who went and did the exact same thing he has done before.

To me, this is very similar to Dru Sjodin. A serial rapist, kidnapping felon, snuffs out a beautiful woman, because some liberal judge gave him ANOTHER chance.

We need to start holding judges accountable and responsible. They want to let these animals out, good, now they are liable for them. Watch how quickly this shit changes.

animal mother
09-06-2022, 08:36 PM
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate niggers anymore this happens. This shit ape will undoubtedly be convicted of murder one and get the death penalty. The sad part is that a nigger’s life expectancy is higher on death row than back in it’s own niggerhood. This beast will likely steal oxygen and live off the taxpayer dime for another 20-30 years before the jenkem
Juice is injected.

09-06-2022, 10:03 PM
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate niggers anymore this happens. This shit ape will undoubtedly be convicted of murder one and get the death penalty. The sad part is that a nigger’s life expectancy is higher on death row than back in it’s own niggerhood. This beast will likely steal oxygen and live off the taxpayer dime for another 20-30 years before the jenkem
Juice is injected.

Sad but TRUE!!

09-07-2022, 07:11 AM
The sad part is that a nigger’s life expectancy is higher on death row than back in it’s own niggerhood. .

That's rich.. and believable. Our criminal justice system is making life easier for the chimps upon issuing a death sentence and in doing so, making their lives longer. God help us............

09-07-2022, 08:14 AM
That's rich.. and believable. Our criminal justice system is making life easier for the chimps and upon issuing a death sentence and in doing so, making their lives longer. God help us............


09-07-2022, 11:51 AM
I offer this respectfully... And know I enjoy your posts very much and read each of them... The fact is we here, the clear thinking, are always under attack... To the elite in power, the filthy libs/progressives/demonRATS, we are the embodiment of evil. Accordingly, if we are going to use numbers to describe the incredible dysfunction and criminality of the nigger beast, we better be able to defend our numbers...

I can agree with the 85 percent number although I use one slightly lower. This is how I derive my number.

First look up the total number of murders 2018 (why this year, I'll tell you at the end) This is from the FBI but not the racial data base


In 2018, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,214.

NOW This is important ... Google FBI table 43 for 2018 - which breaks down crimes by race....The number of all murders presented there is 8,957... THE DIFFERENCE between the 'Overview' number and Table 43 IS THAT MANY JURISDICTIONS DID NOT REPORT ON THE RACE OF THE PERP.. ALMOST HALF OF ALL MURDERS DID NOT HAVE RACE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM WHEN REPORTED TO THE FBI

Now that we understand that important distinction, let's look at the information presented where the race of the perp is know. (FBI Table 43) Of that 8,957 murders, niggers committed 4,778 of them - THAT IS 53.3 PERCENT OF THE MURDERS COMMITTED BY FILTHY NIGGERS WHO REPRESENT ONLY 13 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.... This is a HUGE NUMBER.... That means, using weighted averages, Niggers are over 4.8 times more likely to murder than Whites...

Now.. what do we do with the other data... THAT HUGE NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE COWARD, LYING LIBERALS REFUSED TO PROVIDE RACE DATA TO THE FBI... Let me stop right here and say we cannot come up with exact numbers. The raw data is simply not available. But, we can make some educated assumptions BASED ON THE COMMUNITIES THAT DID NOT REPORT ON RACE... These include Nig York, LA, ChimpCongo, Apelanta.. Philly, Washington DC... and other nigger-fuxated communities were we can reasonably assume niggers commit, say, 85 percent of the murders... This is reasonable given everything that's available in the media and what we see in the news.

So, 85 percent of the number of murders where race is unknown .85 * 7,257 is 6,168. Take that number and add it to the TOTAL number of nigger murders given on table 43..n 6,168 + 4,778 = 10,089 murders out of a total of 16,214 = ~68 percent of all murders carried out by the 13 percent of the population that are NIGGERS... That's the math and the number I use... Roughly 70 percent.. For me it's defensible. NOTE THAT THE ONLY NUMBER 'GUESSTIMATED' IS THE 85 PERCENT OF MURDERS ATTRIBUTED TO NIGGERS OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MURDERS WHERE WE DO NOT KNOW THE RACE.. All other numbers are 'Hard'.... And, to my knowledge, it's the best we can do.

Unless I fuxated the math... and I don't think I have.... God knows I've certainly done worse.

It's also intuitively correct... We know about 55 percent of half of all murders are done by niggers - that is hard data straight from the FBI. We're assuming that 85 percent of the murders where race is unknown were committed by niggers.... The rough average of the two percentages is 68-70 percent...

NOW, WHY HAVE I USED 2018 DATA... Because the FBI no longer puts out data by race as they have in the past.... The liberals stopped them from doing so.

Yes, if you're speaking of murder only then I'm not sure of the percentages. I am speaking of all violent crimes that may not include murder - car jacking, home invasions, rape, beating, shoving people onto subway tracks, armed robbery, etc.

09-07-2022, 12:05 PM
Savage nigger, Cleotha Abston, 38, has a juvenile record dating back to when he was just 12 — with charges including aggravated assault with a weapon and rape, according to court records obtained by the Memphis Commercial Appeal (https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2022/09/04/eliza-fletcher-disappearance-what-we-know-arrest-affidavit-cleothra-abston/7993164001/).

If anyone thinks going to prison is true punishment for this nigger, it's not. He's spent more than half his life there already. The death penalty has been suspended in TN, so even if it ever returns, they can't sentence the groid retroactively. He has rights! Basically, Pookie gets away with what he did.

So, one is horrifically snuffed out and one remains to live out his life. Kind of a crappy trade:


09-07-2022, 12:24 PM
Yes, if you're speaking of murder only then I'm not sure of the percentages. I am speaking of all violent crimes that may not include murder - car jacking, home invasions, rape, beating, shoving people onto subway tracks, armed robbery, etc.

Make sense to me...... Sadly, it will no longer make a difference as the FBI has eliminated Table 43 as they have any and all information that describes exactly what kind of filth monkeys are - and how comparatively law abiding and decent Whites are.

From top to bottom, no one is calling out what these shit-stained beasts are... They are normalizing all manner of aberrant behavior.

09-07-2022, 05:05 PM
Make sense to me...... Sadly, it will no longer make a difference as the FBI has eliminated Table 43 as they have any and all information that describes exactly what kind of filth monkeys are - and how comparatively law abiding and decent Whites are.

From top to bottom, no one is calling out what these shit-stained beasts are... They are normalizing all manner of aberrant behavior.

Yep and even if the nigger is caught standing over a corpse with the bloody knife or machete still in its paw, it's somehow not the nigger's fault. The oppreshuns, the slabery (althought I'm pretty Pookie was never enslaved), systemic raycisms, and the "mental health crisis" are to blame - never the nigger.

09-08-2022, 03:56 AM
This nigger should have been jenkemed years ago. Unfortunately, Tennessee has all but abandoned it's death penalty for several years now. At one time, murder, rape and kidnapping with interstate flight could all earn you a ride on "Old Sparky," especially if done by a nigger and the victim was human.


Abston was sentenced to 24 years in prison after pleading guilty to especially aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery in 2000. The victim stated, “he was extremely lucky he was able to escape” that night in 2000 when Abston put him into the “trunk of his car” at gunpoint for a “number of hours” until he tried to force him to use the ATM at a Mapco station. Someone entered the gas station and thankfully, the victim called for help. He wrote, “It is quite likely that I would have been killed had I not escaped.” Abston declined to comment in court. He was only 16 at the time of the kidnapping, according to his arrest ticket.
Court documents state he had “a good relationship with his family” but his “childhood was rough.” The documents go on to state Abston’s lengthy record that shows his first arrest was in 1995 for theft. He was just 11 years old. He was arrested again and again, every few months from there for burglary, theft, aggravated assault, violation of curfew, truancy, rape, evading arrest, and more.

The violent crimes including rape and aggravated assault resulted in time in the detention center but it’s unclear how much time he spent there. His file also states at the time, he had no suicidal gestures, medical problems, or mental illness. He was listed, though, as 100% violent. The 2000 kidnapping victim ended his statement to the court by saying it was “obvious to me Abston feels absolutely no remorse for the crime”

TDOC confirmed to us he was released in November 2020 when his sentence expired.

09-09-2022, 11:45 PM
The death penalty has been suspended in TN, so even if it ever returns, they can't sentence the groid retroactively. He has rights! Basically, Pookie gets away with what he did.

Refusing to punish criminals (especially niggers), and passing laws reducing deserved punishment, is treason. It really is: giving aid and comfort to the enemy. All criminals are our enemy. All niggers not yet caught are still our enemy.

09-10-2022, 12:04 AM
Yep and even if the nigger is caught standing over a corpse with the bloody knife or machete still in its paw, it's somehow not the nigger's fault. The oppreshuns, the slabery (althought I'm pretty Pookie was never enslaved), systemic raycisms, and the "mental health crisis" are to blame - never the nigger.

I don't remember who I got this from. Without this site, I'd still know this truth, but I wouldn't have great illustrations and memes like this.


09-10-2022, 09:24 AM
Refusing to punish criminals (especially niggers), and passing laws reducing deserved punishment, is treason. It really is: giving aid and comfort to the enemy. All criminals are our enemy. All niggers not yet caught are still our enemy.

In Illinois next year they are doing away with cash bail. Unreal.

09-10-2022, 09:28 AM
I don't remember who I got this from. Without this site, I'd still know this truth, but I wouldn't have great illustrations and memes like this.


They did a survey that if OJ was tried today would the verdict still be the same even with the DNA? They said he'd get set free even by more now. People were saying that maybe because the discovery of DNA in trials was new then that the jury didn't grasp it. I grasped it. I was 24 then and I grasped it. It wasn't hard. But because of all this social justice garbage he would get set free by even more now.

09-10-2022, 11:00 AM
I don't remember who I got this from. Without this site, I'd still know this truth, but I wouldn't have great illustrations and memes like this.


Perfect! And you notice that even when the nigger is caught on video mid-crime, it's still just "alleged" that the groid did it.

ETA: Seems this artist does some very very RAYCISS cartoons. The cucks and libtards on Reddit are outraged.


animal mother
09-11-2022, 10:10 AM


Memphis murder suspect Cleotha Henderson, the 38-year-old ex-con accused of abducting and killing local teacher and mother of two Eliza Fletcher during her morning run on Sept. 2, has been indicted on rape, kidnapping and felony firearms charges in connection with a second sexual assault.

It happened almost a year ago, according to court documents obtained by Fox News Digital.

"Cleotha Abston AKA Cleotha Henderson On Sept. 21, 2021, in Shelby County, Tennessee, and before the finding of this indictment, did unlawfully and intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly sexually penetrate [the victim] by use of force or coercion, while armed with a weapon," the indictment reads.

So this rape ape was up to his usual behavior and not wrangled. I cannot believe this nigger is even allowed to steal oxygen for one more second!!!!

09-11-2022, 11:43 AM


So this rape ape was up to his usual behavior and not wrangled. I cannot believe this nigger is even allowed to steal oxygen for one more second!!!!

That it gets wrangled doesn't matter to the nigger. With no death penalty, the nog gets punished for "only" one rape/murder. Even if it had committed 10 or even 100 others, those are all freebies. It can only be sentenced to life in NU, which as we know does NOT really mean "life". And this only after interminable trials, legal wrangling with shyster lawyers claiming the nigger was having a mental health crisis, appeals, etc. paid for courtesy of you.

Even with a death penality, the nigger could sit there until it dies of old age, being supplied with everything it needs and its million-dollar tab also funded by YOU and the families of the victims. It's all a bad joke and a waste of money.

A worthwhile human (who had no team of shyster lawyers on the scene to argue clemency) savagely raped and murdered, millions of dollars down the toilet, no resolution for the family, and virtually zero consequences for the nigger.

The "justice system" is broken beyond repair and would be hilarious if it weren't so outrageous.

09-20-2022, 11:11 PM
The nigger's mammy is literally claiming dindu nuffins, he bees a good boi. Every fambly member defending a nigger should receive the same sentence.

"He's just a good person, kind, lovable," Virgie Abston, 65, told a Daily Mail reporter Tuesday, according to the outlet.

That’s despite a string of felony offenses that include the armed abduction and robbery of a lawyer named Kemper Durand in 2000; a rape conviction at just 14 years old; and the latest accusations that he abducted and killed jogging mother Eliza Fletcher earlier this month and kidnapped and raped another woman last year. He had also been charged with about a half-dozen counts of aggravated assault, and he told investigators that he dropped out of school in ninth grade.

"'I talked to him, and he said he didn't do it,' the mother reportedly told the outlet. "He said, ‘They're trying to put me in some stuff, Mom.’"


09-22-2022, 03:34 AM
The parents (typically the mammy, as the baby daddy is usually nowhere in sight) ALWAYS claim dey baybee dindu nuffins. Every. Single. Time.

There is not one nigger out there with the moral courage to say, "Yes, my son is guilty of murder and deserves the death penalty, and so do I for raising such a violent criminal," because niggers have no morals and no courage.

09-22-2022, 04:48 AM
Refusing to punish criminals (especially niggers), and passing laws reducing deserved punishment, is treason. It really is: giving aid and comfort to the enemy. All criminals are our enemy. All niggers not yet caught are still our enemy.

I agree 1,000 %. Anything that erodes society, in a material and significant way, is a crime against the state and the good people of that state. I'm sure there's neverending statistics that say lenient sentences don't work, rather, they embolden the criminals. To set felons loose is essentially exposing us to danger from these murdering apes.

09-22-2022, 11:00 AM
Here's another one a day later about how his mammy thinks he be innocent. It be they fault. It waz duh system's fault.


How can anyone think this way? Your welfare check was a criminal from childhood. He just finished kidnapping someone and now he muhdik-murdered someone. And still the unrealistic boon thinks he's a gud boi.
How can someone murder a human being and not feel the slightest guilt? The buck thinks he is innocent. And I do believe that he believes he's innocent. Look, with a brain the size of a peanut, you can't expect him to grasp basis human concepts of action and consequence. Or any concept.

09-28-2022, 12:18 PM
How can someone murder a human being and not feel the slightest guilt? The buck thinks he is innocent. And I do believe that he believes he's innocent. Look, with a brain the size of a peanut, you can't expect him to grasp basis human concepts of action and consequence. Or any concept.

How can someone murder a human being and not feel any guilt? The answer is, "if they have no conscience." A conscience is a human thing. Niggers, not being human, have no conscience. This is why they always have a "ah dindu nuffins" attitude.

This is also why left-wing extremists love niggers so much and always ally with them. A left-wing extremist has no conscience, no morals, no soul, and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They are the perfect partners for niggers because (im)morally, they are just like niggers. A white left-wing extremist is, essentially, a white nigger, and is as subhuman as a nigger.

10-01-2022, 10:25 AM
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate niggers anymore this happens. This shit ape will undoubtedly be convicted of murder one and get the death penalty. The sad part is that a nigger’s life expectancy is higher on death row than back in it’s own niggerhood. This beast will likely steal oxygen and live off the taxpayer dime for another 20-30 years before the jenkem
Juice is injected.

In Illinois these politicians would charge him of second degree murder and that way he can be let out on no bail. They would do it too. Yeah, I heard of Iceland years ago back when Reagan and Gorbachev had their summit there. Before that I didn't know the country existed. I wanted to go there ever since. My dad told me Icelandic people are direct descendants of the vikings. I just hope it does not end up like Sweden.

Back to the nigger, they really need to start holding these politicians and lawyers and judges accountable if the person they gave a break to commits another violent crime. It really is only fair.

10-02-2022, 07:26 AM
Autopsy shows how she died. She had a broken leg and jaw. She was shot in the back of the head.


So, does the mutha still think her son be in'cint?

Yeah, she tripped and fell and broke her jaw on a rock. Then she shot herself in the back of the head.

Muh son be in'cint. sheeete.

11-12-2022, 01:21 PM
In Illinois next year they are doing away with cash bail. Unreal.

They just reelected Pritzker who wants to let niggers out of jail after arsons and murder. He signed a law that goes into effect Jan 1. The niggers know this and are even more emboldened. Whites around me can't believe that he was re elected. I can.

11-12-2022, 01:22 PM

Downtown Chicago now food carts are getting robbed. Someone in the comments said, "Pardon me. But do those food vendors have licenses?" WTF. Anything to take away from the niggers committing the crimes.

11-12-2022, 01:26 PM
I agree 1,000 %. Anything that erodes society, in a material and significant way, is a crime against the state and the good people of that state. I'm sure there's neverending statistics that say lenient sentences don't work, rather, they embolden the criminals. To set felons loose is essentially exposing us to danger from these murdering apes.

The Illinois Governor signed a law that niggers get out with no bail after second degree murder and arson and a host of other nasty crimes. This goes into effect Jan 1. They STILL re elected him. My question is can he be held liable if these niggers commit another henioius crime when out on no bail (and they will)? Can he be held liable and get charged for letting a dangerous nigger out? Probably not. God fucking damn citizens of this state are stupid. They really have to start charging these politicians and judges along with the niggers. It really is only fair.

11-12-2022, 01:35 PM
Autopsy shows how she died. She had a broken leg and jaw. She was shot in the back of the head.


So, does the mutha still think her son be in'cint?

Yeah, she tripped and fell and broke her jaw on a rock. Then she shot herself in the back of the head.

Muh son be in'cint. sheeete.

Jesus. It is worse than I thought. The msm of course said nothing. They have to protect that piece of filth at all cost . Notice how they make it a woman's safety in the running community story. That way it is race neutral. As if white men do this and if they do they are niggers themselves but they don't at least not very often.

11-25-2022, 12:33 AM
The Illinois Governor signed a law that niggers get out with no bail after second degree murder and arson and a host of other nasty crimes. This goes into effect Jan 1. They STILL re elected him. My question is can he be held liable if these niggers commit another henioius crime when out on no bail (and they will)? Can he be held liable and get charged for letting a dangerous nigger out? Probably not. God fucking damn citizens of this state are stupid. They really have to start charging these politicians and judges along with the niggers. It really is only fair.

My God, I know IL is full of liberals, but what kind of rampant stupidity is floating around? I have a friend who moved to Chicago several years ago, and he needs to move out ASAP.

Some of us have said for years that a judge who gives a light sentence (or lets a nigger out on easy bail/no bail), a prosecutor who gives a plea deal, a defense attorney who simply defends a nigger, should all be prosecuted as accomplices when the nigger commits its next crime. Murder? They all get to be executed together.

11-25-2022, 07:46 PM
My God, I know IL is full of liberals, but what kind of rampant stupidity is floating around? I have a friend who moved to Chicago several years ago, and he needs to move out ASAP.

Some of us have said for years that a judge who gives a light sentence (or lets a nigger out on easy bail/no bail), a prosecutor who gives a plea deal, a defense attorney who simply defends a nigger, should all be prosecuted as accomplices when the nigger commits its next crime. Murder? They all get to be executed together.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

08-09-2024, 10:52 AM
Here's an update on Nigger Cleotha - 80 years for a previous kidnap/rape conviction. Don't know if he's been tried for the Eliza Fletcher case yet.


Jim Crow
08-10-2024, 04:55 PM
Niggers are nothing but feral savage beasts. worthless and good for nothing! Their species is a total loss to human mankind! They should live thousands of miles away from us like God intended. But some fucking idiots thought it would be a novel idea to pack the pieces of shit on a boat and bring them here! If we can’t send them back, we should at least segregate and control the fucking animals!
As far as rapeapes are concerned, the same thing should be done to them as is done with a rabid animals,call animal control, subdue the fucking savage creature, and euthanize the piece of shit ASAP!

08-11-2024, 06:06 PM
My God, I know IL is full of liberals, but what kind of rampant stupidity is floating around? I have a friend who moved to Chicago several years ago, and he needs to move out ASAP.

Some of us have said for years that a judge who gives a light sentence (or lets a nigger out on easy bail/no bail), a prosecutor who gives a plea deal, a defense attorney who simply defends a nigger, should all be prosecuted as accomplices when the nigger commits its next crime. Murder? They all get to be executed together.

BEST solution yet!!

08-27-2024, 01:07 AM
Here's an update on Nigger Cleotha - 80 years for a previous kidnap/rape conviction. Don't know if he's been tried for the Eliza Fletcher case yet.

Look at that ugly gorilla
25291 :gorilla

08-27-2024, 07:54 AM
Ahh herein lies the rub, it's on FAKEBOOK, they are merely kowtowing to Chairman Mark, because his little gestapo would shut them down eventually ( canceled ) if they even let out a whiff
of anti-coon sentiment. That's why I never TOUCH any Mother Zuckerberg-ing products !

Zuck is a beta-cock soyboy who LOVES censorship!! It's because of zuckerbucks the 2020 election was stolen!!