View Full Version : The Mirror Test: White Babies recognize themselves at 15 months, Blacks not until 6 YEARS

09-02-2022, 08:23 PM
The mirror test: White babies recognize themselves at 15 months, blacks not until 6 YEARS old (Science Video).

Proof positive that niggers are really really stupid, although we already knew that.

Below is a twitter repost from Scientific American

The webpage has since been redacted and edited by these nigger lovers not to sound rayciss, of course. And in the video we have the lady and the narrator and the guy saying it "must be" because of "cultural differences" ... right ...

"Strange" results LOL and freezing behavior LOL.
It's not strange at all. The stupid nigger does not realize it is himself and not another nigger so is therefore afraid.

But here it is proof that a 6 year old nigger is barely as intelligent as a 1 year old white baby.

If you want to watch this idiotic video with the nigger lovers apologizing and making up nonsense at the end as to why niggers are stupid, here it is. Hosted by professor dipshit sorry about this guy he really sucks I know.


The woman who did the study had to change her original article and make up excuses for finding the truth about niggers. Because she felt bad about the results. Well that's not how science works, stupid nigger lover.

09-02-2022, 09:29 PM
The mirror test: White babies recognize themselves at 15 months, blacks not until 6 YEARS old (Science Video).

Proof positive that niggers are really really stupid, although we already knew that.

Below is a twitter repost from Scientific American

The webpage has since been redacted and edited by these nigger lovers not to sound rayciss, of course. And in the video we have the lady and the narrator and the guy saying it "must be" because of "cultural differences" ... right ...

"Strange" results LOL and freezing behavior LOL.
It's not strange at all. The stupid nigger does not realize it is himself and not another nigger so is therefore afraid.

But here it is proof that a 6 year old nigger is barely as intelligent as a 1 year old white baby.

If you want to watch this idiotic video with the nigger lovers apologizing and making up nonsense at the end as to why niggers are stupid, here it is. Hosted by professor dipshit sorry about this guy he really sucks I know.


The woman who did the study had to change her original article and make up excuses for finding the truth about niggers. Because she felt bad about the results. Well that's not how science works, stupid nigger lover.


09-02-2022, 11:49 PM
Honestly, i knew niggers were extremely stupid, but this beggars belief. Six years old and don't know their own reflections! This is a naturally retarded species.

Chimps have no problem recognizing themselves (http://news.discovery.com/animals/zoo-animals/chimpanzees-self-awareness-110504.htm) in a mirror. Studies have shown they're bright enough to distinguish a dye dot and remove it by looking at their own reflections.

I also always knew that apes are way smarter than niggers. After all, niggers had to learn how to "fish" for termites (for a nice, light snack) by watching chimps do it.

only three species have consistently and convincingly demonstrated mirror self-recognition: chimpanzees, orangutans, and humans.

No niggers on that list. Other animals may recognize themselves, but just not consistently.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-02-2022, 11:56 PM
I love the comment about niggers trying to rob their reflection until they’re six. :lmao

09-03-2022, 06:18 AM
There are cats that can recognize themselves in a mirror.

The list of species that are smarter than niggers is quite long - humans, chimps, orangutans, gorillas, dolphins, elephants, cats, dogs...It's no surprise, once you cut past all the BS and understand the true scientific origin of niggers. Their ancestors were Homo Erectus, and modern niggers are a devolved, dumber version of that species.

09-03-2022, 07:30 AM
There are cats that can recognize themselves in a mirror.

The list of species that are smarter than niggers is quite long - humans, chimps, orangutans, gorillas, dolphins, elephants, cats, dogs...It's no surprise, once you cut past all the BS and understand the true scientific origin of niggers. Their ancestors were Homo Erectus, and modern niggers are a devolved, dumber version of that species.

Just think, if some nasty beasty human burner/driller had not have laid down with those animals a few thousand years back, we wouldn't have the nigger problem we have today. We would just have another ape species running around the jungles of Africa, carefree, eating berries or each other, not speaking, driving or invading our cities while we made NatGeo channel shows about them in their native habitat. I hope whoever did that is burning in hell right now.

Defund Welfare
09-03-2022, 02:37 PM
This could easily be tested with a Glock and a bucket of KFC, if the nigger shoots its own reflection hoping to steal that KFC then you know you’ve got a dumb nigger!
We already knew every nigger is dumber than neon green sneakers. I’m not convinced their brains even work, they’re possibly more like the jellyfish which is just a nervous system of pre-programmed reactions and reaction to stimuli.

09-05-2022, 06:30 AM
DoctorsAndEngineers, that's a fantastic find! Of course they give ridiculous excuses ("Upbringing"! With toddlers! :D). The article by the way proves again that niggers are dangerous, vile beasts that shouldn't live among humans:

Based on results with Western children, psychologists have linked the age humans start passing the mark test with other milestones that happen around the same time, such as development of empathy. The ability to separate oneself from others is often thought of as a prerequisite for understanding that someone else might be hurt or sad, even if the beholder is not.
That just proves what we all know! Niggers have neither self-awareness, nor empathy, while humans have developed that when they are 18 months old! Shitbeasts love to hunt in packs, and their victims are preferably weak or old people. They are vile cruel beasts!

Actually I doubt that cats/dogs can pass the mirror test (removing the dot), but at least some cats seem to realize how it works (they turn around when they see their tin-opener in the mirror). What I know for sure though, pets are way more compassionate & emphatic than niggers! Everyone who owned a dog/cat know they realize when something is wrong, and come to cuddle, lick, nudge etc. 'their' human. There exists a pretty funny video where a cat discovers the tattoo of her 'mom', and tries to gently rub it away.

Jim Crow
09-05-2022, 06:43 AM
I am willing to bet that a nigglet steals or commits some kind of crime long before it reaches the age of six! Niggers may be dumb, but they are the most destructive obnoxious, worthless beast on the planet!

09-05-2022, 11:19 AM
This could easily be tested with a Glock and a bucket of KFC, if the nigger shoots its own reflection hoping to steal that KFC then you know you’ve got a dumb nigger!
We already knew every nigger is dumber than neon green sneakers. I’m not convinced their brains even work, they’re possibly more like the jellyfish which is just a nervous system of pre-programmed reactions and reaction to stimuli.

SO true!
