View Full Version : No water in Jackson, but Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is on the case

09-01-2022, 12:23 PM
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is optimistic the water can be restored to residents this week, he told CNN Wednesday. “But there is a huge mountain to climb in order to achieve that,” he added.

The Mayor of Jackson, MS, is an Africoon. Outside of science fiction, who could have envisioned such a thing? This is what happens when you let niggers vote.

For sure Chokwe will get things straightened out, although lack of water and sanitation is nothing unusual for him.

Jackson is beset by numerous crises: economic inequality, poverty, budget cuts, crumbling road and water infrastructure, predatory contractors and financiers.

All that has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the population are bone-lazy, knuckle-dragging niggroes? It must be YT's fault.

Chokwe has a Plan.



09-01-2022, 01:12 PM
The population of Jackscoon, Mizsippih has dropped 20% in the last 22 years. Take a guess why. Why, it's White flight of course! I drive this route straight up the I55 when I go back home and it takes me straight thru the city because there isn't much way around it without adding 3 hours to the trip. I have watched since 1992 as small bedroom towns around the city have turned into huge White havens from the nigger jungle that is now Jackson. Cities like Madison have exploded around the area outside of Jackson and their property values skyrocketed. They are well kept, clean, well functioning and have beautiful parks, clean water, and wide, pothole free streets with perfectly preserved historical downtown districts reflecting Mississippi's rich Southern history, culture and values.

What are the only problems there, you might ask? Native Jackscoon niggers don't want to shop in Jackscoon. They will drive the 40-60 mile round trip just to get to the other cities so they can shoplift at a clean, well stocked Wal-Mart or other store and there is nothing they can do about it.

09-01-2022, 02:03 PM
All that has nothing to do with the fact that 80% of the population are bone-lazy, knuckle-dragging niggroes? It must be YT's fault.

Chokwe has a Plan.



And just what the fuck is a 'Chokwe'??? I'd say the city is doomed but it's damnation happened some time ago, given 80 percent of the population is knuckle-dragging filth.... Great sentence, tho.... Funny!

09-01-2022, 03:36 PM
The population of Jackscoon, Mizsippih has dropped 20% in the last 22 years. Take a guess why. Why, it's White flight of course! I drive this route straight up the I55 when I go back home and it takes me straight thru the city because there isn't much way around it without adding 3 hours to the trip. I have watched since 1992 as small bedroom towns around the city have turned into huge White havens from the nigger jungle that is now Jackson. Cities like Madison have exploded around the area outside of Jackson and their property values skyrocketed. They are well kept, clean, well functioning and have beautiful parks, clean water, and wide, pothole free streets with perfectly preserved historical downtown districts reflecting Mississippi's rich Southern history, culture and values.

What are the only problems there, you might ask? Native Jackscoon niggers don't want to shop in Jackscoon. They will drive the 40-60 mile round trip just to get to the other cities so they can shoplift at a clean, well stocked Wal-Mart or other store and there is nothing they can do about it.

But I thought when niggers get their own cities, towns, or countries without the oppreshuns and systemic raycism of evil YT, it would be a paradise like Wakanda? I mean look at Haiti, Lagos, Detroit, and Jackson... oh, bad examples. Well, I'm sure there are many nigger-run places that are idyllic. I just can't think of one offhand.:rolleyes:

09-01-2022, 03:39 PM
The population of Jackscoon, Mizsippih has dropped 20% in the last 22 years. Take a guess why. Why, it's White flight of course! .

I've never seen good natured White people abandon a place unless they were forced out. Whites have no problem with Asians, Indians, or other responsible parties. In my view what happens when NIGGERS move in is more akin to ethnic cleansing (although I do not know the specific situation in JacksCoon). Whites are targeted by the nigger beast...Cars, tires slashed and vandalized in other fashion... Animals, poisoned or outright killed on sight, especially cats. Homes, graffittied or otherwise vandalized. Belongings, stolen, even if they have no value. And, of course, children are targeted and brutalized. Some humans act more quickly than others. The brainwashed are the last to figure it out and get a pittance for their properties.

I've seen this first hand in Elmont, New York... The niggerization picked up steam in the early 1980's and the once solidly middle class town is now over 50 percent nigger. Crime, drugs, failing schools.... and homes falling into disrepair are now the rule. In the 60's/70's it was Jew and Italian with a smattering of Irish. Jews were the first to leave followed quickly by the Italians. Early sellers were often able to find whites foolish enough to move in.... Later, whites would not touch the place and those abandoning ship were forced to sell to niggers. Awful.

Want to find recently niggerized communities?? The schools are the best barometer. Go to the Dept of Ed web site and look for falling standardized test scores. Niggers up, Scores down. Cross reference those communities with falling scores to the Census data base ....The correlation is unmistakable.

Interestingly ApeLanta was the exception.. Until the entire school board and administration were arrested for falsifying test scores. Those Aperested were, of course NIGGERS.... Here's the story, and even the Washington (Com)post claims it's still going on...


Anyway... I'm rambling..

09-02-2022, 08:54 AM
Chokwe Antar Lumumba! Holy hell, of course that city got ruined. That name alone screams "thug, murder, corruption, incompetence, muh-dick..." so loud that I hear it on the other side of the pond without a hearing aid!

Whitey Ford
09-02-2022, 11:48 PM
It would appear that that 'Chokwe' nigger insisted on hiring nigger owned/run companies to fix this. And I'm sure we all know how that goes. :lol

It's crazy how systemic racism caused the city of Jackson to sign an inflated $91 million deal to replace the meters for their water billing system only to discover that the subcontractors installed over 10k incorrectly, rendering them almost completely unable to generate revenue
A settlement was reached years later to the dismay of the minority subcontractors, one of whom essentially called the mayor a light skin lol.



09-03-2022, 12:12 AM
subcontractors installed over 10k incorrectly, rendering them almost completely unable to generate revenue

Sounds about right.

09-03-2022, 02:52 AM
subcontractors installed over 10k incorrectly, rendering them almost completely unable to generate revenue

Sounds about right.

The arrow stamped on the side of the meter is there to denote the direction of intended water flow. Only a nigger could fuck a simple pictogram like this up and install it bass ackwards.

09-03-2022, 05:22 AM
I would like to know a bit more about this, first off they shut off the water for what reason? Secondly they can't turn it back on for what reason?

I saw this posted on Gab anyone know if it is true?


Also just going to paste this just for records on the subject...

I got a good laugh reading that one when I read they managed to make the same mistake AGAIN, LOL

09-03-2022, 02:02 PM
But I thought when niggers get their own cities, towns, or countries without the oppreshuns and systemic raycism of evil YT, it would be a paradise like Wakanda? I mean look at Haiti, Lagos, Detroit, and Jackson... oh, bad examples. Well, I'm sure there are many nigger-run places that are idyllic. I just can't think of one offhand.:rolleyes:All niggers create are slums and cesspools.
From the CNN article, the apes are blaming racism again:
Advocates have previously pointed to systemic and environmental racism as among the causes of Jackson’s ongoing water issues and lack of resources to address them. About 82.5% of Jackson’s population identifies as Black or African American, according to census data, while the state’s legislature is majority White.

Asked Wednesday about claims that the deterioration of the water infrastructure in Jackson is a result of environmental racism, Reeves said the state does not run the water systems.
“In the state of Mississippi, we have a large number of municipalities that run their own water system. We have a large number of rural water associations that run their own water system. Prior to Monday of this week, the state of Mississippi runs exactly zero water systems,” he said.

09-04-2022, 02:56 AM
Even CBS admits it's niggers fault because niggers won't pay their bills: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jackson-mississippi-water-crisis-national-guard-called/

"It has been terrible," said Jackscoon resident Sharon Dunson, who said she had not had usable water in her section 8 home for more than a week.

Many in the city are facing the same problem despite crews installing an emergency pump at the city's deteriorating water treatment facility. The water in 53-year-old Cherry White's home is also not good to use. "It smells like jenkem," she told CBS News correspondent Elise Preston. "It made me angry," White said. "We gots no runnin wadduh to where we cain do nuffinz."

She's concerned for herself and her 5-year-old future felon, Hakeem. "I cain flush duh toilet," the nigger boy said. "So I gots to do my dookies in a shoe box in grammies closet."

Anna Wolfe, who has been covering the water crisis for the nonprofit news site Mississippi Today, said the city doesn't have the "built-in revenue" needed to maintain its water system "Cuz we done spent dat shit on uddah stuff. We've got failing pumpsez. So that's like some kinna mechanism that askshully pumps dah wadduh out dat big pond where we get our wadduh and puts it out to dem cuckstomers. The other is the treatment mechanism. So if the water is not treated, we can't push it out," she said.

Part of the reason Jackson doesn't have the funds is because of a dwindling tax base that goes back to the latter half of the last century, when the city saw an exodus of White residents during integration.

"And as our population has declined, we haven't had the tax base necessary to keep up this really large system," Wolfe said.

Yes, they actually just admitted that YT was footing the bill the whole time until they left. There is no other conclusion to draw from this statement. The phrase "built in revenue means YT money.

To blame the exodus of White customers due to integration in the last half of the 20th century is, however, a flat out lie as evidence by the actual numbers:


The White population didn't start to flee in mass until the late 90's, hardly a direct result of integration which happened decades prior. The city population actually increased for years before YT finally had enough of crime. What happened in 2005 that forced the population to finally drop to 1960's levels? The last white mayor left office, that's what happened. He took with him any chance of Jackscoon ever being anything but a corrupt nigger shithole until it burns to the ground and is razed.

If the YT population left, then that means less customers and therefore, less consumption. So the water needed has decreased but the city still has the same infrastructure to maintain, so I'll give them that much but why did they not simply adjust the water and tax bills accordingly to maintain the system? I know why - niggers and math don't go together. Also, niggers don't pay their bills anyway.

09-04-2022, 03:22 AM
The arrow stamped on the side of the meter is there to denote the direction of intended water flow. Only a nigger could fuck a simple pictogram like this up and install it bass ackwards.

Well, sorry to say this, I once worked with an American born Mexican guy, an inspector, who fucked up the direction of the meter installation. His boss, a Mexican American born in Mexico, and a good friend of mine (before he died), gave him hell about it, like, how can you Fuck that up? And at that time Franco (not his real name), had already been with the water company for 30+ years! One conclusion is, he wasn't taking his job seriously, another would be, well I won't say.

Franco always had a chip on his shoulder. As a union rep, he hounded a guy, and he always told this guy, "You don't like me because Mexican". The other guy told him, "Yes, so much so I married one".

09-04-2022, 11:43 PM
Informative. Nice article tweak! :lol Where was that quote from? It seemed very authentic.

So the city is full of niggers who won't pay their water bills. On top of that they hire nigger contractors to put the meters on backwards (so they say) so that the city can't meter the water and charge the niggers properly. And then they do it again... wow what a coincidence huh...

And then without revenue, they can't fix shit of course...

It seems like all niggers want to do there in Jackscoon is falsely claim racism and victimhood so that the whitey pays for everything.

Meanwhile they are breeding like rats in their free section Apes wiff free EBT and 12 Tryone-sprogs per nest.

By "tax base" they mean white people to pay for all their free water, housing, food, medical care, school, gibs, etc..

because we're an old city who always had whites pay for all our stuff since civil war and slavery n sheeit...

this is what happens when you help niggers, they expect it now, and they will get it for sure with Bitch Biden in office

great a gad damn ultra-burden nigger breeding mega-nest called Jackscoon, just what we need

09-05-2022, 12:06 AM
On top of that they hire nigger contractors to put the meters on backwards (so they say) so that the city can't meter the water and charge the niggers properly. And then they do it again... wow what a coincidence huh...

And then without revenue, they can't fix shit of course...

It seems like all niggers want to do there in Jackscoon is falsely claim racism and victimhood so that the whitey pays for everything.

Meanwhile they are breeding like rats in their free section Apes wiff free EBT and 12 Tryone-sprogs per nest.

Couple of things here... I know water meters well. They are exceptionally hard to put in backwards during installation. In fact, they have a large arrow denoting flow on both the inlet and outlet sides. In addition, the 'yoke' they bolt into have similar arrows. Badger, Neptune, Severn Trent... (meter companies) all do this in the vain hope niggers won't fuck it up... Niggers, of course, do fuck it up - as they fuck up everything they touch.

As for 'Whitey' paying for it, you hit the nail on the head. The SimpPimp, dementia-addled Biden upped Federal EPA's budget from 60 to 120 BILLION dollars in one year to combat 'environmental racism'. Every dollar of that additional 60 billion is unfunded and will be added to the national debt. These undeserving nigger fuckwits can expect to have their 60 pound gorilla testicles pulled right out of the fire (yet again) by White people's tax dollars and it will be our children's children who pay for it. Niggers, of course, pay for nothing.

As for nigger-filth breeding like rats... Yet again, you are right on the money. White families reproduce at less than 2 children per household - obviously below the replacement threshold. Niggers breed like the cockroaches they are at over 4 shitlets per fambly... Whites need to police up their dicks and start doing what's necessary to save our race. Better, we could take the nigger filth and..... Well, can't go there...

09-05-2022, 12:15 AM
Let me guess niggers only made this water meter "mistake" in 100% nigger neighborhoods... they've been doing this "mistake" since not long after water system was installed no doubt...
they are for sure wasting shit ton of water in the unmetered area, having a nigger free for all...

One thing I find interesting although totally expected is how nigger city officials are more than ready to sacrifice all their nigger residents for some gibs. They feel sure that whitey will come in and save the residents. They are willing to use their own residents as a bargaining chip WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT.
Nigger residents probably don't get the fact that we could not help them if we chose to, and they would all die, and whose fault would it be, mainly your niggers in government.
But we all know niggers are too stupid to make that connection and all they think about is blaming whitey for racism and that is what they would do.

09-05-2022, 12:24 AM
Let me guess niggers only made this water meter "mistake" in 100% nigger neighborhoods... they've been doing this "mistake" since not long after water system was installed no doubt...
they are for sure wasting shit ton of water in the unmetered area, having a nigger free for all

Water is like everything else to the nigger... Something to be stolen. It's gotten so bad that white utility managers had to come up with a new name for the loss because every time charges were leveled, it was at/from a nigger community.... You'll enjoy this... To not be RAYCISSSS!!!, Whites call it... 'Nonrevenue water'......... Too funny! I spent many years in the industry and continue to follow trends...

09-05-2022, 12:41 AM
Water is like everything else to the nigger... Something to be stolen. It's gotten so bad that white utility managers had to come up with a new name for the loss because every time charges were leveled, it was at/from a nigger community.... You'll enjoy this... To not be RAYCISSSS!!!, Whites call it... 'Nonrevenue water'......... Too funny! I spent many years in the industry and continue to follow trends...

The only nonrevenue water niggers should get is from our toilets... you want free water now niggers? I bet you do... gulp it down turds included you turd gobbling bootlip apes.
I'd let the niggers make a turd jello...
No in fact my turds are too good for them to eat. I would rather feed them to a dog. :lol

09-05-2022, 01:32 AM
Informative. Nice article tweak! :lol Where was that quote from? It seemed very authentic.

The article link is at the top of the post. There might have been some liberties taken with the quotes.:lol The last two paragraphs, however, are exactly as quoted by nigger loving Anna Wolfe who is actually white but is employed as a SJW reporter for the liberal E-rag Mississippi Today.

Judging by her koolaid hair, I think her brain is down to a few hundred working neurons. I also feel confident that she's seen her fair share of radiator hoses.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.storystate.msstate.edu%2Fsite s%2Fwww.storystate.msstate.edu%2Ffiles%2Finline-images%2FScreen%2520Shot%25202021-02-22%2520at%252012.52.09%2520PM%2520copy.png&f=1&nofb=1

09-05-2022, 06:45 AM
I saw this posted on Gab anyone know if it is true?

It's so outrageous and ridiculous at the same time, that I'd say it is true! Sounds absolutely like something a pea sized nigger brain could come up with! Criminal humans would have done this kind of scam in a more intelligent way.

09-13-2022, 04:17 AM
Franco always had a chip on his shoulder. As a union rep, he hounded a guy, and he always told this guy, "You don't like me because Mexican". The other guy told him, "Yes, so much so I married one".

I would have said to him, "No, I don't like you because you're whining about race like a nigger."

09-13-2022, 09:54 AM
The article link is at the top of the post. There might have been some liberties taken with the quotes.:lol The last two paragraphs, however, are exactly as quoted by nigger loving Anna Wolfe who is actually white but is employed as a SJW reporter for the liberal E-rag Mississippi Today.

Judging by her koolaid hair, I think her brain is down to a few hundred working neurons. I also feel confident that she's seen her fair share of radiator hoses.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.storystate.msstate.edu%2Fsite s%2Fwww.storystate.msstate.edu%2Ffiles%2Finline-images%2FScreen%2520Shot%25202021-02-22%2520at%252012.52.09%2520PM%2520copy.png&f=1&nofb=1

For some reason, the picture of this disgusting liberal twant struck a (dis)cord with me and I just had to dig a little deeper. This gap-toothed, marxist piece of SHIT refers to herself as a 'poverty' and 'social justice' reporter based out of Mississippi and originally hails from Tacoma - a well known liberal cesspool. I'm sure her 'reporting' is anything but... Clearly all this America-despising traitor spews is pure fiction. Anyway, what we do know is the shit-boat, nigger fuxxed state where this creature now resides HAS THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF NIGGERS IN THE NATION.... Not coincidently, twant face here bills Mississippi as the poorest state in the union as well. Where you find niggers in abundance, OF COURSE you're going to find poverty. None of these higher-order thinkers ever considers the correlation - which is lock-step unitary - that links niggers to all manner of dysfunction with poverty being primary among them. Maybe if some unwashed buck scooped her up and brought her back to it's nest for a few weeks of muh-dikking, she might just change her tune. I normally would not wish such outright bestiality on anyone or anything.... This liberal POS demands an exception be made.