View Full Version : I'm feeling burnt out...

08-31-2022, 08:05 PM
I don't know if I'm the only one here feeling it, but it just feels like the people in charge of the US government want us to feel like there is no hope left and we should feel like we are headed on a downward spiral. A few examples:

1. Affirmative action. We need to lower the standards for everyone in order to make low IQ niggers feel better about themselves.
2. War with Russia. WTF?
3. Disarming ourselves by giving all of our weapons to Ukraine, leaving nothing for the defense of our own nation.
4. Telling our European allies to engage in suicidal behaviors regarding energy to make Russia look bad. Hint: it ain't working, and they will have nigger tier societies in less than a year.
5. Banning gas vehicles and only allowing electric cars when our current power grids can't support the electric vehicles we already have.
6. Blatant and obvious corruption at the highest levels of the American government that nobody really cares to deny. Hunter Biden.
7. Defunding the police.
8. BLM. I hate niggers like everyone else here, but BLM Global Network made Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton look like amateurs.
9. Antifa.
10. Our president is literally mentally retarded and/or senile.
11. I'd rather live in the world depicted by the movie Idiocracy than the actual USA I live in.
12. They use the FBI to openly harass prior presidents and gaslight American citizens, and nobody denies this.
13. We spent years trying to combat the common cold with no success. I was 8 years old when my dad, who had no real medical experience, training, or education, told me that attempting to do so would be dumb because of the rapid mutation rate and timebases of the involved biological entities. In 1974.
14. Being woke is just an excuse for our enemies to use codewords so they can be just as hateful as us while simultaneously pretending that niggers and non-whites are too stupid to realize this. The difference being that democrats and antifas hate themselves and all non-whites, while we only hate niggers. And for the most part, as far as I can tell, we don't lie about why we hate niggers.
15. Inflation. I've been through a few economic depressions in the last few decades, and this has to be the worst one. I genuinely think most of our leadership is intellectually incapable of thinking about doing things that will benefit American citizens in the long term. Or maybe they have decided that killing as many Americans as possible is a good idea.
16. I don't know why American politicians don't want advanced technology built in the USA.
17. Our reliance on foreign nations for literally everything was exposed as a huge weakness, and nobody wants to correct that problem.
18. Recruitment in the military is slumping because nobody wants to deal with all of the tarded wokeness. I served for 9 years and I know I never would have enlisted in this day and age if I knew that I would never get promoted because of my white skin color. Judge me based on the content of my character, and not the color of my skin, you fucking fascist racist bigots.
19. I just don't really feel like the USA is worth saving anymore...
20. Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle... I think the answer might be "niggers"

Tar Remover
09-01-2022, 04:41 PM
Correct! That is EXACTLY what they WANT you to feel, and these servants of satan work hard to lie to you and to make sure that you DO feel depressed and hopeless. Good call!

Have no fear, resist these scumbags at every turn.

09-01-2022, 05:34 PM
I'll take a shot at it why not, others can fill in better as well

1. check, fact of modern life. And we're all going to suffer for it !

2. War with Russia ? meh .. as long as they don't create a nuclear standoff, that is not likely in my estimation. At this point they appear to be slowly circulating the toilet bowl on the way down.
They are just not as strong, nor as smart as their propaganda would portray. Putin wouldn't be the only big dog having a say in using nukes I'd suspect.

3. Our really good shit is probably still on the shelf somewhere, or positioned for our own purposes. Then the mil/indust complex is happy to see their products being used, so they can sell us MORE.
Apparently money is no object in Joe Fartbrain's math book.

4. It was always a dumb idea to make themselves beholden to Russian gas. Germany is making great efforts to get around this problem, England is getting porked for energy, it's going to be a cluster any way the balls roll.
It should have just been assumed all along to have a back up plan, as Russia could easily be predicted to use what is has for blackmail. Everything a thug state engages in is going to be, well, thuggish.

5. California's dreaming. So now they want to cut people's electricity too, rolling for 15 min outages or some crap. I don't see this panning out, just more lefto libtard signaling for getting elected somewhere most likely.

6. ditto, MSM and the FBI covering up his son's degeneracy, this is a real internal threat

7. Woketardism and coon coddling at its worst. Niggers commit most of the serious crime, but they don't like going to NU for it. So let's just stop prosecuting crime and blame it on YT AGAIN !
Ok they can keep that up for so long, and people will just start living like the only justice is INSTANT justice and stop relying on "laws", they will reap what they sow.

16. Because our "leaders" and tech magnates want that good cheap labor and to capture all the filthy profit from it, benefitting from our market but not benefitting the actual participants in the US market, i.e. all of us !

19. White people are going to have to decide whether they want to keep the US constitution and fight for it again somehow. We may need to blockade the libtard megacities , and let the filth drain drop by drop.
With all the illegal immigration, they are stacking the deck with invading hordes against us. It's going to get ugly before it gets good again. Or we just continue to decay and the country collapses from lawlessness and niggerdom.

Jim Crow
09-01-2022, 08:38 PM
Sounds like you’re on board with the majority of Americans who feel this country is headed in the wrong direction. All we can do is vote the liberals out!

09-02-2022, 12:40 AM
I don't know if I'm the only one here feeling it, but it just feels like the people in charge of the US government want us to feel like there is no hope left and we should feel like we are headed on a downward spiral. A few examples:

1. Affirmative action. We need to lower the standards for everyone in order to make low IQ niggers feel better about themselves.
2. War with Russia. WTF?
3. Disarming ourselves by giving all of our weapons to Ukraine, leaving nothing for the defense of our own nation.
4. Telling our European allies to engage in suicidal behaviors regarding energy to make Russia look bad. Hint: it ain't working, and they will have nigger tier societies in less than a year.
5. Banning gas vehicles and only allowing electric cars when our current power grids can't support the electric vehicles we already have.
6. Blatant and obvious corruption at the highest levels of the American government that nobody really cares to deny. Hunter Biden.
7. Defunding the police.
8. BLM. I hate niggers like everyone else here, but BLM Global Network made Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton look like amateurs.
9. Antifa.
10. Our president is literally mentally retarded and/or senile.
11. I'd rather live in the world depicted by the movie Idiocracy than the actual USA I live in.
12. They use the FBI to openly harass prior presidents and gaslight American citizens, and nobody denies this.
13. We spent years trying to combat the common cold with no success. I was 8 years old when my dad, who had no real medical experience, training, or education, told me that attempting to do so would be dumb because of the rapid mutation rate and timebases of the involved biological entities. In 1974.
14. Being woke is just an excuse for our enemies to use codewords so they can be just as hateful as us while simultaneously pretending that niggers and non-whites are too stupid to realize this. The difference being that democrats and antifas hate themselves and all non-whites, while we only hate niggers. And for the most part, as far as I can tell, we don't lie about why we hate niggers.
15. Inflation. I've been through a few economic depressions in the last few decades, and this has to be the worst one. I genuinely think most of our leadership is intellectually incapable of thinking about doing things that will benefit American citizens in the long term. Or maybe they have decided that killing as many Americans as possible is a good idea.
16. I don't know why American politicians don't want advanced technology built in the USA.
17. Our reliance on foreign nations for literally everything was exposed as a huge weakness, and nobody wants to correct that problem.
18. Recruitment in the military is slumping because nobody wants to deal with all of the tarded wokeness. I served for 9 years and I know I never would have enlisted in this day and age if I knew that I would never get promoted because of my white skin color. Judge me based on the content of my character, and not the color of my skin, you fucking fascist racist bigots.
19. I just don't really feel like the USA is worth saving anymore...
20. Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle... I think the answer might be "niggers"
Never EVER give up!! You are here with LIKE-MINDED people who WILL SUPPORT you!! Keep on SPREADING the news of the nigger beast and HUMANS will WIN!!

09-02-2022, 11:38 AM
I watched Biden's speech last night and I think it is unbelievable how he specifically targeted republicans for his hate. And people that want to make America great again. What a fucking clown...

That guy is trying to burn down the USA and get us to fight each other. I'm surprised he didn't whip out a fiddle during his speech and start playing it.

09-02-2022, 03:48 PM
Correct! That is EXACTLY what they WANT you to feel, and these servants of satan work hard to lie to you and to make sure that you DO feel depressed and hopeless. Good call!

Have no fear, resist these scumbags at every turn.

And WELCOME to Chimp out!!

09-02-2022, 05:11 PM
I'm surprised he didn't whip out a fiddle during his speech and start playing it.

His pinko idiot handlers probably have no clue who Nero was, nor any other history that might be relevant.

09-02-2022, 11:15 PM
Please sign up OP. More of your contributions would be welcomed by all here. It's truly a nigger hating family here at CO. We're normal folk just done with the skulduggery of niggers and their keepers.