View Full Version : Nation of Islam is dangerous!

Crush NoI!
08-31-2022, 06:21 PM
I hardly see nation of Islam mentioned here, but it practicically deserves a board of it's own.

It is an insane belief that is beyond the worst extremes of pisslam. Imagine if the most radical violent hateful aspects of Islamic extremism raped the most ridiculous aspects of Scientology and forced it to bear the offspring of that unholy act.

NoI preaches white people were created by an evil black genius named Yakub, that Allah lives in a perfect city inside a giant flyibg saucer and this 'mother plane' will drop bombs all over earth to destroy the evil white race, and after earth cools and heals Allah will place a perfect black Muslim race on it.

I know it's unbelievable but please look it up, it's all true. People should be aware of this incredible insanity.

09-03-2022, 12:23 AM
They're not dangerous. This is not the 1960s anymore when those chimps used guns and bombs, mostly on each other actually for "betrayal".

Today they're just a bunch of mentally retarded, self-important niggers in JC Penny discount suits and Payless dress shoes.

The whole point is for the cult leader Farakoon to collect millions in dues from stupid niggers which he uses on luxury cars and houses, etc.

09-03-2022, 02:14 AM
They're not dangerous. This is not the 1960s anymore when those chimps used guns and bombs, mostly on each other actually for "betrayal".

Today they're just a bunch of mentally retarded, self-important niggers in JC Penny discount suits and Payless dress shoes.

The whole point is for the cult leader Farakoon to collect millions in dues from stupid niggers which he uses on luxury cars and houses, etc.

I HATE that nigger c@ck$ucker and I HATE @$$lifter$!!

09-03-2022, 08:04 AM
One of my favorite PissLam memes.... Too funny, and all too true. Download and use at will!! I can't say what must happen to ALL of them in order to save the Republic, but it MUST happen.....


09-03-2022, 08:53 AM
I hardly see nation of Islam mentioned here, but it practicically deserves a board of it's own.

It is an insane belief that is beyond the worst extremes of pisslam. Imagine if the most radical violent hateful aspects of Islamic extremism raped the most ridiculous aspects of Scientology and forced it to bear the offspring of that unholy act.

NoI preaches white people were created by an evil black genius named Yakub, that Allah lives in a perfect city inside a giant flyibg saucer and this 'mother plane' will drop bombs all over earth to destroy the evil white race, and after earth cools and heals Allah will place a perfect black Muslim race on it.

I know it's unbelievable but please look it up, it's all true. People should be aware of this incredible insanity.

"Jizzlam" has been dangerous for OVER 1400 years. From the Battle of Yarmuk in 636A.D. to Isis, @$$lifter$ have ALWAYS been the aggressors against the West and the REST of the world and have started EVERY altercation. Some libtard whined about the Crusades and I told him they were the answer to OVER 450 years of Ilamic aggression in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. The ONLY thing WORSE than an @$$lifter is a NIGGER @$$lifter!!

09-03-2022, 06:03 PM
It's seems it hasn't been mentioned yet, but one of the most infamous members of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, was a gay nigger prostitute that only serviced white men.


A new biography of African-American civil rights leader Malcolm X details his “early homosexual relationship with a white businessman,” among other things that he glossed over or ignored in his own accounts, reports The New York Times.

The biography, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, was published Monday by Viking Press, three days after the death of its author, Columbia University professor Manning Marable. It is, in many ways, a groundbreaking portrayal of Malcolm X.

It is not the first source to report that Malcolm X had gay relationships, but it is a particularly high-profile one. U.K. LGBT rights activist Peter Tatchell, writer and professor Marc Lamont Hill, and Bruce Perry, who published a biography of Malcolm X in 1991, have also said he was gay or bisexual.

Malcolm X was known to have frequently lifted his ass so he could be buck broken. (moderator edit. This was not said, please don't include it as part of a quote. Expressing it as your opinion is fine).

Now, I would like to mention that I have nothing against homosexuals, unless they are intentionally spreading HIV, monkeypox, or if they are miscegenating. I am very open minded and I think it is only a problem when their behavior threatens to spread plagues.

That being said, it makes me laugh to think about how Malcolm X, who supposedly hated honky tonk white bread muhfuggas, was secretly taking it in the ass, and getting it from gay whites. The leader of an anti-human movement was a massive fag that literally sucked and fucked white dick.

Truly a hero for the BLM movement. A hypocrite, a liar, and a lover of white people. He was Uncle Ruckus before Boondocks even existed.

Every nigger buck that claims to hate white people secretly wants the white dick, and they want to be buck broken. Do not give them what they want! (Unless you want to get AIDS, monkeypox, and a bunch of other incurable diseases so you can give them to your wife and children, but if you are doing that, are you really human?)

09-04-2022, 03:11 PM
They're not dangerous. This is not the 1960s anymore when those chimps used guns and bombs, mostly on each other actually for "betrayal".

Today they're just a bunch of mentally retarded, self-important niggers in JC Penny discount suits and Payless dress shoes.

The whole point is for the cult leader Farakoon to collect millions in dues from stupid niggers which he uses on luxury cars and houses, etc.

I'm STILL wondering when the Bat Fairy will apy this nigger @$$lifter a visit!!

09-04-2022, 09:13 PM
Don't forget the nation of islam was in our whitehouse from 2008 to 2016 and look where that got us