View Full Version : Germany: Niggers attack other niggers & police at a "Eritrean" festival

08-22-2022, 03:28 PM
For whatever reason there seemed to be a "Eritrean" festival somewhere in Germany (no idea where, didn't dig deeper). Of course, niggers being niggers, the shitbeasts attacked each other with stones, knives and iron rods. Sadly no batwings, and even worse, human police officers got attacked as well. Still, when watching that video you'd never guess you are somewhere in Europe (ok, the building in the background is intact, and the street is clean, but you get my point).


Edit: Found an article, it says the town was Gießen.

08-22-2022, 05:32 PM
For whatever reason there seemed to be a "Eritrean" festival somewhere in Germany (no idea where, didn't dig deeper). Of course, niggers being niggers, the shitbeasts attacked each other with stones, knives and iron rods. Sadly no batwings, and even worse, human police officers got attacked as well. Still, when watching that video you'd never guess you are somewhere in Europe (ok, the building in the background is intact, and the street is clean, but you get my point).


Edit: Found an article, it says the town was Gießen.

Those niggers are culturally appropriating human technology, using knives and iron rods.

08-22-2022, 06:05 PM
I do recall hearing about these "Eritreans" - some niggers who were being attacked or maybe attacking other niggers.
I'm sure any country would welcome hordes of them with open arms.

08-22-2022, 10:39 PM
WDF is wrong with these Euro nations, letting parasitical subhuman garbage like this in

08-23-2022, 01:04 AM
WDF is wrong with these Euro nations, letting parasitical subhuman garbage like this in

IF they don't let them in, someone might accuse them of raycism, which apparently is worse than watching your country be destroyed and your citizens being raped, robbed and murdered, apparently.

This nigger species looks even worse than the Somalicoon.

08-23-2022, 11:56 AM
So where is Giessen?

Eritreans are some offshoot of Ethiopians, I think. Still same subhuman garbage. I don't know how long this abomination will go on, until someone says enough is enough.

08-23-2022, 01:51 PM
On a side note, this is how niggers grew such hard coconut skulls. The soft headed ones simply died out.

08-23-2022, 04:17 PM
So where is Giessen?
Giessen is a very small town in the middle of Germany. Has been famous for its University (pre Merkel), founded ~1600. Today it's obviously famous for niggers.

Eritreans are some offshoot of Ethiopians, I think. Still same subhuman garbage. I don't know how long this abomination will go on, until someone says enough is enough.
Niggers are niggers, I don't care any more where exactly they are from. Shitbeasts aren't human, they are colonialists in western countries and need to be sent back. Same for goat-fuckers of course.