View Full Version : Mutant and 'Trainer' to the Stars Shot Dayd by Another Nig-Nog over 'Nothing'

08-22-2022, 09:11 AM
Even filthy, woke, America-despising Hollyweird is getting fed up with the Nigger.... Hollyweird 'Star' bemoans the loss of his mutant 'trainer' to nig-nog violence... Notice it's not humans he's getting upset over... It's because he's been inconvenienced by the bat-winging of his mutant trainer... I'm sure his gated community, private security force and elite school for his kids insulates him from the nigger-beast... The very same nigger-beast he pontificates for when he does not stand to lose money... Fuck liberals....

Breitbart article describing how this punk-ass has been inconvenienced by the tsunami of nigger violence...

https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/08/20/actor-frank-grillo-slams-l-a-s-crime-after-his-trainer-killed-powers-that-be-need-to-get-off-their-asses-and-fix-this-st/? (https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/08/20/actor-frank-grillo-slams-l-a-s-crime-after-his-trainer-killed-powers-that-be-need-to-get-off-their-asses-and-fix-this-st/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3xozkty_2hCVPPkQV7QdAfUR7tDGtNgD2TKQGVw _SeIg5YelNfnXlsYSI)

Eye Bleach Warning... Burner, Buck and Bat-winged Mutant....


08-22-2022, 11:57 AM
Meanwhile, Bennett’s friends have set up a GoFundMe page (https://www.gofundme.com/f/azuma-sullivan-bennett) to help send its carcass back to its family in Australia.

Don't forget to donate, people!

The actor also called on “the powers that be” in Los Angeles to “get off their asses and fix this shit.”

So he wants "the powers that be" to fix this shit that THEY created with their nigger worship, refusal to arrest or prosecute criminiggers most of the time, and even if they do arrest them they are free to go with no bail?

Los Angeles has been plagued in recent years, with homicides, violent crimes, and gun violence all up.

This actor I never heard of must spend all his days with his eyes and ears shut. I guess he hasn't noticed all those crimes are committed by NIGGERS!

No one dares address the elephant in the room.

08-22-2022, 12:13 PM
Don't forget to donate, people!

So he wants "the powers that be" to fix this shit that THEY created with their nigger worship, refusal to arrest or prosecute criminiggers most of the time, and even if they do arrest them they are free to go with no bail?

This actor I never heard of must spend all his days with his eyes and ears shut. I guess he hasn't noticed all those crimes are committed by NIGGERS!

No one dares address the elephant in the room.

Even Hollyweird 'stars' notice the insanity... Ben Stein, by the way, has turned into a conservative icon, of sorts... He's never fit in with the usual Hollyweird rabble


08-22-2022, 03:20 PM
So he wants "the powers that be" to fix this shit that THEY created with their nigger worship, refusal to arrest or prosecute criminiggers most of the time, and even if they do arrest them they are free to go with no bail?
My sentiments, EXACTLY!! It's the fault of the liberal ass..., and they should be held responsible! Of course, as usual, liberals will claim that it's somebody else's fault, as usual.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-23-2022, 12:02 AM
Don't forget to donate, people!

So he wants "the powers that be" to fix this shit that THEY created with their nigger worship, refusal to arrest or prosecute criminiggers most of the time, and even if they do arrest them they are free to go with no bail?

This actor I never heard of must spend all his days with his eyes and ears shut. I guess he hasn't noticed all those crimes are committed by NIGGERS!

No one dares address the elephant in the room.
I bet some nigger out there has just a generic dead nigger gofundme and steals millions from morons.