View Full Version : Niggers loot 7-Eleven in LA

08-19-2022, 12:26 PM
A "flash mob" loots 7-Eleven in LA. Honestly, I don't understand why there are any stores left in California. Every sane company would just say, "That's it, we are gone. Ask the politicians you voted for to provide food."



08-19-2022, 05:40 PM
What the hell is there to steal at...nevermind, they're niggers.
It's like why do cows stampede.

Jim Crow
08-19-2022, 07:57 PM
Loots like a BLM convention in there!

08-19-2022, 08:04 PM
What the hell is there to steal at...nevermind, they're niggers.
It's like why do cows stampede.

Slurpees and those old nasty greasy hot dogs from the machine. Honestly they can have those.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-19-2022, 10:18 PM
What the hell is there to steal at...nevermind, they're niggers.
It's like why do cows stampede.
They’ll steal lotto tickets that are tied to the store and get arrested by raycist whitey when they try to cash em in.

08-20-2022, 06:07 AM
Slurpees and those old nasty greasy hot dogs from the machine. Honestly they can have those.

Not to forget the cigarettes and scratch-cards. Probably they'll try to sell them at the next gas station to humans. Do 7-Elevens sell alcohol in CA?

08-20-2022, 10:20 AM
A "flash mob" loots 7-Eleven in LA. Honestly, I don't understand why there are any stores left in California. Every sane company would just say, "That's it, we are gone. Ask the politicians you voted for to provide food."



That's what you get when you have a soro$ funded c@ck$ucker d.a. like george gascon!! I HATE that pos!!

08-20-2022, 10:36 AM
A "flash mob" loots 7-Eleven in LA. Honestly, I don't understand why there are any stores left in California. Every sane company would just say, "That's it, we are gone. Ask the politicians you voted for to provide food."



I agree... Gascon is a liberal, enabling appologist for all manner of nigger filth... The man defines evil and is worse than any 1,000 niggers put together. When I rage at fucking liberals.. it's his face I see.

Terrifying truth: There was just a Recall Petition attempted to put this liberal cocksucker on the ballot this November for Recall

Amazingly, the effort failed. Not enough LA residents signed the petition... This was just 2 days ago or so... THAT IS THE REASON FOR THIS FLASH MOB (Read: Nigger Attack) ATTACK on a white owned business... THEY KNOW THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT....

This is nation-destroying chaos... Like it or not, we're at war...

The story on the recall effort:


08-20-2022, 05:26 PM
I agree... Gascon is a liberal, enabling appologist for all manner of nigger filth... The man defines evil and is worse than any 1,000 niggers put together. When I rage at fucking liberals.. it's his face I see.

Terrifying truth: There was just a Recall Petition attempted to put this liberal cocksucker on the ballot this November for Recall

Amazingly, the effort failed. Not enough LA residents signed the petition... This was just 2 days ago or so... THAT IS THE REASON FOR THIS FLASH MOB (Read: Nigger Attack) ATTACK on a white owned business... THEY KNOW THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT....

This is nation-destroying chaos... Like it or not, we're at war...

The story on the recall effort:


Thanks for that information! I didn't know that. Of course that's probably just a coincidence, but did you notice that the three women in the picture are Asian? I know of course that one single photo is completely irrelevant, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least some truth to it.
It's absolutely crazy that petition failed!! I don't want to think about what that says about the people living in CA. On the other hand: My country of birth, Germany, destroys itself as well due to the retarded voting behaviour of its population over the last 30 years. They run into their own destruction with open eyes. Things happen that I just don't understand at all!

Tar Remover
09-02-2022, 04:30 AM
Niggers loot HELL the second they get there......:lol