View Full Version : Chimps caught rival Crapper at restaurant

08-17-2022, 12:20 AM

08-18-2022, 03:45 PM
the YouTube comments blow my mind

08-19-2022, 11:02 AM
There is a famous crapper buried at my grandparents' cemetary. He got shot by one of his homies. He died at like 25. The "fans" come and leave bling near his mosoleum.

08-19-2022, 12:36 PM
I think this is some good opportunities for some batwingz don’t you guys agree!

At the end of the day the only good kneegrow is a certified goodified kneegrow

Amen and praise the White God lol

08-19-2022, 03:32 PM
the YouTube comments blow my mind

All save one!:lol

0 seconds ago
The ridiculous, incoherent and illogical thought processes being spewed out here is both a butchery of the English language and an affront to common sense. It is simply astounding and an embarrassment to our country, our education system and our society . You people are as dumb as a bag of hammers and should be separated from the rest us for the safety, well being and ultimate survival of our great society. By your very words, you condemn yourselves as irrational, simple, violent, low IQ fools and just as willfully ignorant and savagely indifferent to life as the assailant. Not a one of you have any business living in a first world country.

We'll just see how long it stays up.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-19-2022, 05:05 PM

here’s one future rocket scientist in the comment section

https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu84b4qNRRDg1WTgBzW-vXULG4r6IgcjODQw1A=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6iwgwIxsunQEszfUsu-cyQ)Yeshua Selah4 months ago
I can understand killing a man anywhere you see him at if the beef serious but I can tell it’s not that serious they were just being foul. Don’t disrespect or endanger innocent women over street fights

Tar Remover
08-19-2022, 07:10 PM
There is a famous crapper buried at my grandparents' cemetary. He got shot by one of his homies. He died at like 25. The "fans" come and leave bling near his mosoleum.

You should leave something a little less "glitzy" on it..... :lol

Tar Remover
08-19-2022, 07:11 PM
All save one!:lol

We'll just see how long it stays up.:rofl:rofl:rofl I love it!!!!! At least it will DEFINITELY stay HERE!

Here was MY comment:

Tar Remover
Tar Remover
0 seconds ago
I'm just sad that they didn't pull out dey gats and blast each other back to hell.....

Jim Crow
08-19-2022, 07:55 PM
Boring!What good is a nigger on nigger fight if no batwings is issued!C’mon niggers! At least put the muthafugga in a wheelchair for life!

08-19-2022, 08:08 PM
You should leave something a little less "glitzy" on it..... :lol

Niggerlovers come there with those ghosts box machines that look like transistor radios and all you hear is static trying to contact it and communicate with it on "the other side". It's on facebook. Idiots. That is the one thing I don't like. That cemetary attracts alot of niggers and wiggers now. It died way after my grandparents. I go there to visit them and I see this big nigger mosoleum. My son knew who the guy was. I had never heard of him. He got shot in some gang rap battle the moron.

Tar Remover
08-20-2022, 04:25 AM
Niggerlovers come there with those ghosts box machines that look like transistor radios and all you hear is static trying to contact it and communicate with it on "the other side". It's on facebook. Idiots. That is the one thing I don't like. That cemetary attracts alot of niggers and wiggers now. It died way after my grandparents. I go there to visit them and I see this big nigger mosoleum. My son knew who the guy was. I had never heard of him. He got shot in some gang rap battle the moron.

Niggers scream "Looks at muh!" even after they be daid!:lol

08-20-2022, 07:14 AM
I got banned from ScrewTube years ago so can't sign in to view the coon antics. Oh well, I'll survive !

08-20-2022, 08:49 AM
I got banned from ScrewTube years ago so can't sign in to view the coon antics. Oh well, I'll survive !

I'm on my 6th or 7th VerminTube account... And I've got another just sitting and waiting for when I get goosed by that liberal filth yet again (it's coming). If you want to open up a new account (or 4), DOWNLOAD THE TOR BROWSER. Open up another, new, Gmail account first. It's easy and you should have a dedicated, track-proof browser anyway in this day and age. The trick (and you'll learn quickly as you'll lose accounts) is to never, ever open your new VerminTube account - or new Gmail account - in any of your old browsers. They'll recognize the new account and link it to your old, terminated one in a heart beat and zap you.

VerminTube is very conscious of people doing just that and you get messages when opening VerminTube that they don't like the servers the TOR browser is using and will not allow you log on. You need to CLOSE OUT THE TAB ON THE BROWSER, OPEN A NEW, BLANK TAB .. and then go and choose a new path to route your traffic (not a completely new identity). There are options to route traffic differently on this browser. Use it when VermintTube rejects your attempts to sign on. This way the traffic comes from a different set of routers. They track routers used by the Onion/TOR and fuck with you when you log on. Sometimes it takes a while. But once you're in, they will not boot you off.

I leave my VerminTube account open for days at a time to avoid the problem I've gotten pretty good at spoofing them. I'll turn my VPN off and on to keep them guessing. Again, you need to close the tab that notified you of their rejection, open another and try to call up the account... Once you get through the routing bullshit, you log on as normal... sometimes in another language.... but it's obvious what you have to do... Email first, password second..

Any browser other than TOR and they figure out you're scamming in an instant. Again, DON'T open your new VerminTube account in any browser other than TOR... Also, don't open up your new Gmail account outside of TOR either... They know the new VerminTube account you created is linked to that Gmail account. If you do, again, they terminate your new VerminTube account in very short order. They have cookies placed and know immediately and your account - and new email - is toast. TOR is a slow browser... So I have it pretty much dedicated for VerminTube... Or when I want to be completely anonymous.... It's a good thing to have

One last thing... As my VerminTube accounts have been terminated, I always sign up the linked gmail account for all manner of spam... My little (very little) good bye to Google. Let them deal with deluges of spam... Evil assholes

08-20-2022, 10:10 AM
There is a famous crapper buried at my grandparents' cemetary. He got shot by one of his homies. He died at like 25. The "fans" come and leave bling near his mosoleum.

25?! That's an OLD age for a crapper!!