View Full Version : nigglet stench

08-16-2022, 05:46 PM
I've been to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream this evening, it's hot here at the moment. In the store I passed a nigglet, I can't say how old it was (I am generally bad at guessing ages, especially with kids), but it had a school bag, and was approximately 1,2m tall. So, definitely young. BUT: Boy, did that thing stink. Unbelievable! Despite its young age it already had that very special animalish nigger stench, but to the max. Even though its clothes looked clean, it smelled like a whole Nigger Felon League team.

08-16-2022, 07:51 PM
Niglets always stink! They're taught from a young age to not bathe at all! :rockfish niggers are so stupid they'd drown while taking a shower! :lol

08-16-2022, 09:44 PM
It's how they naturally are. They smell like monkeys.

08-17-2022, 03:54 AM
It's how they naturally are. They smell like monkeys.
Yes, I am used to their normal smell of course. What really took me by surprise was the amount of stench: As I said, one nigglet, and I am not lying here, it stank like a bus full of adult bucks. I couldn't believe it - actually turned around and looked for it's parents, because I thought that there is no way this small thing could produce all that stench, but it did. I really wonder why they get Malaria in Apefrica, even mosquitos probably avoid them when there are other animals around.

08-17-2022, 07:27 AM
What's worse are the stench combinations bucks and sows have cultivated over the years such as the funk of cocoa butter, wallowing in Polo cologne, and Jerri Kurl.

Jim Crow
08-17-2022, 07:45 AM
I remember when my mom sent me to YMCA camp at lake Hubinger in East Haven,CT,late 1960’s.There were only one or two token nigglets.But,when we got dressed in our groups lodge after swimming,there were maybe 30 humans/2 nigglets. you could smell a little fuckers! I was just a young boy (8yrs old).I didn’t really really understand the abomination that niggers are. but I acknowledged they smelled and acted like beasts!

08-17-2022, 09:00 AM
It's how they naturally are. They smell like monkeys.

STOP insulting monkeys!! They smell waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better and are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than niggers!!

Ray Cizzums
08-17-2022, 10:31 AM
They often stink from the unwashable hair stylin' on their heads. There have been a few cases here, where teachers have
asked the mammy to do something about the eye-watering stink coming off their "chile". The niggers immediately went
apeshit, about the right for their sprog to wear it's "natural" wool, which they oil-up with some sort of stink juice.
It's ray-cizzums an 'skriminations, of course....

08-17-2022, 03:51 PM
I remember when my mom sent me to YMCA camp at lake Hubinger in East Haven,CT,late 1960’s.There were only one or two token nigglets.But,when we got dressed in our groups lodge after swimming,there were maybe 30 humans/2 nigglets. you could smell a little fuckers! I was just a young boy (8yrs old).I didn’t really really understand the abomination that niggers are. but I acknowledged they smelled and acted like beasts!

Now, you'll get raped by some niggerfaggot.

Jim Crow
08-17-2022, 09:12 PM
Now, you'll get raped by some niggerfaggot.

I’m sure that they have gay and transgender camp counselors now and that could very well happen. back then, all the counselors were human and they were real men who had families of their own.

08-18-2022, 12:07 AM
I’m sure that they have gay and transgender camp counselors now and that could very well happen. back then, all the counselors were human and they were real men who had families of their own.

Those days are gone!! Like our military!!

Defund Welfare
08-18-2022, 05:28 PM
This is why they got blasted with the hose in the saner days… only bath they ever got.

08-19-2022, 03:36 AM
The niggers immediately went
apeshit, about the right for their sprog to wear it's "natural" wool, which they oil-up with some sort of stink juice.
It's ray-cizzums an 'skriminations, of course....
I was not aware of that. I am not sure if our niggers do that as well, I usually avoid them whenever and wherever possible. It really surprises me that they don't put each other on fire much more often, because when they oil-up their nappy fur, that should burn like hell.

Ray Cizzums
08-19-2022, 09:46 AM
I was not aware of that. I am not sure if our nigger do that as well, I usually avoid them whenever and wherever possible. It really surprises me that they don't put each other on fire much more often, because when they oil-up their nappy fur, that should burn like hell.

Oh yeah, they do it alright. They can't wash that twisted-up monkey fur, so they slather it with a variety of noxious substances.
Be on the lookout for shiny headrests, on planes, trains and buses - it's a mix of nigger hair grease, and body odor. I got it on
me once, on the LIRR train into Manhattan. Don't touch it - it will spread out in all directions. I went straight to a drug store and
got alcohol wipes, which got it off. Fortunately, this was before AIDS and monkeypox, so I survived....

08-20-2022, 07:10 PM
I really wonder why they get Malaria in Apefrica, even mosquitos probably avoid them when there are other animals around.

You may have hit on something. Niggers can't do anything right, so maybe it's their attempt at natural selection to ward off insects. It clearly doesn't work, as all these "Feed the starving niglets!" TV commercials show niglets infested with flies.

What's worse are the stench combinations bucks and sows have cultivated over the years such as the funk of cocoa butter, wallowing in Polo cologne, and Jerri Kurl.

Last week at the grocery store, I started smelling something horrible and all too familiar. Rounding the corner, 10 feet beyond there was a nigger buck. That's how far the stench was spreading, that horrible combination of urine, feces, nigger sweat, a bakkaball jersey that may have never been washed, and some putrid aftershave or cologne that only niggers love. Lots of us have experienced that in different forms, but it always makes you feel a need to run for the nearest toilet.

08-22-2022, 04:01 PM
You may have hit on something. Niggers can't do anything right, so maybe it's their attempt at natural selection to ward off insects. It clearly doesn't work, as all these "Feed the starving niglets!" TV commercials show niglets infested with flies.

Last week at the grocery store, I started smelling something horrible and all too familiar. Rounding the corner, 10 feet beyond there was a nigger buck. That's how far the stench was spreading, that horrible combination of urine, feces, nigger sweat, a bakkaball jersey that may have never been washed, and some putrid aftershave or cologne that only niggers love. Lots of us have experienced that in different forms, but it always makes you feel a need to run for the nearest toilet.
Haha, yep, that sounds familiar! It's unbelievable how far reaching that stench is. I am not really religious, but I am convinced god invented that smell as a warning system for humans, animals etc., so that they can avoid the beast even in the dark.

Tar Remover
08-27-2022, 06:30 PM
It had just finished muh-dikking it's mammy.