View Full Version : Nigger Babble Dictionary

08-16-2022, 11:48 AM
I wonder if they will include words like "Imma" and "Deff": "Imma choke you to deff, ho."

"There's a kind of elegance to a lot of Black expressive speech, getting to complex ideas in simple ways, and sometimes using the same word with different inflections to mean multiple things."

says Adam Bradley, Nu-Male Cuck, and nigger-loving professor of English and African American studies and an advisory board member for the Oxford Dictionary of African American English who won't be happy until we speak only in Negroid grunts and clicks.



08-17-2022, 03:03 AM
Thanks for the good laugh in the morning :D. "There's a kind of elegance to a lot of Black expressive speech". That's a truly unique way to say that niggers are unable to speak in a civilized manner. And who does that niggerbabble "dictonary"? A whigger! Even for such simple tasks as writing up words and their meaning they need "yt".

'This is as much a story about people as it is about words,' says Adam Bradley
Harvard "University", of course!

08-17-2022, 04:16 AM
The word elegance should never be used in anything that involves anything about backs, niggers, Africa, and the negroid species. A howler monkey driving a Bentley is not made elegant by the vehicle. Any nigger that lives in a mansion in Malibu is still just a nigger. Any utterance from a nigger is just bix nood.

08-17-2022, 05:30 AM
Why do niggers need any dictionary, much less their own. Niggers can't read, so what does it matter?

How, exactly, would a nigger dictionary work? Niggers cannot agree on a single spelling for any given word no matter how few syllables. Just the simple words boy and girl would require six entries. We already have an English dictionary that codifies our language. Why don't niggers just use it?

Appropriation and destruction is a nigger thing.

Here, niggers, you can have this:

08-17-2022, 09:05 AM
Thanks for the good laugh in the morning :D. "There's a kind of elegance to a lot of Black expressive speech". That's a truly unique way to say that niggers are unable to speak in a civilized manner. And who does that niggerbabble "dictonary"? A whigger! Even for such simple tasks as writing up words and their meaning they need "yt".

Harvard "University", of course!

That bastion of "libtahdism" outside of bahston, marxachimpshits!!

08-17-2022, 09:06 AM
The word elegance should never be used in anything that involves anything about backs, niggers, Africa, and the negroid species. A howler monkey driving a Bentley is not made elegant by the vehicle. Any nigger that lives in a mansion in Malibu is still just a nigger. Any utterance from a nigger is just bix nood.


08-18-2022, 03:32 PM
That bastion of "libtahdism" outside of bahston, marxachimpshits!!

Haha, true dat! As far as I am concerned: As soon as a "University" offers 'social "sciences"', it lost its right to call itself University. Fake sciences are religions at best, hence they belong into a church. Libtards already worship Allah, the chief asslifter.

08-20-2022, 02:57 PM
These filthy whigger scum are degrading the language by promoting nigger babble like it was an elegant language.

"Words that we take for granted today such as 'cool' and 'crib,' 'hokum' and 'diss,' 'hip' and 'hep,' 'bad' meaning 'good,' and 'dig' meaning 'to understand' — these are just a tiny fraction of the words that have come into American English from African American speakers." So just crude stupid slang words are these apes main contribution to our language. Niggers and enablers degrade not only our language but everything else.

08-20-2022, 04:36 PM
I've given significant thought to Nigger-Speak... In fact, I've written pages on it. Succinctly, nigger speak mirrors everything else about the nigger... From it's original tribal tungue to it's bastardization of the English Language. Think of some commonly used nigger words... 'Dat' for the human word 'That'... is one example. Think of the gymnastics your mouth must do to make the 'Th' sound... Tongue thru teeth while working the vocal cords... IT'S A COMPLEX SOUND... Niggers cannot do ANYTHING that is complex, so it's bastardized into 'Dat'.... Which is a very simple sound to make. Doubt it??/ Think of the first words Babies form.. Almost always it's 'Da Da'..... and not 'Ma Ma'... Why is that??? It's not that they value Dad any more than Mom... IT'S SIMPLY AN EASIER NOISE TO MAKE.... Much to most Mom's dismay... And niggers us 'Dat' for the exact same reasons..

Niggers are like babies... they always choose the easier path.

As for their tribal languages.... They cannot count past 4 and use 'a few' and 'a lot' for all numbers past the number 4. They have no past tense... Nor any future tense... Everything is 'In the Now'....

As this dumb-shit 'professor' says, niggers use different vocalizations of the same words or sentences to convey different meaning... Why??? They have such a limited number of words , they cannot relay their thoughts through a rich vocabulary... Again... SIMPLE.... like their minds... AND THIS WHITE CUCK TRIES TO GLORIFY SUCH STUPIDITY... ... Fuckwit.... An enemy to decency and the progress of the human race.