View Full Version : Is "Michelle" Obama really a man?

08-15-2022, 11:21 PM

Joan Rivers confirms it.


Joan Rivers was asked by a photographer if she believed the United States would ever see the first gay or female president. Her response was typical Rivers.

“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” she said. “You know Michelle (Obama) is a trans.”

When asked to further explain Rivers said, “A transgender. We all know it.”

“I think it’s a compliment. He’s so attractive, tall, with a beautiful body, great face, does great makeup. Take a look and go back to La Cage Au Follies (sic). The most gorgeous women are transgender.”

I think there's only one thing left to say about this: The Aristocrats! (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Aristocrats)

In all seriousness, Michelle Obama was born on the same date and time as Michael Lavaughn Robinson.

08-21-2022, 03:30 PM
Sorry dude this is dumb
Plenty of reasons to not like nigger Michelle Obama, don't need kiddie crap like this

DR Spook
08-21-2022, 03:42 PM
Doesn’t really matter, it’s a nigger either way.

08-21-2022, 04:00 PM
Doesn’t really matter, it’s a nigger either way.

Tru Dat!!

08-21-2022, 05:03 PM
Sorry dude this is dumb
Plenty of reasons to not like nigger Michelle Obama, don't need kiddie crap like this

I think nigger memes, like this one, are funny. They're not meant to be high-brow and we have a whole forum full of them.

08-21-2022, 05:15 PM
Everyone already knows about Big Mike's Pike.

08-21-2022, 09:38 PM
The hands say it all. Google Big Mikes Hands. Its living proof

08-22-2022, 05:29 AM
She is NOT a man.
She is an APE

08-22-2022, 05:56 AM
Sorry dude this is dumb
Plenty of reasons to not like nigger Michelle Obama, don't need kiddie crap like this

I have to respectfully disagree with you there.

First, a person would have to be living under a rock with no gay-dar to not see that Big Mike is a tranny. Put aside the fact that Barry the fairy has no burf certificate. NO A SINGLE ONE OF THE OBAMAS DO except for BIG MIKE! Those girls were either bought or stolen.

Second, there is not a single public record paper trail on any of them except for Michael Lavaughn Robinson and his college football stats. Men can't have babies no matter what the current crop of nutjobs say or how they try to redefine simple words like men and women.
The Obama admin did more to destroy this country, our family values and our military defense than every president in the past 50 years combined. Open homosexuality, transvestites and body modification butchery are now accepted and paid for at taxpayer expense for our now hamstrung, feckless, leaderless military, leaving us ripe for total destruction. The real warfighters have all left and it was by design. They were destroyed from within - from the CINC, top down.

I take that personally since it basically destroyed over twenty years of very hard work on my part. It's like watching your own house that you built with your own hands being burned to the ground while you are tied to a tree across the street.

For their 8 years in the Oval Office and every year since, the obammy's have been thumbing their noses in our faces laughing at our gullibility. I have no qualms whatsoever about talking trash about them at every turn on the internet or in person and do so regularly because they deserve it and the fools that elected them do as well. They need to have their noses rubbed in it like a dog that shit on the carpet - and they need to smell that shit whenever possible. I, for one, will continue to do so and I'll go ahead and step out on a limb and bet that just about everyone else here will as well.

It's not kiddie crap. It's simply the truth in meme/picture form which seems to be the most effective method for not only demoralizing the enemy (the meme helped bring us Trump, afterall), but exposing them for who they are. Memes are truthful, short, brutal and to the point. Truth is why the left can't meme. This is why they can't stand pictures. They have grown accustomed to being spoon-fed, only believing what they see and hear with no desire to seek out the truth by reading and searching for the facts. They have an atrophied ability to see and accept facts even if they tried. I say, give them just that and let them choke on it.

You may call it dumb, but dumb and cheap shots are all they understand anyway so they might just sink in!

Besides, if your looking for highbrow commentary and comics, you've probably come to the wrong place anyway.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. uNj0DtIwRnf5Zb1v2SJpQgHaHK%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Jim Crow
08-22-2022, 06:57 AM
All sows look manly and fugly to begin with.So,it could go either way!After all,Barry is a bitch—boy who likes to bend over! so, either way, big Mike is giving it to him up the ying yang!

08-22-2022, 07:49 AM
All sows look manly and fugly to begin with.So,it could go either way!After all,Barry is a bitch—boy who likes to bend over! so, either way, big Mike is giving it to him up the ying yang!

0bungh0le is the BOTTOM BITCH!!

08-22-2022, 11:45 AM
Besides, if your looking for highbrow commentary and comics, you've probably come to the wrong place anyway.

Oh, there's plenty of high-brow, intelligent, insightful, articulate, and witty commentary here! The dumb kiddie jokes and memes are also necessary. Sometimes, these days, you have to laugh or you'll cry in despair at the insanity raging everywhere.


08-22-2022, 12:19 PM
I have to respectfully disagree with you there.

First, a person would have to be living under a rock with no gay-dar to not see that Big Mike is a tranny. Put aside the fact that Barry the fairy has no burf certificate. NO A SINGLE ONE OF THE OBAMAS DO except for BIG MIKE! Those girls were either bought or stolen.

Second, there is not a single public record paper trail on any of them except for Michael Lavaughn Robinson and his college football stats. Men can't have babies no matter what the current crop of nutjobs say or how they try to redefine simple words like men and women.
The Obama admin did more to destroy this country, our family values and our military defense than every president in the past 50 years combined. Open homosexuality, transvestites and body modification butchery are now accepted and paid for at taxpayer expense for our now hamstrung, feckless, leaderless military, leaving us ripe for total destruction. The real warfighters have all left and it was by design. They were destroyed from within - from the CINC, top down.

I take that personally since it basically destroyed over twenty years of very hard work on my part. It's like watching your own house that you built with your own hands being burned to the ground while you are tied to a tree across the street.

For their 8 years in the Oval Office and every year since, the obammy's have been thumbing their noses in our faces laughing at our gullibility. I have no qualms whatsoever about talking trash about them at every turn on the internet or in person and do so regularly because they deserve it and the fools that elected them do as well. They need to have their noses rubbed in it like a dog that shit on the carpet - and they need to smell that shit whenever possible. I, for one, will continue to do so and I'll go ahead and step out on a limb and bet that just about everyone else here will as well.

It's not kiddie crap. It's simply the truth in meme/picture form which seems to be the most effective method for not only demoralizing the enemy (the meme helped bring us Trump, afterall), but exposing them for who they are. Memes are truthful, short, brutal and to the point. Truth is why the left can't meme. This is why they can't stand pictures. They have grown accustomed to being spoon-fed, only believing what they see and hear with no desire to seek out the truth by reading and searching for the facts. They have an atrophied ability to see and accept facts even if they tried. I say, give them just that and let them choke on it.

You may call it dumb, but dumb and cheap shots are all they understand anyway so they might just sink in!

Besides, if your looking for highbrow commentary and comics, you've probably come to the wrong place anyway.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. uNj0DtIwRnf5Zb1v2SJpQgHaHK%26pid%3DApi&f=1

I've always considered that huge mound a Gorilla Vulva... But I'll take your word for it!

08-22-2022, 05:06 PM
Oh, there's plenty of high-brow, intelligent, insightful, articulate, and witty commentary here! The dumb kiddie jokes and memes are also necessary. Sometimes, these days, you have to laugh or you'll cry in despair at the insanity raging everywhere.

I found this comment interesting, as it tends to be similar to how a lot of combat vets react to... bad environments.

People need an outlet for their frustrations, especially when they are in positions where they have little to no control over their very lives.

I've been feeling a little burned out lately, because it feels like my country (the USA) is going in a downward spiral and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. I mean, I suppose I could run for president as an independent or something, but I doubt I'd get enough votes since Americans only vote for dems or repubs.

Even if I created something like an American Nationalist party dedicated to serving the American people, our country, our interests, and our allies, insofar as everyone involved benefits in some way (well, I said American, but I mean the USA; added for clarification due to multiple American continents and whatnot), I would probably still fail miserably because most Americans have no faith in our nation.

This will probably cost me some votes, but I would gladly serve the majority versus the minority groups.

If I were to become a public servant in such a fashion, I would perceive it as my duty to serve those who serve me. And may whatever gods the heretics serve have mercy on them... Or not, depending on how many of their own rules they have willfully violated in the pursuit of their goals.

08-22-2022, 10:28 PM
Oh, there's plenty of high-brow, intelligent, insightful, articulate, and witty commentary here! The dumb kiddie jokes and memes are also necessary. Sometimes, these days, you have to laugh or you'll cry in despair at the insanity raging everywhere.20737


Of course I'd rather be




They can keep that shit at

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-22-2022, 11:53 PM
Oh, there's plenty of high-brow, intelligent, insightful, articulate, and witty commentary here! The dumb kiddie jokes and memes are also necessary. Sometimes, these days, you have to laugh or you'll cry in despair at the insanity raging everywhere.

Agreed. Niggers and the left 1up their ridiculous shit every day and the whacky shit gets normalized. I used to get mad (and admittedly sometimes still do) but for the most part I find ways to laugh. Sometimes, I laugh my ass off in here. From swashbuckling stabby scimitar nigger pirates to “ahh dunno hows muh mudshark is deyad behind muh couch with a knife in hu chest”. Niggers are fucking hilarious as long as you don’t live anywhere near them.

08-23-2022, 12:51 AM
Agreed. Niggers and the left 1up their ridiculous shit every day and the whacky shit gets normalized. I used to get mad (and admittedly sometimes still do) but for the most part I find ways to laugh. Sometimes, I laugh my ass off in here. From swashbuckling stabby scimitar nigger pirates to “ahh dunno hows muh mudshark is deyad behind muh couch with a knife in hu chest”. Niggers are fucking hilarious as long as you don’t live anywhere near them.

I am so grateful for this un-PC, un-feminazi, un-cucked, anti-coddler forum. Without the outlet it provides I really feel my head might explode. It helps me to just laugh at the zany news stories of nigger absurdities and hijinks, gender crap, the triggered, the uncomfortable, the #MeToo nitwits, and the "women of size" permeating every aspect of life.

At least here, we can laugh about it, well, up to a point but it's better than crying or imploding.