View Full Version : Double Shooting in Ohh-so-Woke Burlington Vt. and my letter to the news station there.

08-13-2022, 09:57 AM
Sent the following to the woke pieces of shit at NBC-5, Burlington, Vt.. A double shooting on Church Street.. The tourist and commercial hub of the city. These 'journalist' lumps of crap put political correctness above finding the raging nigger who so clearly shot two people sending them to the hospital.

Again, I am a firm believer that the coddlers and apologists for/of niggers are way worse than the niggers themselves...

Anyway, for what it's worth...

First, a hearty 'FUCK YOU' for your shitty reporting. We have a shooter on the loose but you have no compunction to relay the description of the suspect. Nope... God forbid you disturb the sensibilities of the liberal trash that represents the vast majority of your viewership - and, to be sure, your management team. Safety of the public BE DAMNED... Assisting the Police Dept. BE DAMNED... Common sense.. BE DAMNED. Did you pathetic twants even ASK FOR DESCRIPTION??? God forbid you relay a truth and it reflects badly on your pets.

You people disgust me. You're a stain. Care to know who I am??? Google my name... 'Gene Currivan' You'll discover I'm an internationally known journalist in my own right - one that's earned the title.

Get lost, you pimps....


08-13-2022, 11:26 AM
Bernie Sanders territory.