View Full Version : Dortmund (Germany): Police batwings stabby nigger from Senegal - Racissssst

08-12-2022, 05:18 AM
In Germany police shot the third nigger within a week. This time a supposedly 16yo shitbeast from Senegal with the oh so German name "Mohammed", who attacked police officers with a knife, and couldn't be held back with pepper spray and a teaser. Of course, lame stream media tries to pull a St.Floyd and claims that the "Dordmunder" (= Person form Dortmund) had psychic problems, and was a good boy, and that the German police is racist.



Jim Crow
08-12-2022, 06:49 AM
Cop deserves a medal of honor!

08-12-2022, 09:47 AM
Cop deserves a medal of honor!

My sentiments, exactly! Especially in Germany, where cops even got fired for looking funny at a foreigner. What I haven't been aware of when I wrote the post: The cop had a machine gun (5 out of 6 hits) - that was something unheard of a few years ago. Reportedly they quietly equipped all police cars with mps in 2020 in the Ruhr area. I had no idea.

Defund Welfare
08-12-2022, 11:17 AM
“Muh mental illness!” They all love to fight with the law and act like that, even over in Germany they have the exact same nigger problems we have over here. Despite the obvious people still blame the usual systemic racism and other nonsense and not genetics.

The operations center sends several patrol cars to the north of Dortmund. In a run-down area that has a disproportionate rate of migration and crime.
Did the article just say there’s a link between migration and crime? I wonder if authors get fired for those blunders like they do over here.

Niggers cause problems the world over, there are no exceptions.

08-12-2022, 11:24 AM
In Germany police shot the third nigger within a week. This time a supposedly 16yo shitbeast from Senegal with the oh so German name "Mohammed", who attacked police officers with a knife, and couldn't be held back with pepper spray and a teaser. Of course, lame stream media tries to pull a St.Floyd and claims that the "Dordmunder" (= Person form Dortmund) had psychic problems, and was a good boy, and that the German police is racist.



Same old SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT wherever you go!! The West is doomed unless we stop importing $hitbea$t$ from @44lifter and nigger countries!!

08-12-2022, 03:10 PM
Mental illness, while a real thing, has been twisted by the woke just like they've twisted everything else to push their evil cancel culture agenda.

Why is it that mentally ill white person = saying some funny things and then being told to take their meds, while "mentally ill" nigger = having a category N chimpout and shooting or stabbing innocent people for no reason?

08-12-2022, 04:00 PM
Mental illness, while a real thing, has been twisted by the woke just like they've twisted everything else to push their evil cancel culture agenda.

Why is it that mentally ill white person = saying some funny things and then being told to take their meds, while "mentally ill" nigger = having a category N chimpout and shooting or stabbing innocent people for no reason?

Exactly, one of the countless liberal double standards. Chimpy, stabby, shooty niggers/ass-lifters are always portrayed as "mentally ill", hence it can't be their fault. Whenever white people do something the liberals don't like, they are "member of a white supremacy group" etc. Did you notice that lame steam media very often uses these labels even before anything is known/published by the police officially?
Just manipulation. Interestingly now "journalists" are pissed the audience noticed and doesn't believe them anything any more.

08-14-2022, 10:57 AM
Like that Tekle Sundberg. His white adoptive parents went on the news and said that their white kids would not have been shot had they had a mental health crisis but because Tekle was black and having a mental health crisis he was shot. Liberal Minnesotans.