View Full Version : What will happen if all arabs will disappear from the face of the earth?

08-12-2022, 04:45 AM
It does not happen very often, but sometimes there is a smart one among the darkies. Self insight of an Egypt Arab (video):


The guy seems to be Mohamed el-Gheiti, a former Egyptian TV-host. This monologue seems to be from pre 2019, because they sentenced him to one year in prison because he interviewed :D a gay man. I don't speak Arab, refuse to learn Arab, hence I can't / don't want to dig deeper, but he since seems to have disappeared - but I would not be too surprised if he didn't survive.

05-20-2024, 03:58 AM
Camels will, in that case, pop corks from Champagne bottles:

Nach durchtrennter Kehle: Kamel windet sich 4 lange Minuten in Todesqualen (peta.de) (https://action.peta.de/page/email?mid=5c0f1893493b467db21d5760141738e9)


Jim Crow
05-20-2024, 06:50 AM
Don’t get my hopes up!

05-27-2024, 03:00 AM
More displays of subhumanity. The job started in 1967 is evidently not yet finished:

Raheem wurde mit Benzin übergossen und angezündet: Esel brauchen unsere Hilfe! (peta.de) (https://action.peta.de/page/email?mid=2fc4edd2bc49402db16b44c8c8304663)

...A group of children had cut off the gentle donkey's ears, doused him with gasoline and then set him on fire.In the Jordanian city of Petra, donkeys like Raheem are forced day in and day out to carry holiday guests on their backs to a monastery. To do this, the sensitive animals have to climb up and down a dilapidated stone staircase with more than 900 steps, and some collapse from exhaustion. Sometimes the donkeys are ruthlessly beaten, pelted with stones and tortured almost to death with electric shocks...


05-27-2024, 07:33 AM
It does not happen very often, but sometimes there is a smart one among the darkies. Self insight of an Egypt Arab (video):


The guy seems to be Mohamed el-Gheiti, a former Egyptian TV-host. This monologue seems to be from pre 2019, because they sentenced him to one year in prison because he interviewed :D a gay man. I don't speak Arab, refuse to learn Arab, hence I can't / don't want to dig deeper, but he since seems to have disappeared - but I would not be too surprised if he didn't survive.

Better yet, let the @$$lifter$ take the niggers WITH them!!

05-28-2024, 09:23 AM
One of these little donkeys is worth more than every Muslim child on the planet. Full stop.

05-29-2024, 02:17 AM
One of these little donkeys is worth more than every Muslim child on the planet. Full stop.

Poor donkey. Poor animals within ass lifting countries. Filthy Mohammedan savages, they all need to go to hell!

06-01-2024, 07:26 AM
One of these little donkeys is worth more than every Muslim child on the planet. Full stop.

06-06-2024, 12:43 PM
A Subhuman stabbed a Polish border guard while attempting to cross the border from Belarus. This novel invention of it's resembles an invention a chimpanzee would come up with, while hunting ants or something:


...Local media said the soldier was patrolling the area when he was stabbed through a 5m-high metal fence, which Poland erected in 2022 to deter migrants...


Niggers are Useless
06-06-2024, 09:34 PM
I would celebrate if all the Muslims disappeared from the earth. That means Christians finally won the crusades and now we can move on to removing the scourge of the nigger.


06-24-2024, 02:52 AM
There would be plenty less White infants to sell to pedarast brothels, snuffer film makers and organ harvesters:

Post #26, here: https://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?54983-Caliphate-of-Germany/page2

06-25-2024, 03:38 AM
This is how Subhumans unload and abuse the White man's cattle. Those feeding these evolutionary shortcomings, before turning them loose onto us, should be punished much more severely than the Subhumans themselves