View Full Version : Homeless Africoon migrant rapes American tourist in Paris outside the Notre Dame Cathedral

Whitey Ford
08-10-2022, 09:43 PM
US tourist, 27, is raped in public toilets opposite Notre Dame in Paris 'by homeless attacker, 23, who was then trapped in a cubicle by victim's partner and women who heard her crying'

No, Bogie, you won't always have Paris. The nigger africoon migrants have taken it over.

A homeless man has been charged with rape after an attack on an American tourist in the heart of Paris.

The man, who is 23 and originally from North Africa, is said to have approached the woman, 27, in a public toilet opposite Notre Dame Cathedral, and by the Louis-Philippe bridge.

‘The American woman was walking along the bank of the Seine at the end of a Saturday night out with her partner, when she entered the toilet block,’ said an investigating source. ‘It is well lit, and there were plenty of people around, but the woman’s partner became concerned when she remained inside for a long time.’

When he entered the toilets, he heard the woman crying, and then realised she was being attacked in a cubicle.

The victim managed to flee herself, and then her partner and other women in the toilet managed to trap the alleged rapist in a cubicle.


I aint bin dun did dat!
08-10-2022, 10:36 PM
Eventually, I do think liberals will figure out that niggers are good for nothing and more of them result in more violent crimes. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late.

08-11-2022, 02:37 AM
Eventually, I do think liberals will figure out that niggers are good for nothing and more of them result in more violent crimes. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late.

I, for one, believe that that it is already too late. Most liberals are beyond redemption. They refuse to see the truth in front of their faces. They hate us and want us all dead. They hate themselves even if they won't admit it because they deep down hate all God's creation. They only love power and control - just like a rapist. Even if you think they must love niggers, it's only a show. They might hide it well by coddling niggers, but it's still the truth as evidenced by their behavior. If you don't believe me, read Biden's past quotes.

These useful idiots will gleefully march to their own destruction never realizing their true fate until seconds before the bullet enters the back of their heads, fired by the very same ones that they put into power. All liberals are therefore, by definition, sadomasochistic sociopaths. Most of them are this way due to forced demoralization and abuse from every direction since birth. They lack a soul and a conscience. Most cannot be saved and societies shouldn't waste time and effort trying. They can only be removed from normal society by appropriate measures and urgency fitting their threat level.

If there even was such a thing as a true democracy, no nation on Earth would do this to themselves willingly. The fact is that this violence is being perpetrated on the human citizens of every civilized nation on the planet by a handful of evil men operating in the shadows of power. They control politicians and policy enforcers at all levels of all governments great or small and they have an agenda. They use niggers, dune coons, liberals, the education systems, entertainment, governments and they influence every facet of our lives that they possibly can, in order to assume complete world control.

Make no mistake here: This is war and we are losing because most people don't realize or admit it as such. Niggers/dunecoons/deviants etc. are simply the indiscriminate land mines buried under cover of political darkness in our own yards to destroy our governments, our faiths, our families and even our very identities in order to replace them with their own demonic hellscape. If all the people in the world suddenly became all-knowing on how their system actually operated and what their true agenda is, they would all immediately take up arms, from baseball bats all the way up to nukes and make 1776 look like a school yard scuffle. There wouldn't be a light pole within sight of any city square without a rotting corpse hanging from it as a message to future generations.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-11-2022, 08:06 AM
I, for one, believe that that it is already too late. Most liberals are beyond both redemption. They refuse to see the truth in front of their faces. They hate us and want us all dead. They hate themselves even if they won't admit it because they deep down hate all God's creation. They only love power and control - just like a rapist. Even if you think they must love niggers, it's only a show. They might hide it well by coddling niggers, but it's still the truth as evidenced by their behavior. If you don't believe me, read Biden's past quotes.

These useful idiots will gleefully march to their own destruction never realizing their true fate until seconds before the bullet enters the back of their heads, fired by the very same ones that they put into power. All liberals are therefore, by definition, sadomasochistic sociopaths. Most of them are this way due to forced demoralization and abuse from every direction since birth. They lack a soul and a conscience. Most cannot be saved and societies shouldn't waste time and effort trying. They can only be removed from society BAMN.

If there even was such a thing as a true democracy, no nation on Earth would do this to themselves willingly. The fact is that this violence is being perpetrated on the human citizens of every civilized nation on the planet by a handful of evil men operating in the shadows of power. They control politicians and policy enforcers at all levels of all governments great or small and they have an agenda. They use niggers, dune coons, liberals, the education systems, entertainment, governments and they influence every facet of our lives that they possibly can, in order to assume complete world control.

Make no mistake here: This is war and we are losing because most people don't realize or admit it as such. Niggers/dunecoons/deviants etc. are simply the indiscriminate land mines buried under cover of political darkness in our own yards to destroy our governments, our faiths, our families and even our very identities in order to replace them with their own demonic hellscape. If all the people in the world suddenly became all-knowing on how their system actually operated and what their true agenda is, they would all immediately take up arms, from baseball bats all the way up to nukes and make 1776 look like a school yard scuffle. There wouldn't be a light pole within sight of any city square without a rotting corpse hanging from it as a message to future generations.
Well said. It’s not too late but correcting the problem would take drastic measures that will never happen at this point so I guess, in a way, it is too late.

08-11-2022, 12:59 PM
The rape ape wasn't a coon, just a Mudslime

08-11-2022, 05:28 PM
My family and I visited Paris in the early 2000s, when I was a teenager. People, including the French police, were a lot less woke back then, and they kept niggers and Algerians (sand niggers) away from the tourist areas.

In Paris I spent some time exploring on my own, taking the Metro. I got off at the wrong stop once, right into a nigger/sandnigger hood. There were no children, women, old people, or white people on the streets, just young black and brown males. I got out of there FAST. Never told my parents about it, there's no way they would have let me go around on my own again if they knew.


08-11-2022, 11:22 PM
In Paris I spent some time exploring on my own, taking the Metro. I got off at the wrong stop once, right into a nigger/sandnigger hood. There were no children, women, old people, or white people on the streets, just young black and brown males. I got out of there FAST. Never told my parents about it, there's no way they would have let me go around on my own again if they knew.

I had a bookmark of a chilling video of what Paris has turned to. I think I got it from someone's post here, and I'd repost it, except YouTube deleted it.

Absolutely nothing offensive, unless you consider the truth offensive. No background music, just several minute-long streams going through a Paris neighborhood that is now indistinguishable from Riyadh.

08-12-2022, 01:57 AM
The rape ape wasn't a coon, just a Mudslime

In realistic terms, that's pretty much a difference without a distinction. Which would you prefer, muh-dikk or al-dikk? One was born that way, the other chooses to be that way. Either way you're getting raped by an animal.

08-12-2022, 02:19 AM
In realistic terms, that's pretty much a difference without a distinction. Which would you prefer, muh-dikk or al-dikk? One was born that way, the other chooses to be that way. Either way you're getting raped by an animal. True very close to each other

08-12-2022, 05:57 AM
I had a bookmark of a chilling video of what Paris has turned to. I think I got it from someone's post here, and I'd repost it, except YouTube deleted it.

Absolutely nothing offensive, unless you consider the truth offensive. No background music, just several minute-long streams going through a Paris neighborhood that is now indistinguishable from Riyadh.

There have been several videos like this on youtube, google took all of them down of course. If you want to see how France looked like 40 years ago, I suggest watching "The Troops of St. Tropez". Louis de Funès was one of the most popular comedians in French/Spanish/German speaking Europe - sadly the English versions are poorly translated. Hardly anyone in the English speaking world knows him / his films.

But even though comedy, these films show exactly how elated and unburdened life used to be until the early 80s. The street & beach scenes are real, only Whites. Similar to that, have a look at these old German commercials - they exactly describe of how I grew up. No gender, toxic masculinity, niggers, sexism, racism, Whatever-Ism nonsense. We just had fun:




08-12-2022, 05:19 PM
Eventually, I do think liberals will figure out that niggers are good for nothing and more of them result in more violent crimes. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late.

They are, in fact, good for something... A something liberals have been working towards for many many years. The downfall of this nation. Liberals, of course, are cowardly little twerps worth nothing but contempt. The niggers and mozzie scum they, and they alone, bring in are willing to trade their lives to bring this nation down.... Well, at least the mozzie scum are. The mozzies have known nothing but war, violence and chaos for 1500 years. it's their stock in trade as is ordered in their pig--book the Quran. The niggers they bring in are simply dead weight that sap the life out of ours, and any, nation... It's an effective combination.

The following is funny... but relays the liberals approach to this invasion. Bring someone, anyone, in and of course they're Americans (or Swedish or... or..). When, in fact, the only thing these people consider themselves as being is Moz or niggers... Never American... They have no idea what that could possibly mean


08-12-2022, 09:38 PM
The rape ape wasn't a coon, just a Mudslime

the quran is very clear on the use of infidel women as sex slaves. Expressed permission is given. The book, and everyone who follows it, is a FUCKING outrage... I can't say here what must happen to them all, but let's say it would involve a tool just like this


08-13-2022, 04:45 PM
the quran is very clear on the use of infidel women as sex slaves. Expressed permission is given. The book, and everyone who follows it, is a FUCKING outrage... I can't say here what must happen to them all, but let's say it would involve a tool just like this


You are absolutely right!!! Honestly, everyone should read quran, and it should be mandatory to read it at school. Just because it is so insane, and most people don't know that, or just don't believe it! Half of that botch deals with how to deal with infidels. That ideology is more about "the others", than the goat-fuckers itself. Stark contrast to most(all?) other religions I am aware of.

08-13-2022, 08:45 PM
You are absolutely right!!! Honestly, everyone should read quran, and it should be mandatory to read it at school. Just because it is so insane, and most people don't know that, or just don't believe it! Half of that botch deals with how to deal with infidels. That ideology is more about "the others", than the goat-fuckers itself. S stark contrast to most(all?) other religions I am aware of.

Here's the thing about their little pig book that very few know. It is 'haram' to interpret the Quran... you can not use allegory or any type of imagery. What the book says is what it means. It can only be Translated from one language to another and then only with the clearance of one of their pig-clerics....

Recently, a guy tried to use allegory and contended that Sharia law could be amended with modern laws... This guy was a cleric... A pig 'priest'... one of their own.

They hung the bastard to thousands of jeering and screaming muslim pigs... All this guy wanted to do was amend Sharia to include modern crimes... They hung the bastard.

That's how fucked up this 'religion' is... They kill their own


08-13-2022, 09:47 PM
the quran is very clear on the use of ̶i̶n̶f̶i̶d̶e̶l̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶e̶n̶ all women, children and goats as sex slaves.

There, I fixed it for you.

08-13-2022, 10:44 PM
There, I fixed it for you.

You're certainly correct about the goats.... Playboy Muslim Edition....


08-14-2022, 02:06 AM
You are absolutely right!!! Honestly, everyone should read quran, and it should be mandatory to read it at school. Just because it is so insane, and most people don't know that, or just don't believe it! Half of that botch deals with how to deal with infidels. That ideology is more about "the others", than the goat-fuckers itself. S stark contrast to most(all?) other religions I am aware of.

That's an excellent point. I'm familiar with many religions and none of them have the "we must get the wicked Other" obsession that Islam has.

Muslims are just like liberal woketurds in their fanatical need to hate and punish "the other side"/"the infidel" even above looking after themselves. It's no wonder those two vile groups are such butt-buddies - for now. Hatred of a common enemy can only bring two different groups together for so long. Eventually, the head-chopping Muslim immigrants who are being inserted like a plague into every Western country will turn on the woketurd LGBTQIAXYZ+ idiots who brought them in, and I certainly won't be shedding any tears when those libtard alphabet soup swine get their comeuppance. Chickens coming home to roost.

08-14-2022, 07:10 AM
Here's the thing about their little pig book that very few know. It is 'haram' to interpret the Quran... you can not use allegory or any type of imagery. What the book says is what it means. It can only be Translated from one language to another and then only with the clearance of one of their pig-clerics....
Exactly! Quran is "the word of god" in their ideology, hence the ultimate truth. And if people would read that sand-nigger botch they'd notice, because most of the suras are short (just one or two sentences), and many of them are imperative and don't leave much room for interpretation. That's a stark contrast to e.g. the bible, which consists mostly of allegories and tales.

The really mean thing though: As you said, in goat-fucker countries they usually kill people who "interpret" quran. But in the west as soon as anybody tells the truth, or just cites one of the suras mudslimes usually immediately shriek "you don't understand it, you have to interpret it as a product of its time, in Arabic it means something completely else, non-ass-lifters can't understand it" etc., and our brain dead journalists and politicians accept that argumentation.

Sadly I lost the link and I can't remember the author (of course google hides that kind of stuff very well): There exists a very nice short book, written by a physicist, who wrote a very nice very rational summary about quran. He published that for free as public-domain, and it got translated into every language possible. Since you collect that kind of stuff as well, perhaps you can help me here :-). (I don't mean the Robert Spencer book.)

Jim Crow
08-14-2022, 07:21 AM
Eventually, I do think liberals will figure out that niggers are good for nothing and more of them result in more violent crimes. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late.

Liberals will never realize niggers are worthless stupid destructive and dangerous! they will protect their pet niggers even if it means their death!And that’s what i’ll enjoy! Nigger pets turning on the senseless liberal niggerlovers!

08-14-2022, 07:22 AM
That's an excellent point. I'm familiar with many religions and none of them have the "we must get the wicked Other" obsession that Islam has.
Exactly! The Old Testament / Tanach says something about "choosen people", but it never demands to hate/kill/suppress etc. others. It would be a good starting point if westerners would start to stand up and at least call mudslimes "infidels" as well. But at times where the pope & jewish councils prefer to lament "islamophobia", that probably won't happen anytime soon.

Muslims are just like liberal woketurds in their fanatical need to hate and punish "the other side"/"the infidel" even above looking after themselves. It's no wonder those two vile groups are such butt-buddies - for now. Hatred of a common enemy can only bring two different groups together for so long. Eventually, the head-chopping Muslim immigrants who are being inserted like a plague into every Western country will turn on the woketurd LGBTQIAXYZ+ idiots who brought them in, and I certainly won't be shedding any tears when those libtard alphabet soup swine get their comeuppance. Chickens coming home to roost.

Edit: Very fitting as well:

08-14-2022, 08:05 AM
The really mean thing though: As you said, in goat-fucker countries they usually kill people who "interpret" quran. But in the west as soon as anybody tells the truth, or just cites one of the suras mudslimes usually immediately shriek "you don't understand it, you have to interpret it as a product of its time, in Arabic it means something completely else, non-ass-lifters can't understand it" etc., and our brain dead journalists and politicians accept that argumentation.

Those ass lifting goat fuckers even have a name for such 'interpretations' and denials... It's called 'Tiqihya'. And what it means is that MudSlimes can lie through their filthy sewers to the infidel. Yep, LYING is SANCTIONED in their little pig-book. And, to be sure, they lie all the time. They NEVER stop lying and, in their twisted religion, it's 'holy' to do so in order to confuse infidels about the true nature of their filthy, war-like way of life

They lie so much, they even lie about what 'Taqiyah' is.... Now that's lying for you... they lie about their philosophy of lying This, from FUCKED UP and cowardly Google that would never, ever pass up a chance to help those goat fucking nation-destroyers.

What is the meaning of Taqiyah?

taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation

At least they had the courtesy to state that it 'Defies easy translation'.... Let me 'translate' for FUCKED UP Google.... What it means is that these goat fuckers can lie about ANYTHING to 'infidels' (Read: clear thinking humans) at any time.... and for any reason. Let that sink in... A 'religion' that sanctions lying... I hate these fucking people!


The only problem with the above pic is that there are not 15 little ass lifters running around... As has been famously stated: 'We will conquer you by the power of our woman's womb". And, of course, the west is SO FUCKED UP that we PAY all hospital expenses birthing these little soon-to-be terrorists...

We're losing our homes.. .our nations.. the paradise white people created.... And we're paying the people who will destroy us... How very fucked up

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-14-2022, 08:12 AM
Liberals will never realize niggers are worthless stupid destructive and dangerous! they will protect their pet niggers even if it means their death!And that’s what i’ll enjoy! Nigger pets turning on the senseless liberal niggerlovers!
That’s pretty much what I meant. In the middle of getting rapped or murdered by one, they’ll realize it. :lol

08-14-2022, 11:26 AM
That's an excellent point. I'm familiar with many religions and none of them have the "we must get the wicked Other" obsession that Islam has.

Muslims are just like liberal woketurds in their fanatical need to hate and punish "the other side"/"the infidel" even above looking after themselves. It's no wonder those two vile groups are such butt-buddies - for now. Hatred of a common enemy can only bring two different groups together for so long. Eventually, the head-chopping Muslim immigrants who are being inserted like a plague into every Western country will turn on the woketurd LGBTQIAXYZ+ idiots who brought them in, and I certainly won't be shedding any tears when those libtard alphabet soup swine get their comeuppance. Chickens coming home to roost.

No question the two have paired up. I certainly see the value of these muslim animals are to the woketurds... The Muslims are willing to trade their lives to overturn the US/Western system that they both so despise... Somewhere deep in their thick, liberal skulls the Leftists realize that the Mozzies will come for them... and come for them in spades. The Leftist hate of this nation is so great.... They bury the fear of that very real danger.. They're just overjoyed to see places like Deerborn Michigan, replete with it's Sharia police cars and restaurants that will not serve Christians wearing a cross outside their shirt/blouse.

The Mozzie Scum are doing what the Leftists are too cowardly to do... And leftist filth are overjoyed with that fact

And, as you say, those Chickens will come home to roost. Mozzie Scum most certainly hates everything the West represents. They do, however, hold an especially deep hatred for Lefties... Geesh... The mozzies line homosexuals up in front of windows that are 8 or so stories high and throw them out... As is prescribed in their pig-book, the koran...

08-14-2022, 04:23 PM
Those ass lifting goat fuckers even have a name for such 'interpretations' and denials... It's called 'Tiqihya'. And what it means is that MudSlimes can lie through their filthy sewers to the infidel. Yep, LYING is SANCTIONED in their little pig-book. And, to be sure, they lie all the time. They NEVER stop lying and, in their twisted religion, it's 'holy' to do so in order to confuse infidels about the true nature of their filthy, war-like way of life

They lie so much, they even lie about what 'Taqiyah' is.... Now that's lying for you... they lie about their philosophy of lying This, from FUCKED UP and cowardly Google that would never, ever pass up a chance to help those goat fucking nation-destroyers.

What is the meaning of Taqiyah?

taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation

At least they had the courtesy to state that it 'Defies easy translation'.... Let me 'translate' for FUCKED UP Google.... What it means is that these goat fuckers can lie about ANYTHING to 'infidels' (Read: clear thinking humans) at any time.... and for any reason. Let that sink in... A 'religion' that sanctions lying... I hate these fucking people!


The only problem with the above pic is that there are not 15 little ass lifters running around... As has been famously stated: 'We will conquer you by the power of our woman's womb". And, of course, the west is SO FUCKED UP that we PAY all hospital expenses birthing these little soon-to-be terrorists...

We're losing our homes.. .our nations.. the paradise white people created.... And we're paying the people who will destroy us... How very fucked up

Absolutely. Their women's sick nasty wombs. They are spooky. That is for sure. I know that country Dubai is a big tourist destination. Alot of rich whites go there. They have some Nigerians there but I think the Nigerians get treated like shit there by the Arabs.

08-14-2022, 07:09 PM
He denied any wrongdoing, saying he had a ‘consensual arrangement with the woman’, but was remanded in custody.

Why doesn't anyone believe that? Makes sense to me that a human woman on vacation with her husband would arrange to get it on with a "North African" in a public toilet with her husband waiting outside. She was probably trying to enjoy the vibrant diversity and broaden her horizons.

08-14-2022, 11:00 PM
"He denied any wrongdoing..."





Nig Zero
08-15-2022, 08:32 PM
I, for one, believe that that it is already too late. Most liberals are beyond redemption. They refuse to see the truth in front of their faces. They hate us and want us all dead. They hate themselves even if they won't admit it because they deep down hate all God's creation. They only love power and control - just like a rapist. Even if you think they must love niggers, it's only a show. They might hide it well by coddling niggers, but it's still the truth as evidenced by their behavior. If you don't believe me, read Biden's past quotes.

These useful idiots will gleefully march to their own destruction never realizing their true fate until seconds before the bullet enters the back of their heads, fired by the very same ones that they put into power. All liberals are therefore, by definition, sadomasochistic sociopaths. Most of them are this way due to forced demoralization and abuse from every direction since birth. They lack a soul and a conscience. Most cannot be saved and societies shouldn't waste time and effort trying. They can only be removed from normal society by appropriate measures and urgency fitting their threat level.

If there even was such a thing as a true democracy, no nation on Earth would do this to themselves willingly. The fact is that this violence is being perpetrated on the human citizens of every civilized nation on the planet by a handful of evil men operating in the shadows of power. They control politicians and policy enforcers at all levels of all governments great or small and they have an agenda. They use niggers, dune coons, liberals, the education systems, entertainment, governments and they influence every facet of our lives that they possibly can, in order to assume complete world control.

Make no mistake here: This is war and we are losing because most people don't realize or admit it as such. Niggers/dunecoons/deviants etc. are simply the indiscriminate land mines buried under cover of political darkness in our own yards to destroy our governments, our faiths, our families and even our very identities in order to replace them with their own demonic hellscape. If all the people in the world suddenly became all-knowing on how their system actually operated and what their true agenda is, they would all immediately take up arms, from baseball bats all the way up to nukes and make 1776 look like a school yard scuffle. There wouldn't be a light pole within sight of any city square without a rotting corpse hanging from it as a message to future generations.

Right With You, Boss.

That is the totality of the situation.

08-16-2022, 03:04 PM
Those ass lifting goat fuckers even have a name for such 'interpretations' and denials... It's called 'Tiqihya'. And what it means is that MudSlimes can lie through their filthy sewers to the infidel. Yep, LYING is SANCTIONED in their little pig-book. And, to be sure, they lie all the time. They NEVER stop lying and, in their twisted religion, it's 'holy' to do so in order to confuse infidels about the true nature of their filthy, war-like way of life

They lie so much, they even lie about what 'Taqiyah' is.... Now that's lying for you... they lie about their philosophy of lying This, from FUCKED UP and cowardly Google that would never, ever pass up a chance to help those goat fucking nation-destroyers.

Oh yes, that's a very important point, good that you mentioned taqiyah! That by the way is the reason why humans shouldn't do business with mudslimes, they consider it as their moral duty to cheat on infidels.

08-16-2022, 03:14 PM
Absolutely. Their women's sick nasty wombs. They are spooky. That is for sure. I know that country Dubai is a big tourist destination. Alot of rich whites go there. They have some Nigerians there but I think the Nigerians get treated like shit there by the Arabs.

Yep, I don't understand that as well. We once considered to go to Australia for vacation (still one of my dreams), but I refused to have a stopover in Dubai. Concerning Dubai / Barbaric Emirates: I read that only about 1/5 of the population are natives the rest are idiots who live there for work. Of course I know that you don't have to pay income taxes there, so that's probably the biggest reason that people go there, but still, I don't understand it! You essentially don't have any rights there, and ~2k foreigners simply "disappear" there every year. Even worse is Katar and SaudiBarbaria of course.

08-20-2022, 07:21 PM
The following is funny... but relays the liberals approach to this invasion. Bring someone, anyone, in and of course they're Americans (or Swedish or... or..). When, in fact, the only thing these people consider themselves as being is Moz or niggers... Never American... They have no idea what that could possibly mean

I don't know what Germany's laws are like now, but it used to be that a Turk born in Germany was still not a German citizen. Merkel herself probably got that changed. If she didn't, what does it matter, anyway, when a country imports millions of new welfare recipients and treats them better than the homegrown citizenry?

08-20-2022, 08:18 PM
I don't know what Germany's laws are like now, but it used to be that a Turk born in Germany was still not a German citizen. Merkel herself probably got that changed. If she didn't, what does it matter, anyway, when a country imports millions of new welfare recipients and treats them better than the homegrown citizenry?

Germany had to go and attack the Russkies and those endless snow-swept stepps.. Of course they got their ass kicked. Now they've followed the americans and with their hand-wringing and bleeding hearts... Fuckwits... One and all.

It''s not a matter if Turks are German... It's a matter of if they are human - which they are not... An ass-lifting, vile rabble now in the thick of trying to return to their Ottoman/IzSlime roots... They're animals.... One and all

08-23-2022, 04:32 PM
I don't know what Germany's laws are like now, but it used to be that a Turk born in Germany was still not a German citizen. Merkel herself probably got that changed. If she didn't, what does it matter, anyway, when a country imports millions of new welfare recipients and treats them better than the homegrown citizenry?

Yep, Merkel changed that. I am not sure if this was due to pressure from the US like the whole Turk thing, or out of pure evilness of the left (on the other hand: it's the same people in the background anyway). She allowed double citizenship, and when you live (even illegally) in Germany for 5 years you can apply for citizenship as well. Crazy! Europe is completely lost.

08-23-2022, 11:37 PM
Yep, Merkel changed that. I am not sure if this was due to pressure from the US like the whole Turk thing, or out of pure evilness of the left (on the other hand: it's the same people in the background anyway). She allowed double citizenship, and when you live (even illegally) in Germany for 5 years you can apply for citizenship as well. Crazy! Europe is completely lost.

Even for Americans, actually especially for Americans, I have always believed there can be no dual citizenship. You pick one country or the other. It's like the Biblical scripture, "No man can serve two masters." And if you're caught illegally in the U.S., well, 25 years sounds like a good time period before you can be considered for citizenship.

I'm a pro-Israel Christian Zionist. Yet I still believe out of principle that if my Jewish friends want to claim dual Israeli citizenship, they have to pick one or the other. The U.S. oath of citizenship, I believe, even has a part of swearing off any allegiance to foreign powers.

08-27-2022, 11:18 AM




Ever since Humans migrated to Europe to get away from niggers !

The devolution of niggers has this in the DNA now.



08-29-2022, 12:20 PM
Even for Americans, actually especially for Americans, I have always believed there can be no dual citizenship. You pick one country or the other. It's like the Biblical scripture, "No man can serve two masters." And if you're caught illegally in the U.S., well, 25 years sounds like a good time period before you can be considered for citizenship.

I'm a pro-Israel Christian Zionist. Yet I still believe out of principle that if my Jewish friends want to claim dual Israeli citizenship, they have to pick one or the other. The U.S. oath of citizenship, I believe, even has a part of swearing off any allegiance to foreign powers.

I absolutely agree! Double citizenship shouldn't be allowed, regardless the country! You can't and shouldn't ride two horses at the same time. One example to where that leads: The Turkish people in Germany voted overwhelmingly for hardcore Islamists in Turkey, and enjoy a easy life in Germany. As you mentioned Israel, I've been told by a few Jewish people as well that they "can vote for socialists, because if things go bad, they can always go to Israel". That essentially sums up the whole problem: When you don't have to pay for your idiotic decisions, you can easily vote for "feel good" or "sounds good" nonsense politics.
Personally, I'd favour even the opposite: Don't let people vote or get voted for unless they e.g. have been paying taxes (and I mean that, government employed people don't 'pay' taxes!) for at least 20years, not been criminals etc.

08-31-2022, 11:46 PM
Personally, I'd favour even the opposite: Don't let people vote or get voted for unless they e.g. have been paying taxes (and I mean that, government employed people don't 'pay' taxes!) for at least 20years, not been criminals etc.

I've said much the same for a long time. If someone isn't paying net income taxes, including after dependent deductions, that person doesn't get to vote. I'd go even farther and say that someone lives in a county where the U.S. federal government spends this much per year per person, and someone doesn't get to vote unless his taxes are greater than that amount. The government has so many databases that this is easy to calculate.

The U.S. had a big boost to the child tax credit, up to $300 per month per child, depending on age. My idea would mean a lot of those people suddenly could no longer vote. Well that's just too bad, that they lose the "right" to vote for Mrs. S and me to shoulder the tax burden.

09-01-2022, 07:33 AM
I've said much the same for a long time. If someone isn't paying net income taxes, including after dependent deductions, that person doesn't get to vote. I'd go even farther and say that someone lives in a county where the U.S. federal government spends this much per year per person, and someone doesn't get to vote unless his taxes are greater than that amount. The government has so many databases that this is easy to calculate.

The U.S. had a big boost to the child tax credit, up to $300 per month per child, depending on age. My idea would mean a lot of those people suddenly could no longer vote. Well that's just too bad, that they lose the "right" to vote for Mrs. S and me to shoulder the tax burden.

We are absolutely on the same page here! In our current systems, as soon as there are more people employed / paid for by the government than people who are actually working, the system inevitably crashes. Because then the majority will just vote for those parties who provide more gibs. Legalized robbery, just like any socialist system. The Greeks from the past were well aware of this!

09-03-2022, 06:10 AM
The Founding Fathers were absolutely right to restrict the vote to property owners. It wasn't a perfect system but it ensured that idiot/irresponsible voters would always be in the minority.

09-03-2022, 08:36 PM
The Founding Fathers were absolutely right to restrict the vote to property owners. It wasn't a perfect system but it ensured that idiot/irresponsible voters would always be in the minority.

In a nutshell, those who don't work or own property will vote for those officials who promise gibs stolen from those who do own property.

So why let them vote AT ALL?

09-03-2022, 11:28 PM

Maybe the great minds of the Libtard faction can solve this puzzle of dramatic increases in rape? Is there something in the water or the air?