View Full Version : Demetrius gets fired

08-08-2022, 07:57 AM
Our biggest chain supermarket, Food Lion(locally known as Food Stamp) has a store about 7 miles from my house.
I haven't set foot in a Food Lion in almost 3 years because of their retardation over the pseudo COVID situation.
There was a a fat, dreadlocked nigger faggot named Demitrius working there. Last time mom went there she said the assistant manager had shitcanned Ol' Demetrius.
"Why? Because of his shitty attitude?"
Nope. Turned out that D. had assaulted a former employee. This former employee was white, and had left the store to return to school. D. had punched him hard in the arm and yelled,"You made it harder on the rest of us!"
The assistant manager is black, but she sent nigger D. packing. :D

Ray Cizzums
08-08-2022, 09:22 AM
This former employee was white, and had left the store to return to school. D. had punched him hard in the arm and yelled,"You made it harder on the rest of us!"
The malingering negro's work deficiencies were painfully obvious, once the white kid was off the scene.
At many jobs, management is painfully unaware of who actually does most of the work, especially the
shitty jobs that no one wants to do. I'm always that guy, who refuses to leave a jobsite in disarray, despite
who made it that way. Managers only notice when tasks are not done, after a good employee is gone....

08-08-2022, 09:37 AM
The white kid had come to the store to shop, and visit his former co-workers. He got attacked because Demetrius actually had to do something besides stand at a cash register. Nigger probably had to stock shelves and resented it.

Jim Crow
08-08-2022, 02:34 PM
Ol Demitrius will probably be getting an NU scholarship soon and it’s new job will be “jailhouse punk”!

08-08-2022, 05:50 PM
Nigga D. is probably doing the downlow in his down time

Tar Remover
09-06-2022, 07:56 AM
You made my black ass look as stupid as I really am since you won't be cleaning up my nigger mess no moe!

That's right. FUCK you nigger.....

09-06-2022, 08:39 AM
Our biggest chain supermarket, Food Lion(locally known as Food Stamp) has a store about 7 miles from my house.
I haven't set foot in a Food Lion in almost 3 years because of their retardation over the pseudo COVID situation.
There was a a fat, dreadlocked nigger faggot named Demitrius working there. Last time mom went there she said the assistant manager had shitcanned Ol' Demetrius.
"Why? Because of his shitty attitude?"
Nope. Turned out that D. had assaulted a former employee. This former employee was white, and had left the store to return to school. D. had punched him hard in the arm and yelled,"You made it harder on the rest of us!"
The assistant manager is black, but she sent nigger D. packing. :D

Nigger thinks it beez Roman N' SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!