View Full Version : Crime of the Week

08-05-2022, 07:45 PM
Love that Live PD is back after St. Floyd demanded our nigger coddling media shut them down for two years.

This week's doozy.. three groids plow into a pedestrian knocking him unconscious. They stop the car and get out.. not to check if he's still breathing, but to rob him.

This is the species we coexist with🙄

Jim Crow
08-07-2022, 09:37 AM
Love that Live PD is back after St. Floyd demanded our nigger coddling media shut them down for two years.

This week's doozy.. three groids plow into a pedestrian knocking him unconscious. They stop the car and get out.. not to check if he's still breathing, but to rob him.

This is the species we coexist with��

Nigger is a predatory beast that can’t even co exist with its own! I made sure that when I bought my home it was in a non nigger neighborhood and nowhere near a nigger neighborhood,Paid more,but worth it a million times over!
Very easy to figure out.No niggers equals very low crime rate.Adding niggers raises the rate of crime. With few to no niggers in my neighborhood,I haven’t heard of seen any criminal activity since moving here in 2001 . Lived in New Haven Connecticut and New York City. Niggers were everywhere and crime was everywhere! You couldn’t leave the house at dusk in fear of being robbed.

08-07-2022, 03:16 PM
This is the species we coexist with🙄

We don't coexist with niggers - they coexist with us: and we should be making the rules of their behavior.

08-07-2022, 04:32 PM
I have a question. When moving, are you able to ask the realtor (if human) that you do not want to live around blacks? Will they say they can't work with you? I would think they would want the commission no matter what. I heard they use code words now to say the house is not in a great neighborhood and to not take it.

Rev. Dick
08-07-2022, 04:57 PM
Nigger trying CPR.
Check Pockets Run.

08-07-2022, 05:31 PM

08-07-2022, 06:59 PM
I have a question. When moving, are you able to ask the realtor (if human) that you do not want to live around blacks? Will they say they can't work with you? I would think they would want the commission no matter what. I heard they use code words now to say the house is not in a great neighborhood and to not take it.

There are code words you can use.... 'I want to live in a safe neighborhood'... works well... Also, 'school performance is very important to me' And, possibly, 'Diversity is not one of my priorities'

You say all of those things - and all of them are most certainly legal to respond to - They'll help you out and steer you in the right direction. Know, however, that such communities are exceptionally expensive to live in, especially in established cities like Nig York

The short answer is no.. legally, they cannot segregate communities regardless of the expressed wishes of a renter/buyer. They can, however respond to other criteria that necessary excludes niggers. It's word games.

08-07-2022, 11:17 PM
It's so stupid. I hate being forced to live by these beasts.

08-07-2022, 11:50 PM
There are code words you can use.... 'I want to live in a safe neighborhood'... works well... Also, 'school performance is very important to me' And, possibly, 'Diversity is not one of my priorities'

You say all of those things - and all of them are most certainly legal to respond to - They'll help you out and steer you in the right direction. Know, however, that such communities are exceptionally expensive to live in, especially in established cities like Nig York

The short answer is no.. legally, they cannot segregate communities regardless of the expressed wishes of a renter/buyer. They can, however respond to other criteria that necessary excludes niggers. It's word games.

Can you use coded language like "I want my children to able to be able to speak, read, and write proper English, and have the option to be able to get a college degree in a respected field of study from an accredited institution of higher learning. Are there any school districts that require that my children meet those minimum standards prior to graduation from high school, and where are they? Also, I hate niggers and I don't want my kids growing up near them. The thought of a moon cricket sharing the same classroom with my kids makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not racist, but I hate niggers." :)

08-08-2022, 08:11 AM
Can you use coded language like "I want my children to able to be able to speak, read, and write proper English, and have the option to be able to get a college degree in a respected field of study from an accredited institution of higher learning. Are there any school districts that require that my children meet those minimum standards prior to graduation from high school, and where are they? Also, I hate niggers and I don't want my kids growing up near them. The thought of a moon cricket sharing the same classroom with my kids makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not racist, but I hate niggers." :)

I'd say you're responding like a good parent should. Your concern about school performance and the presence of the nigger beast is well founded. I taught mathematics and, let's say, a 'hard science' for many years both in and out of nigger districts. I've seen, first hand, just what niggers do to a classroom. I had fellow teachers leave the profession because of them. They, literally, would be shaking at the end of the day. A veteran Spanish teacher I recall crying her eyes out saying 'I hate them! I hate them!' for what they did to her class. The stress of dealing with them sends many new teachers out of the profession and certainly veteran teachers to retire early.

When the nigger percentage in the classroom reaches 25 percent, learning essentially ceases and the primary classroom goal becomes damage control - simply to prevent violence and vandalism. Any learning that takes place among white kids takes place at home

The Pimp Piece of Shit Obama tied Federal School Lunch Aid to discipline standards. As a result of that nigger piece of shit, school districts could no longer suspend 'student's (read: filthy, vile niggers) from the classroom for 'talking'... Within days of implementation, classrooms went ABSOLUTELY BAT SHIT CRAZY. The feral fucking beasts went nuts. Surprisingly, I dealt with them well. I taught upper division 'advanced' courses so that by the time the herd got to me, the true fucksticks were in prison or had already dropped out - or both.

There's good data to be had at both the Census Bureau and FBI crime data bases... Census will tell you where the niggers are. FBI crime data bases will show you how bad an area is. Note that many many communities refuse to report to the FBI on crime and race as 'dat shieet bez RAY-CISSSS'. Dept of Ed. data bases are also pretty good and can tell you standardized test score results by school district. The correlation between poor test scores and percent niggers in the classroom is near unitary. Said another way, as niggers increase as a percent of student body, test scores fall almost lock-step with that increase. A near zero correlation.

Bottom line is you can get a feel for what any given school is by simply driving thru a neighborhood. You see a lot of niggers... it's a problem. And, to be sure, in the aggregate, there are no good niggers. They degrade everything they touch. Good luck! Many families caught in the clutches of the nigger beast decide to home school... Not sure that's an option, but almost universally, the educational outcome is superior to nigger infested public schools

Ray Cizzums
08-08-2022, 08:50 AM
I have a question. When moving, are you able to ask the realtor (if human) that you do not want to live around blacks? Will they say they can't work with you? I would think they would want the commission no matter what. I heard they use code words now to say the house is not in a great neighborhood and to not take it.
Realtors will take white clients into niggerville, unless you make it clear that Africa is out of the question.
They want to close a deal, and they know that even libtards don't want to be anywhere near their pets.
The problem for customers is when they try to sell or rent their property. There are shysters who do nothing
all day but sue landlords and homeowners, after sending shills out to attempt entrapment. For sale, or rent, by
owner signs are risky. Good real estate agents know how to steer blacks away without getting sued, but a lot of
them won't mess with renters now, as a result. Another hazard is our NY state social services department will pay
real estate agents to place convicted sex offenders in people's apartments. My neighbor paid a realtor to find him
a tenant, and he got a level 3 child molester moved in 50 feet away from his grandchildren. He had to flood his own
apartment to get him out.