View Full Version : Germany: Togo nigger molests 17yo White girl, shreks racissss; media disinformation

08-03-2022, 04:39 PM
You just can't make that stuff up. A rapefugee shitbeast from Togo that committed several crimes, and always blames yt of racism, Nazi, threatend to kill social workers etc. molests a White 17yo girl at the train. Strangely enough, that brings it to court.
Nigger buck at the court hearing:

"Hasn't a black man the right to touch a white girl?"

Now, here comes the real evil thing. Look at the picture the newspaper posted at that article:

Original article: https://www.merkur.de/lokales/ebersberg/ebersberg-ort28611/ebersberg-kirchseeon-amtsgericht-sexuelle-belaestigung-bedrohung-rewe-s-bahn-beleidigung-91701705.html

Google translated: https://www-merkur-de.translate.goog/lokales/ebersberg/ebersberg-ort28611/ebersberg-kirchseeon-amtsgericht-sexuelle-belaestigung-bedrohung-rewe-s-bahn-beleidigung-91701705.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

(The google translation has a lot of errors, e.g. most of the time when it says "white man", the German version actually says "white female". Kirchseeon is a very small village in Bavaria)

08-03-2022, 07:16 PM
You just can't make that stuff up. A rapefugee shitbeast from Togo that committed several crimes, and always blames yt of racism, Nazi, threatend to kill social workers etc. molests a White 17yo girl at the train. Strangely enough, that brings it to court.
Nigger buck at the court hearing:

Now, here comes the real evil thing. Look at the picture the newspaper posted at that article:

Original article: https://www.merkur.de/lokales/ebersberg/ebersberg-ort28611/ebersberg-kirchseeon-amtsgericht-sexuelle-belaestigung-bedrohung-rewe-s-bahn-beleidigung-91701705.html

Google translated: https://www-merkur-de.translate.goog/lokales/ebersberg/ebersberg-ort28611/ebersberg-kirchseeon-amtsgericht-sexuelle-belaestigung-bedrohung-rewe-s-bahn-beleidigung-91701705.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

(The google translation has a lot of errors, e.g. most of the time when it says "white man", the German version actually says "white female". Kirchseeon is a very small village in Bavaria)

So they're trying to make people feel that YT guys are molesting nigger sows?

I love these "stock photos". So often they show, e.g. "Email scammers" as YT instead of Niggergerians.

Kirchseeoner has already been convicted 14 times

Kind of like " A Miami man"... when we know full well it's some Hayshee savage.

08-04-2022, 02:49 PM
So they're trying to make people feel that YT guys are molesting nigger sows?

I love these "stock photos". So often they show, e.g. "Email scammers" as YT instead of Niggergerians.

Kind of like " A Miami man"... when we know full well it's some Hayshee savage.
Yep, exactly! Pure evil!

08-05-2022, 03:37 AM
This is what all nigger bucks want, the "right" to rape white women. That's no surprise.

The scary thing is that there are white libtard cucks who are willing to go along with this shit. Would that they could be zapped back in time to Auschwitz, 1943. A Zyclon B shower would cleanse them here on earth before sending them to hell to be cleansed of their hateful sins forever.