View Full Version : Bed Stye New buck attempts batwings on Mack Donal employee cuz dem fren fry be cold !!

08-03-2022, 09:18 AM
Can't make this sh*t up !!

Well it is New Yawk shitty so....

Her sprog just made it past teenaper then launched its career and education heading to Nigger U.

Mammy boon had TOLE dem , them fren fry be cold, and they gave her some more cold fries to fix it LOL

She told her "son" , that's an automatic death sentence, well, if you 're a nigger !!




Whitey Ford
08-03-2022, 03:59 PM
Shot in the face, too. Serving food to niggers is becoming almost as dangerous a profession as a gangsta (c)rapper.


Jim Crow
08-03-2022, 05:05 PM
How did this happen in gun restricted Nu Yawk?
Anyway,good shot nigg!And congrats on your NU scholarship!

08-05-2022, 03:42 AM
As much as I enjoy niggers shooting niggers, the risk of them shooting a human is too great for me to support niggers having guns.

Now if a wall could be built separating niggers from humanity, the niggers in their zone can have all the guns they want.

08-05-2022, 07:04 AM
As much as I enjoy niggers shooting niggers, the risk of them shooting a human is too great for me to support niggers having guns.

Now if a wall could be built separating niggers from humanity, the niggers in their zone can have all the guns they want.

They can go back to the days before humans invaded their motherland.


08-05-2022, 10:55 AM
Now if a wall could be built separating niggers from humanity, the niggers in their zone can have all the guns they want.

That wall used to be the corrections system. But now libtard freaks see a lot of currency in letting the hyenas back out to terrorize us all.

People aren't stupid and they can plainly see that feral niggerdom is being used against them by power perverts !

If they don't wall the murderous pestilence off from us, I expect we'll do it somehow, maybe one nigger at a time. We'll be armed against the liberal proxy war against our kind !

This "fren fry" nigger was a multiple offender too, so my title post is off. His "edumacation" started way before he attempted to murder another spook over greasy potato strips .

UPDATE: Fren fry nigger's victim fought hard but has now earned its batwings, and fren fry nigger WILL be off the streets, for a while anyway.


I aint bin dun did dat!
08-05-2022, 12:26 PM
Bahahahahahaha :lol This is a hilarious nigger story. I love the play by play from mammy.
”sheeeit dey be givsin me cole fren fries n sheeit. Den muh sun be comin down da block and told dem muhfuggas to back ohff his mammy n sheeeit. Den dat one nigga has a bullet hole in him, I don be knowin where dat came from but I still has dese cold ass fren fries!” :rofl