View Full Version : I need to share some disgusting crap i saw in the past

08-01-2022, 12:23 AM
Okay so let i want to share two things that i have observed while i was commuting.

Story 1:

I was in the city commuting in the subway doing my day to day business.
When i got on the train from the subway station. I saw the ugliest old ass negro nigger sitting beside this much younger asian girl. Now i didn't hear what they where talking about because i just got into the train cart and i was listening to music on my ear phones.

But i could already deduce this negro was trying to get into this girls pants why?

First of all the train cart was relatively empty and there were plenty of empty seats before i got on the train. So this negro went out of his way to try to solicit this poor asian girl for sex.

He was trying his hardest to have as much physical contact with this girl by sitting beside her thigh by thigh and he love to move his arms and hands in front of her face and chest.

Lastly when this girl got off her train stop. When i looked at the young and attractive asian girl’s face she had the most uncomfortable facial expression that i have ever saw on anybody. Damn negros know there ugly and unattractive so they got to force themselves upon these woman.

If grooming and brainwashing them with media from a young age isn’t enough to bring the woman to them. Then they will most certainly resort to forcing themselves upon these woman like the sleazy cockroaches they are really nasty pieces of shit.

I bet you my left kidney if there wasn’t anybody else in that section of the train i bet you this ugly old negro would have tried to rape the poor asian girl “muh dick” “muh dick” “muh dick”

Story number 2:

Different day and different time.

I was going to the library this time i was on the streetcar. There was this blonde white woman in her late 20s or mid 30s still fairly attractive with a young white boy who was obviously her son in the same street car.

So i rode the street car on the way to the library and i closed my eyes to take a nap the guy sitting across from me was a white dude and most of the people in the cart were white or minority woman.

Then i suddenly smell one of the most repugnant and nasty fucking smells that i ever smelled ever. I open my eyes and what do you know its two ugly ass cockroach negro construction workers. The mother fuckers just had to sit where me and my fellow white brother sitting across from me were at.

I subconsciously knew one of these negros was eyeing the blonde with the kid but i wasn’t fully aware until the goddamn streetcar went out of service goddamn this fucking cities transit services piece of shit wasted my fucking time and delayed me from what i had to do.

The street car went out of service and all the passengers had to go out of the street car.

When the next street car arrived i made sure to board furthest away from those two ugly and smelly ass negros. I managed to get a spot in the back but these two old black woman sat near and across from me so i wasn’t having any of this garbage and went to find another seat on the street car.

I found a seat in the middle. What do you know! The two ugly and smelly cockroach negro niggers are there with one of them sitting beside and as physically close as possible to the blonde mom with her son. (Just like the attractive asian girl)

With the negro giving one of the most deprave laughter and smile that basically screams, “muh dick!”

Even from a distance i could tell these two negros where trying to solicit this mom with the kid for sex. They were on there smartphone. So if i didn’t know any better these negros where probably trying to get her social medias and phone numbers so they can further solicit her for sex. Poor kid man

If these negros are the ones responsible for the kids family breaking up because of these negros constantly hitting up on and preying upon his mom i will feel incredibly sad for the kids and the father.

Imagine a broken family caused by a fucking negro nigger that doesn’t have restraint and respect. What type of piece of shit tries to chase after and solicit a mom with a kid.

Lowest of the lowest!

A society that encourages sexual freedom and cheating so moms like this can cheat on there husbands for out of control animals.

Lets face it these negros fetishize light skin woman like White woman, asian woman and lighter skin indian females and middle eastern females who look white. These negros will pray upon these woman and try to muh dick them

If your in a relationship in these western countries that embolden these predatory negros to act this way be aware of the predatory negros.

If possible try to move to an area with little to no negros if you want to have a successful family and relationship because even in the transit system these negros will pray upon your woman and try to muh dick them.

If only there was some way to make woman inaccessible to this motherfucking ugly negros and there predatory ways of, “muh dick” we wouldn’t have to deal with this bullshit.

We need to bring segregation back

Segregation is the only answer!

Jim Crow
08-01-2022, 07:59 AM
Every nigger buck is a potential rape-ape!

Tar Remover
08-01-2022, 11:45 AM
"But i could already deduce this negro was trying to get into this girls pants why?"

Well THAT'S not hard to deduce- A nigger can be standing next to a COW and you already know it wants to muh-dik the cow. But good observation on your part.....

08-01-2022, 11:58 AM

Great stories and thanks for taking the time to post it... Segregation?? Yeah.... but separated by an ocean... These chimps need to be excised from this nation like a cancer from the body... JOIN US!!! REGISTER!!!

A thought... We try to maintain decorum here.... Many find the word 'negro' offensive... try SHIT-APE....


08-01-2022, 11:48 PM
Please accept this as a personal invitation to register, not that you aren't able to post here, but so you can have access to the main forums where more eyes will see your stories.

I might have seen Old Nigger Buck myself. Years ago I was on the subway, and this vile nigger standing up was making eyes at this pretty blonde sitting a few feet away, like she was a piece of fried chicken.


What was worse, though, was how it was moving its mouff back and forth. Its jaw seemed to be sliding around like it had no hinge, and we know it was being driven by vile muh dikk fantasies. The poor girl saw the nigger and could only look away, pretending she didn't see, the nigger knew she saw it, and that makes a nigger bolder. I felt so bad seeing her terrified look. What I should have done is gone up and not necessarily struck up a conversation with her, but at least gotten in the way so the nigger couldn't see her anymore.