View Full Version : Magic Nigger with cushy, well paid non-job moves to Mexico to take advantage of its poverty

Whitey Ford
07-29-2022, 08:30 AM
Rodwell, who is Black, said she doesn’t feel guilty.
“I kind of feel like, as a person of color from America, I’m so economically disadvantaged that wherever I go and experience some advantage or equity, I take it,” she said.

"..so economically disadvantaged..." my ass. This asshole she boon got a free ride to go to Boston University and then given a lot of cushy non-jobs at prestigious tech companies, most of which didn't last more than a few months.

In Mexico, which has a relatively small population of Afro-Mexicans and abolished slavery decades before its northern neighbor, Rodwell said she does not experience the same racism as she does in the U.S.. “Being Black in America,” she said, is exhausting. “It’s nice to take a break from it.”
Much of the criticism in the growing debate about foreigners comes down to economic inequality.
“Americans can come here, and they can afford everything and live like kings and queens,” said Dan Defossey, an American who moved to Mexico a dozen years ago and owns a popular barbecue joint. But they need to understand, he said, that “Mexico is not cheap for Mexicans.”


Magic she boon's LinkedIn:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenarodwell?challengeId=AQH2HQ6OuklTcAAAAYJJ40J thP7iK400NDNoLYuQqFO19I003Av9DifK0Uoog96a-VQMZlH05Rwg1LtaQxW5LrVmDNGOWrhaEQ&submissionId=59e858e2-ef4b-0617-e592-b26624a7536c&challengeSource=AgHHb3c87bXh1gAAAYJJ5DUpuWj5baIq7T DtLkT6wvLmsYVgrwbhdHgzvl5EXSk&challegeType=AgFBBakoLAZTaAAAAYJJ5DUsctTusotBJ6fTz 8TQRtJYkES1QJ0NdhU&memberId=AgHvKKNxuH2mBgAAAYJJ5DUv9z8EcAeIj60zK01xF 6dhlH4&recognizeDevice=AgEjIaHRCQwLjgAAAYJJ5DUyG1MN1YUffa Ym5xDWM90b8RPOdADr