View Full Version : “Teen” kills 11 year old Human girl in the Bronx.

Defund Welfare
07-25-2022, 11:42 PM
https://nypost.com/2022/07/22/teen-charged-in-kyhara-tay-death-has-lengthy-rap-sheet-source/ (https://nypost.com/2022/07/22/teen-charged-in-kyhara-tay-death-has-lengthy-rap-sheet-source/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow)

Not a peep out of any big media sources on this one, I feel awful for the father.
Nigger filth Omar Bojang. He sure looks remorseful doesn’t he?

This has all the normal nigger loving negligence and TNB that happens in all these heinous nigger murder stories. Nigger was aiming for someone else, he had previous gun felonies that weren’t taken seriously because he was a “teen”, and I’m just assuming the father is blaming guns and not niggers because no public journal will let him say it.

I had to post this awful story because I didn’t see it anywhere else. If that was my daughter…. Well I don’t think I’m allowed to say what I’d do to that spawn of hell.

07-26-2022, 08:06 AM
https://nypost.com/2022/07/22/teen-charged-in-kyhara-tay-death-has-lengthy-rap-sheet-source/ (https://nypost.com/2022/07/22/teen-charged-in-kyhara-tay-death-has-lengthy-rap-sheet-source/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow)

Not a peep out of any big media sources on this one, I feel awful for the father.
Nigger filth Omar Bojang. He sure looks remorseful doesn’t he?

This has all the normal nigger loving negligence and TNB that happens in all these heinous nigger murder stories. Nigger was aiming for someone else, he had previous gun felonies that weren’t taken seriously because he was a “teen”, and I’m just assuming the father is blaming guns and not niggers because no public journal will let him say it.

I had to post this awful story because I didn’t see it anywhere else. If that was my daughter…. Well I don’t think I’m allowed to say what I’d do to that spawn of hell.

Great minds THINK alike!!

Jim Crow
07-26-2022, 07:23 PM
NYC! Did you really expect the liberal media to report on one of their murderous pet niggers? Only white on black crime is worthy of the liberal media pointing it out!

07-26-2022, 08:22 PM
This happened in the bronx, a shithole rat's nest located in liberal central. Did you really think they are going to show this on the news? First off the "victim" was not a nigger and the culprit was not white so that automatically excludes it as being "newsworthy". I mean fuck, at this point if they had a nigger scrape their knee even a little then you bet the news would report that 24/7 and blame the concrete floor for being racist. We all know this teenaper isn't going to pay the consequences for their typical nigger actions, it's new york we're talking about here.

07-27-2022, 06:43 AM
Lol annuder murderous teenaper in da Bronks. Reminds me of "Bonfires of the Vanities".

07-27-2022, 11:09 AM
I mean fuck, at this point if they had a nigger scrape their knee even a little then you bet the news would report that 24/7 and blame the concrete floor for being racist. We all know this teenaper isn't going to pay the consequences for their typical nigger actions, it's new york we're talking about here.

Great post... Always liked this guy...


07-27-2022, 12:35 PM
"Bojang" - one of the niggers imported to contribute to the vibrant diversity, I guess.

I can't believe Ben Stein had the courage to speak the truth, but I guess at his age he doesn't give a shit about the howling of Woke/Libtards.

07-27-2022, 07:41 PM
Great post... Always liked this guy...


'The government has decided to basically stop punishing niggers who commit crimes' is right. There is no doubt about it, for everyone else the rules apply but for the niggers well they are "oppressed n shiet" and something something racism something something muh slavery and so on. The real question is, when the fuck are people going to finally wake up and smell the coffee? When are they going to address the elephant in the room and admit that all of this chaos is due to the niggers? I'm so tired of people beating around the bush, we ALL know who the fucking culprits are but everyone is too busy turning a blind eye and pretending that it's someone or something else's fault other than the niggers. It truly pisses me off to the core.

07-27-2022, 08:51 PM
'we ALL know who the fucking culprits are but everyone is too busy turning a blind eye and pretending that it's someone or something else's fault other than the niggers. It truly pisses me off to the core.

You are so absolutely correct. And these tactics to deflect blame from the obvious culprit - the nigger - is called a host of things. Importantly, the demonRAT slugs in this nation cannot deny the criminality... so they are making their ape-behavior non-criminal... It's called 'Cultural Relativism'... Once you cut through the liberal bullshit, what they are foisting is that if a particular racial group acts in a particular way, that must be considered normal and even celebrated.... Niggers are inveterate criminals... Welll that's normal for them so... it's no longer criminal... See Ben Stein, above!!

This shit is patently out of control... We are losing this nation... rapidly

Nig Zero
08-03-2022, 11:42 AM

LOL, Well that is ironic. I doubt he will get cancelled for this.

08-03-2022, 01:02 PM
LOL, Well that is ironic. I doubt he will get cancelled for this.

I see what you did there!;)

I can't argue the irony but I don't think he gives a shit one way or the other. He's basically retired and has nothing to loose. That's the good thing about getting his age. You can get away with comments like these a lot easier.

08-03-2022, 03:03 PM
LOL, Well that is ironic. I doubt he will get cancelled for this.

That was my first thought as well. Stein has always been a Hollyweird outsider - an actor with, by Hollyweird standards, a conservative bent. That said, if the guy was not retired - and clearly with one foot in the grave - I doubt he'd be so outspoken.... The man knows what side of the bread is buttered as does all of Hollyweird given the pretty significant number of cancelations. See this list...


08-03-2022, 05:44 PM
Yep... One more 'teen' to blame for a senseless human death. I've been tracking this one. Let's just say it hits close to home. The shooter already caught is 15 years old. THE FUCKING SOROS BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR DIST. ATT. HAS NOT STATED IF THIS MONKEY PIECE OF AMPHIBIAN SHIT WILL BE CHARGED AS AN ADULT. Nope... I'll give you 10 to 1 odds this piece of nigger filth will walk on his 21st shitlet day.... They are looking for a 18 year old accomplice - also a filthy monkey.

Check out the news conference here... Fucking MONKEY 'Mayor'... Fucking MONKEY Chief of Police... Fucking MONKEY District Attorney....


Actually listen to the D/A... She makes no sense... She talks about the Perp being 'not safe' and then says the same thing about the community... As if equating the two.... Ape-firmative action... Disgusting.

No wonder New York is emptying out. Anyone who can get out... has gotten out.

08-04-2022, 12:19 AM
No wonder New York is emptying out. Anyone who can get out... has gotten out.

If you can't make it here
You can't make it out of here
It's not up to you
You're screwed NEW YOOORRRRRKKKKK!!!

Frank Sinatra's ghost

08-04-2022, 04:01 AM
They can go ahead and start calling it the Big Wamellum for all I care... doubt I'll be back that way again in this life.

Same for San Fransh*tsco.