View Full Version : A "Boston-area resident" ambushes, murders veteran police officer.

07-24-2022, 01:25 PM
Rochester Police Chief David Smith said Kelvin Vickers, 21, a Boston-area resident, was taken into police custody and charged with second-degree murder (https://www.foxnews.com/category/us/crime/homicide), second-degree attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon in the death of officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz.

Since when is an ambush a "second-degree" murder? Oh, right - when a nigger does it.

Police Capt. Frank Umbrino said Vickers approached an unmarked surveillance vehicle with Mazurkiewicz and Sneg inside and fired 17 rounds into the vehicle from several feet away.

They failed to include the portrait of the "Massachusetts man".

Mr. Vickers:


Jim Crow
07-24-2022, 08:02 PM
Since when is an ambush a "second-degree" murder? Oh, right - when a nigger does it.

They failed to include the portrait of the "Massachusetts man".

Mr. Vickers:


That’s not a man! It’s a nigger! And I agree with you.Ambushing and firing 17 shots, that’s first-degree premeditated murder!