View Full Version : She boons Anasia and Sakaria attack/shoot owner of Jamaican restaurant because bad food something something

Whitey Ford
07-24-2022, 11:34 AM
Woman accused of shooting Roselawn restaurant owner over meals


Anasia Shinholster and Sakaria Williams were at Yummi Xpress on Reading Road in Roselawn on Friday when they apparently weren't happy with their meals, say police. They wanted their money back.

Williams allegedly sucker punched an employee in the face, which started the altercation. She reportedly kept asking Shinholster to shoot. Police say Shinholster then pulled a gun out of her purse and shot the restaurant owner in the arm.


07-24-2022, 03:32 PM
Good thing it was nigger marksmanship.
This is very typical of niggers. They will eat most of the food and then don't pay. When confronted, they fein dissatisfaction. Same stupid tactics.

07-24-2022, 03:33 PM
I should also add that you cannot Anasia black eyes.

07-24-2022, 06:21 PM
I still marvel at how much the sows and bucks look alike. "Shinholster"? Really? :lol

As for the nigger crimes - nothing unusual when niggers are committing murder over condiments.

You reap what you sow, Libtards. I just hope all of them are targets of the plague they have unleashed with their "Niggers are Sacred" campaign.

07-24-2022, 06:31 PM
I still marvel at how much the sows and bucks look alike. .

Both sows and bucks have 25% higher testosterone than than humans of similar gender. The stuff is rocket fuel and impacts every part of the body. Sows most definitely display exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics as a result... Outlandish asses, disgustingly huge breasts... lower tone to voice.... Masculine features in the face....

Simply, they are not human

07-24-2022, 07:48 PM
Both sows and bucks have 25% higher testosterone than than humans of similar gender. The stuff is rocket fuel and impacts every part of the body. Sows most definitely display exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics as a result... Outlandish asses, disgustingly huge breasts... lower tone to voice.... Masculine features in the face....

Simply, they are not human

Many years ago, they recreated a rendition of what a Neanderthal would look like. When they were done, it looked like Chuck Norris. The Neanderthal is considered a different species.

The nigger looks nothing like us. The nigger is considered the same species.


Jim Crow
07-24-2022, 07:49 PM
[QUOTE=IseDaDiva;220111]I still marvel at how much the sows and bucks look alike. "Shinholster"? Really? :lol

Niggers are beasts.With beasts, it’s hard to tell a male from a female without looking under it’s tail!

07-24-2022, 07:51 PM

07-24-2022, 11:31 PM
Both sows and bucks have 25% higher testosterone than than humans of similar gender. The stuff is rocket fuel and impacts every part of the body. Sows most definitely display exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics as a result... Outlandish asses, disgustingly huge breasts... lower tone to voice.... Masculine features in the face....

Simply, they are not human

I think a lot of sows need to shave. Maybe Gillette can help.


07-25-2022, 09:14 AM
Many years ago, they recreated a rendition of what a Neanderthal would look like. When they were done, it looked like Chuck Norris. The Neanderthal is considered a different species.

The nigger looks nothing like us. The nigger is considered the same species.


Interestingly, niggers have NO Neanderthal genes in their system Whites, Asians others do... The gift the Neandertals gave us was a larger brain case and thereby making us superior to the nigger beast. This fact has been scrubbed buried by Google as 'Dat Sheeit bez RAYCISSSSS'... But it's true... Niggers are NOT direct descendants of Neanderthals Whites are.

Here's how the woke filth covers for the nigger genetic shortcomings.... They simply claim it's not true!!!

"By suggesting that Europeans introduced Neanderthal sequences into Africa, the new study points to an explanation: Researchers previously assumed that Neanderthal sequences shared by Europeans and Africans were modern and subtracted them out. After correcting for that bias, the new study found similar amounts of Neanderthal DNA in Europeans and Asians—51 and 55 Mb, respectively. It's a "convincing and elegant" explanation, Harris says."

It's not 'convincing and elegant'.... It's liberal woke tripe covering for filthy nigger inferiority....

07-25-2022, 01:02 PM
I think a lot of sows need to shave. Maybe Gillette can help.


That female creature has more male secondary characteristics than most white men.... Patently disgusting

Ray Cizzums
07-25-2022, 03:17 PM

Okay -that's Stacey Abrams....

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-25-2022, 03:28 PM
Both sows and bucks have 25% higher testosterone than than humans of similar gender. The stuff is rocket fuel and impacts every part of the body. Sows most definitely display exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics as a result... Outlandish asses, disgustingly huge breasts... lower tone to voice.... Masculine features in the face....

Simply, they are not human
Their clitoris can also resemble a cock.

07-25-2022, 03:36 PM
Okay -that's Stacey Abrams....

Damn. I'm sorry. I got them confused.

07-25-2022, 04:50 PM
Their clitoris can also resemble a cock.

I guess that's why they're so sex-mad. Sows are so filthy and vile that nothing on the planet compares. They put cockroaches and bucks to shame.


07-25-2022, 07:29 PM
Their clitoris can also resemble a cock.

I've heard that... Woman who have had hysterectomies who take hormone support meds report their clits going enormously... (not a bad thing for humans)...

Sows normally have excessive testostorone in their systems... and the results are the same clits that look like dicks.... Freakish genitalia..

07-25-2022, 07:34 PM
I guess that's why they're so sex-mad. Sows are so filthy and vile that nothing on the planet compares. They put cockroaches and bucks to shame.

20466 This is easy to confirm on Google: Sows have a 50 percent incidence of Genital Herpes.... (Bucks have a slightly lower incidence) Engage in beastiality??? You've got a 50-50 chance of poisoning yourself for LIFE..... These creatures DEFINE DISGUSTING!