View Full Version : Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III guns down father and daughter, but he's a good boi

07-23-2022, 05:28 PM
A woman whose husband and daughter were killed after a road rage incident in Georgetown County in 2020 shared her experience since losing her loved ones.

It's been two years and road rage nigger has yet to go to trial. It got a competency hearing, because maybe the nog dindunuffin. Even the prosecutor (!!) is cheerleading for the murderous, savage groid:

The competency hearing surprised her because several months before, the prosecutor mentioned Walters taking care of children, having two jobs and getting a promotion.

Well, the buck was doing all those wonderful things when it wasn't out driving around with no license, looking for victims. I hope that if this ever goes to trial, they won't be too hard on the nigger.



07-23-2022, 07:36 PM
Just look at that thing! Disgusting, savage sub-ape!

Jim Crow
07-23-2022, 08:34 PM
I’m sure if the tables were turned,victims were niggers and perp was white,they’d be calling for the def penalty and rioting in the skreet!

07-24-2022, 02:41 AM
I’m sure if the tables were turned, victims were niggers and perp was white, they’d be calling for the def penalty and rioting in the skreet!
For sure, the libgarbage are forever claiming the poor dindunuffins are living in fear of bad old YT. Yet if you throw a case like this in their face, they barf out fake nooz or whitey used the nigger word, yadda yadda

07-24-2022, 12:23 PM
Just look at that thing! Disgusting, savage sub-ape!

Homo erectus is what it beez!!

07-24-2022, 09:34 PM
Homo erectus is what it beez!!

Sheeeeit! It's got that pre-human brow ridge, and the sloping fo' haid like the homo erectus

07-24-2022, 10:02 PM
I’m sure if the tables were turned,victims were niggers and perp was white,they’d be calling for the def penalty and rioting in the skreet!

damn skrait !!

That savage nog is just sitting around Nigger U , tending to his cornrows, and cornholing his celly at taxpayer expense.

07-24-2022, 10:25 PM
damn skrait !!

That savage nog is just sitting around Nigger U , tending to his cornrows, and cornholing his celly at taxpayer expense.

Such a shame. That woman lost her husband and daughter, who looked like nice people. I honestly would not be able to go on.

07-24-2022, 11:56 PM
Such a shame. That woman lost her husband and daughter, who looked like nice people. I honestly would not be able to go on.

I guess she can just go on by trying to find some way to get justice for the murders of her beautiful daughter and her husband. They're dead because a waste-of-oxygen POS nigger felt like killing them. This story will just go away and the Libtards will hope people forget about it so they can turn the nigger loose.

I guess there won't be any riots, parades, or statues in honour of them.


07-25-2022, 12:07 AM
I guess she can just go on by trying to find some way to get justice for the murders of her beautiful daughter and her husband. They're dead because a waste-of-oxygen POS nigger felt like killing them. This story will just go away and the Libtards will hope people forget about it so they can turn the nigger loose.

I guess there won't be any riots, parades, or statues in honour of them.

I went on facespook to see what they were saying about this. Of course some people said why is this not in the news and it's the first time they heard of it. Some stupid white of course called this woman racist and a Karen. Who cares. Call me racist. Only to them is a nigger's feelings more important than the life of a man and his stepdaughter. I read the nigger hit their car too. The media said road rage. That makes it like both parties were involved which I'm sure is bull shit.

I went on facespook to see what they were saying about this. Of course some people said why is this not in the news and it's the first time they heard of it. Some stupid white of course called this woman racist and a Karen. Who cares. Call me racist. Only to them is a nigger's feelings more important than the life of a man and his stepdaughter. I read the nigger hit their car too. The media said road rage. That makes it like both parties were involved which I'm sure is bull shit.


07-25-2022, 08:59 AM
Sheeeeit! It's got that pre-human brow ridge, and the sloping fo' haid like the homo erectus

Tru Dat, Maing!!

07-25-2022, 09:51 AM
For a moment there, I thought it keeled it's own pappy and daughter, but as we all know, it's highly unlikely it knows who its father is.

07-25-2022, 09:58 AM
What's that? They used the nigger word?
Nigger's actions totally justified.

07-25-2022, 11:43 AM
I guess she can just go on by trying to find some way to get justice for the murders of her beautiful daughter and her husband. They're dead because a waste-of-oxygen POS nigger felt like killing them. This story will just go away and the Libtards will hope people forget about it so they can turn the nigger loose.

I guess there won't be any riots, parades, or statues in honour of them.


That's one pretty girl. She seems to look like dad. That's quite a loss. It's sad that these humans think they can reason with a primitive sub-ape.

07-25-2022, 12:16 PM
That's one pretty girl. She seems to look like dad. That's quite a loss. It's sad that these humans think they can reason with a primitive sub-ape.

Until that stops we are going to continue to have these problems.