View Full Version : "Elvis" Nigger Dead

Nigger Wrangler
07-22-2022, 10:03 PM
The nigger sow who "got it's big break" in the new Elvis movie is dead. The 44 year old black-as-coal sow was found dead. The police don't suspect foul play. I'd be incredibly surprised if drugs weren't involved. Niggers love drugs.

Sadly the nigger "gifted" the world with two niglets before passing on.

A beautiful and uplifting way to start the weekend nonetheless!


Tar Remover
07-23-2022, 12:32 AM
My money is on fentanyl!

Jim Crow
07-23-2022, 09:57 AM
Never heard of the sow.Glad its daid!

07-23-2022, 11:46 AM
She was a famous American Actress and Blues singer.

Guess I haven't been paying attention. Never heard of the sow.

Shonka was known for the movie Elvis (2022) and Doja Cat: Vegas (2022).
Shonka had her debut album in the works

How famous could she be - first movie and "debut" album this year at age 44? Maybe a Tik Tok "star"??

Two niglets and no baby daddies. I see all her fame didn't stifle the TNB.

Husband name - Not Known

I bet the sow itself didn't know the name(s) of the sire(s) of the sprogs.