View Full Version : What is going on with the USA?

07-22-2022, 09:53 PM
I'm starting to get a little stressed out... I just went to my local supermarket to try and get some meat, and the cheapest thing there was chicken gizzards for $9. Beer has more than doubled in price. Frozen potatoes are now around $6 a bag (almost making it cheaper to consider buying a bag of chips.) A loaf of bread is $4 minimum. Peanut butter is $9 for the smallest jar.

It almost makes more sense to get fast food instead of buying food at the store and cooking it myself.

It's disturbing how quickly things seem to be falling apart.

And of course there's the war against Russia that I'm sure nobody except Joey Biden wanted (who else thought spending billions of dollars on an unwinnable war was a good idea?), the ridiculous diesel prices (I can't be the only one here that would tolerate higher gas prices if it meant dropping the price of diesel by $1-2 for a couple of months), the attempts to replace our energy grids with green energy, the elites telling us to eat cake buy Teslas, and all kinds of boneheaded decisions that seem to be doing nothing except destroying our once beautiful nation.

I know the liberals, niggers, democrats, black people of color, antifas, and the colored people hated Trump, but I'll bet even some of them would rather have "orange man bad" running the USA instead of Joey. I don't really understand how it is possible for our politicians to be failing so badly. I mean, this goes beyond incompetence and feels like dangerous malicious intent, especially considering so many of our problems could have been avoided.

I mean, it feels almost like they make decisions without ever considering the long term consequences. It's practically nigger tier stupidity in some cases. If things keep going the way they are, I bet people will start rioting. If food prices keep increasing at the current rate, people are going to start starving.

I wonder if Russia would let me emigrate there... I heard they had lots of food and water... and jobs... and a strong ruble, unlike the euro or the dollar... and they hate niggers...

Keep Britain White
07-23-2022, 05:29 AM
this goes beyond incompetence and feels like dangerous malicious intent

I'm sure that's exactly what it is!

I'm shocked at some of the prices you mention. $4 for a loaf of bread? Really? Be cheaper to fly over here to Britain and do your shopping!
I knew things were bad - but not that bad!

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-23-2022, 05:31 AM
I'm sure that's exactly what it is!

I'm shocked at some of the prices you mention. $4 for a loaf of bread? Really? Be cheaper to fly over here to Britain and do your shopping!
I knew things were bad - but not that bad!
Yes, we are slowly turning into an inflation ridden, third world shithole just how the libs like it.

Jim Crow
07-23-2022, 09:39 AM
Liberals’ strategy is to cause chaos and despair. Then they want to appear to be the ones to fix it.While pinning the blame on the Right!That’s what they do to gain trust of the sheep in order to get control over them!
Read your history books while you still can!! That’s exactly how all dictators and communist take over a country! Buy the book “rules for radicals”. It’s 10 bucks on Amazon.That is the liberal playbook!

07-23-2022, 12:08 PM
Liberals’ strategy is to cause chaos and despair. Then they want to appear to be the ones to fix it.While pinning the blame on the Right!That’s what they do to gain trust of the sheep in order to get control over them!
Read your history books while you still can!! That’s exactly how all dictators and communist take over a country! Buy the book “rules for radicals”. It’s 10 bucks on Amazon.That is the liberal playbook!

Tru Dat!! Those libturds are "Alinskyites" to the max!!

07-23-2022, 12:45 PM
Same here in Canada. 4$ bread, 7$ butter, 2 chicken breasts 11 - 15$, gas over 8$/gallon, boxed salad greens - 5.49$ and on and on, although I did score a 1KG jar of peanut butter for 4.99!

On top of all that, we have to subsidize the infestation of hordes of "migrants" (savage niggers and muzzies) parasitizing us.

Although I'm not happy about 2 small bags of groceries costing 128$, it's not really a hardship for me but I think about human families with a couple of kids who were already struggling before the plague and must be feeling a terrible pinch.

Jim Crow
07-23-2022, 02:39 PM
Same here in Canada. 4$ bread, 7$ butter, 2 chicken breasts 11 - 15$, gas over 8$/gallon, boxed salad greens - 5.49$ and on and on, although I did score a 1KG jar of peanut butter for 4.99!

On top of all that, we have to subsidize the infestation of hordes of "migrants" (savage niggers and muzzies) parasitizing us.

Although I'm not happy about 2 small bags of groceries costing 128$, it's not really a hardship for me but I think about human families with a couple of kids who were already struggling before the plague and must be feeling a terrible pinch.

Today we went shopping at Sams for the things we only get once every couple months.40 lb containers of tidy cat litter.Rolls of paper towels garbage bags laurdy det,ect… everything with Shop at least 20% or more! And if you say something about it, the liberals will say gas prices/inflation have nothing to do w/By. If that’s the case, why does the liberal media give the old fuck credit every time the price of gas goes down two cents?

07-23-2022, 06:31 PM
Globalists are doing this on purpose to destroy our country. There is no coming back from this. They have the dems / libs / nigs in their back pockets to use as the useful idiots they are. Everything you said in your post is reasonable except moving to Russia. Love Putin or hate Putin, he is very authoritarian not unlike his communist counterparts from back in the day. Remember he is ex KGB and what he wants the most is to revive the glory days of the USSR. I do not stand with Ukraine nor do I stand with Russia. I am neutral and don't give a shit about what is going on out there but you are right in that billions of dollars are being wasted on something that is about to tip off WW3. We won't win. Sending an army of women and trans freaks to fight will end badly for us.

Tell it like it is
07-24-2022, 09:04 AM
Globalists are doing this on purpose to destroy our country. There is no coming back from this. They have the dems / libs / nigs in their back pockets to use as the useful idiots they are. Everything you said in your post is reasonable except moving to Russia. Love Putin or hate Putin, he is very authoritarian not unlike his communist counterparts from back in the day. Remember he is ex KGB and what he wants the most is to revive the glory days of the USSR. I do not stand with Ukraine nor do I stand with Russia. I am neutral and don't give a shit about what is going on out there but you are right in that billions of dollars are being wasted on something that is about to tip off WW3. We won't win. Sending an army of women and trans freaks to fight will end badly for us.

More outrage over a freaking Muppet (yes, I said a Muppet) not paying the desired amount of attention to niglet in sesame place than the general destruction of our nation.
I have literally cried watching the destruction and death in Ukraine, but all the more the destruction of this nation. At least the Ukrainians will try to fight back. Half of our nation is adding fuel to the fire, and the others are too busy watching filthy drag queens read stories about inclusion to our children. And OMG....
really? really? A military recruitment ad focusing on queers and equating fighting for queer rights with protecting this nation?
Niggers killing dozens every weekend, but they want MY Ar15?
Oh, no says I !
I am sad to say I buried my 81 year old father two days ago, but I take comfort in knowing he did not live to see the fall of this country he loved.He was a hard working man from the South, and had no problem using the word nigger when appropriate.
And when he served his country, he used an M1 garand, a 1911, and the old stars and stripes was on his shoulder... not a damn hair dryer and a rainbow fag rag.
If we don't make some changes soon, I promise you that disrespectful Muppets will not be our worst problems.
I am racist as hell, and I approve this message.

Russia is Nigeria with Snow
07-24-2022, 12:23 PM
I wonder if Russia would let me emigrate there... I heard they had lots of food and water... and jobs... and a strong ruble, unlike the euro or the dollar... and they hate niggers...

Ehhhh, you might want to rethink the whole moving to Russia bit. Russia is basically Nigeria with Snow. https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/russia-is-nigeria-with-snow/

07-24-2022, 06:26 PM
Ehhhh, you might want to rethink the whole moving to Russia bit. Russia is basically Nigeria with Snow. https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/russia-is-nigeria-with-snow/

A lot of those stats are laughably silly. Oh yes, 1% of the population uses opiates. 1% of the population has AIDS. They live 0.5 years less than the rest of the world on average. The homicide rate is approximately the same as the USA's.

If anything, you are making Russia sound better than the USA.

07-25-2022, 09:46 PM
Yes, we are slowly turning into an inflation ridden, third world shithole just how the libs like it.

They lie all the way to election wins, riding on the back of gibsmedat niggers and illegal immigrant votes. Their dimwitted constituents think there is always more of other people's money they'll
get for keeping libtards in power, and the swine care for nothing else. Old Farty Joe would trash the country for his crackhead shitpup alone. If another one of these feeble minded fakes
scam and cheat their way to the top in 2024 that will pretty much seal the deal on the 3rd worldification. No wonder sane people are seriously discussing walling off from the degradation !

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-26-2022, 12:01 AM
They lie all the way to election wins, riding on the back of gibsmedat niggers and illegal immigrant votes. Their dimwitted constituents think there is always more of other people's money they'll
get for keeping libtards in power, and the swine care for nothing else. Old Farty Joe would trash the country for his crackhead shitpup alone. If another one of these feeble minded fakes
scam and cheat their way to the top in 2024 that will pretty much seal the deal on the 3rd worldification. No wonder sane people are seriously discussing walling off from the degradation !
I wish there was a place us sane folk could go where no libs or niggers are allowed but they would infiltrate it anyways eventually. You can’t win. We told these idiots handing out free money and raising the minimum wage would result in inflation, they called us the stupid ones. Now, here we are and they still can’t figure out why. Hell, they blame the rest of us for it!