View Full Version : NAACP visit the BBQ joint

07-17-2022, 08:56 PM
Visiting my friend at his BBQ joint Friday and 4 niggers, a buck and three sows with Georgia plates shuffled inside. Local niggers almost never go inside the restaurant but use curb service. They know Whitey don't want them in there. I said to myself, "This ought to be good."
My friend the owner and 2 employees were bagging and boxing 4 separate orders. It usually goes like this with niggers: they want to order together but pay for everything separately, hoping to put one over on Whitey.
What happens when 4 apes with average I.Q.'s of 80 try that with a man with an I.Q. of 160 and a 4 year degree in "bidness"? Epic nigger fail. The convention picked up their orders, individually bagged with the contents and cost of each order written on the bag and accompanied by a copy of the register tape, so there would be no questions.
They left without shafting Whitey out of anything.

07-18-2022, 09:16 AM
NAACP = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems

07-18-2022, 10:16 AM
U got it

Jim Crow
07-18-2022, 04:22 PM
Yep.Thats the way itis in my business too. I rarely work for niggers and try to avoid them all I can. But sometimes, the niggers are tenants of a good customer I’ve worked for. Or sometime I get trapped in a job that happens to have niggers in the family.,ect….
I always add extra to the job if I have to work around niggers. There was a sow that was a tenant a few weeks back. It would walk on wet tile, throw out my helpers’ bottles of water from the refrigerator. And throw our tools outside on the porch. Constantly complain about shit when it wasn’t paying a dime. Not wanting to move furniture and being a nigger in general. My customer and I had to renegotiate the contract for more money. Finished job,got paid and left w/ a five star review!
Right now I’m putting together a referral job from an ex military customer whom I’ve worked for sice early 2000. The referral is an ex-military nigger. I couldn’t refuse the job because my customer claims it’s one of his best friends. This is business. I will just charge as necessary and get it done to perfection.
So far it’s tolerable.But I’ve noticed that Sgt nigger does not like to keep a set schedule.And it also likes special treatment.Changes and special treatment means I charge more money!And I made it clear!If it sounds like I will deal with a nigger for money. You’re right! But the money has to be there and boundaries need to be kept . I am very respectful to my customers, but I am also very assertive. I’ve been doing this a long time and rarely have I had to leave a job. But I will if I see problems I don’t want to deal with.

07-18-2022, 05:37 PM
^^^^why? Why????Whyyyyyyyyyy?^^^^^

07-19-2022, 08:11 PM

07-22-2022, 03:52 PM
There was a sow that was a tenant a few weeks back. It would walk on wet tile, throw out my helpers’ bottles of water from the refrigerator. And throw our tools outside on the porch. Constantly complain about shit when it wasn’t paying a dime. Not wanting to move furniture and being a nigger in general. My customer and I had to renegotiate the contract for more money. Finished job,got paid and left w/ a five star review!
I remember that you told the beginning of that story a few weeks ago, before you even started that job, when the sow refused to remove the furniture. I just knew that wouldn't be the end! Niggers always are the source of problems. I bet she walked on wet tile deliberately, just to annoy whitey! Good to hear that you were able to finish the job without a loss!

Jim Crow
07-22-2022, 04:56 PM
I remember that you told the beginning of that story a few weeks ago, before you even started that job, when the sow refused to remove the furniture. I just knew that wouldn't be the end! Niggers always are the source of problems. I bet she walked on wet tile deliberately, just to annoy whitey! Good to hear that you were able to finish the job without a loss!

Just a typical nigger. I did what I had to do to get the job done and maintain my professional reputation. There was no loss for me, and I charged the owner extra for my inconveniences.
The sow’s lease was up this month. The landlady said she was going to jack up the rent so the sow will leave. Then she is going to call me to remodel the shower and the tub. I’ve learned how to always profit from a job!

07-22-2022, 05:06 PM
Just a typical nigger. I did what I had to do to get the job done and maintain my professional reputation. There was no loss for me, and I charged the owner extra for my inconveniences.
The sow’s lease was up this month. The landlady said she was going to jack up the rent so the sow will leave. Then she is going to call me to remodel the shower and the tub. I’ve learned how to always profit from a job!
I am glad to hear that! I don't understand how anyone can rent to a nigger anyway! Judging from how they behave over here, I'd assume one has to renovate the building completely after niggers lived in there for a few weeks.

Jim Crow
07-22-2022, 05:11 PM
I am glad to hear that! I don't understand how anyone can rent to a nigger anyway! Judging from how they behave over here, I'd assume one has to renovate the building completely after niggers lived in there for a few weeks.

I believe it was the same situation that happened to my sister when she rented the house in Connecticut. They hire a property management company. The property management company does not care who they rent to. They just want to get paid! It’s best to rent out the property your self. That way you can always say there was someone else who is interested and you’ll get back to them.
Renting your property to a nigger always results in money loss. I believe my sister lost over $11,000 in past due payments and damage repair costs. And that’s because she was lucky! Niggers can completely destroy your property!

07-22-2022, 05:42 PM
I believe it was the same situation that happened to my sister when she rented the house in Connecticut. They hire a property management company. The property management company does not care who they rent to. They just want to get paid! It’s best to rent out the property your self. That way you can always say there was someone else who is interested and you’ll get back to them.
Renting your property to a nigger always results in money loss. I believe my sister lost over $11,000 in past due payments and damage repair costs. And that’s because she was lucky! Niggers can completely destroy your property!

Oh wow, that's bad!! Crazy, I'll probably take years to compensate that kind of loss, just because of one foul tenant. Niggers ruin everything! I didn't think of the property management company, but you are right of course.

07-22-2022, 05:43 PM
Hahaha!!! Right now there is Grandmammy Sow, Unwed Ho nigrette, and niglet in training sitting inside the restaurant. I wonder if the older niggers are training the little shit to try to shaft Whitey. I almost never see niggers inside.

Jim Crow
07-22-2022, 08:23 PM
Oh wow, that's bad!! Crazy, I'll probably take years to compensate that kind of loss, just because of one foul tenant. Niggers ruin everything! I didn't think of the property management company, but you are right of course.

You’d probably be better off if they burnt down the house. Because I think that would be covered by insurance. But when tenants don’t pay you for six months rent because the liberal courts allow them to live there for free, that’s not covered!

Tar Remover
07-27-2022, 03:11 AM
Yep. No end to niggatry....

07-29-2022, 08:46 AM
Oh wow, that's bad!! Crazy, I'll probably take years to compensate that kind of loss, just because of one foul tenant. Niggers ruin everything! I didn't think of the property management company, but you are right of course. I might rent a barn or a stable to the nogs.

07-29-2022, 10:21 AM
I might rent a barn or a stable to the nogs.
Nice idea, and really generous of you! Because everything more advanced than a tree is more than they could archive by themselves.

07-29-2022, 10:52 AM
Nice idea, and really generous of you! Because everything more advanced than a tree is more than they could archive by themselves.
I knew this lady in the Adirondacks who rented yurts and treehouses in the forest, but even those are too advanced for ground apes.