View Full Version : Minneapolis again

07-17-2022, 11:32 AM
Minneapolis nigger who I will not name went outside his apartment and started firing into other apartments.
Some poor lady had bullets fly into her bathroom, bedroom and had to flee in fear of her life and her children
Cops took him down.
Now comes the sick part
Protesters show up with media to stand up for this guy and they get in the face of the woman who was shot at
What is really disgusting is around 3:15 in this video several nigga women get in the victims face.
Niggas do not respect crime victims, trying to justify what the nigga did is all that matters to them

Search the web, plenty of stories and videos out there

07-17-2022, 12:13 PM
George Groyd and the Somali Congresshoe's hometown

07-17-2022, 06:09 PM
Minneapolis has really turned to crap.

Jim Crow
07-17-2022, 06:56 PM
Niggers sayin he wuz a good boi!How dare a victim show up to speak the truth!

07-17-2022, 09:52 PM
Wow these protesters... can we blast them with a firehose full of nigger shit, scoop them up into a tractor and then dump them on a boat to Apefrica please?
How did I know they'red be a bunch of traitor faggot cuck whites there with their BLM hats and their cell phones on a stick recording video. Total human garbage.
She talks like a wanna be nigger. Arguing with niggers and cuck BLM supporters? Well I guess it's better than nothing. Not something I would do. I would not go down to their level. But maybe it makes these idiots see it's an actual person not just a name like they thought.
Every single protester there just toss them in a sewage boat back to Africa. Whites showing up to cuck with the niggers, sickening.

Tekle Sundberg LOL some unhinged crazy Jew nigger? LOL was goodified?
This sea of human garbage that I am seeing in this video, is getting to me. It's a see of frikkin low IQ low class trash people and cuck cowards that suck nigger dick, is all it is. These people aren't Americans, not to me. Americans from the USA are white and intelligent, these people are nothing like that.
It's depressing. Like a god damn Jerry Springer show. I guess all intelligent people have moved away because they don't want to live around niggers.
It's low rent section Ape minority breeding facilities I guess what do I expect.

07-17-2022, 09:59 PM
He was adopted by white parents I guess. The parents were there protesting too. They just look like a run of the mill middlle age white couple. They are saying the cops should not have shot Tekle. Who knows.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-18-2022, 12:10 AM
The cops should have scooped its worthless body up afterwards and thrown it into a landfill with all the other vile niggers they have to deal with or just chuck it in the animal incinerator where they chuck any common roadkill.

Whitey Ford
07-18-2022, 03:08 AM
I wanna propose a new law. This new legislation would stipulate that nigger protesters who annoyingly protest and break any laws (including just disturbing the peace with loud bullhorns) will immediately lose all public assistance/welfare/section eight/food stamps etc etc immediately upon arrest. And will not be eligible for any of the aforementioned again for a period of no less than 5 years. Watch the streets clear out real quick if that law ever did get passed.

Whitey Ford
07-18-2022, 03:13 AM
LOL Sundberg- wassit some sort of Swede nigger or something?

Niggers have no place in Sweden. Seriously.


Stonefunkers - Can U Follow (Official Music Video) Remastered @Videos80s

Stonefunkers is a Swedish funk, go-go and live hip hop band started by brothers Emrik and Torsten Larsson that was one of the first Swedish bands to play "urban"-style music.

Urban=nigger in this case.

07-18-2022, 07:55 AM
Isn't Minnesota one of the states where people consistently voted for Dumbocrats since the 1970s? Of course they defend the criminal!

07-18-2022, 08:05 AM
Useless creatures. All niggers and their insane supporters and enablers shall be removed to the pleasant spaces of Wakanda when I become HHIC !!

07-19-2022, 11:05 AM
"Minneapolis again" is a poor title. I was going to post this because I did not find it already posted.
You're not the only one, I'm just picking on you because I'm unfair.
No hard feelings. I'll just go ahead and like a bunch of random posts.


07-19-2022, 01:32 PM
Sadly, I was downtown when this happened. I hate going downtown Minneapolis, if I have to go there, I try to do it between 10am to 3pm. Anything after 3pm, you are fucked.

So, after he was made good, people started the rumor shit downtown. I heard everything from he was unarmed, he was a minister, that he was minding his own business, it was a "no-knock" warrant served at the wrong place, etc. Any excuse the niggers could make up, became fact. Even now, knowing he was a typical deranged nigger, shooting wildly, the left are still clutching their pearls claiming he didn't have to die. That they could have sent in a crisis counselor to save the day (like he wouldn't have shot and raped them).

Luckily, this hasn't gotten to the St. George The Breathless status yet. But who knows, niggers look for any reason to riot and loot.